Chapter 8

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We got out my car and walked to the door, I was leaning on Nialls shoulder as we walked and his hand was on my waist, I felt so weak from all that had happened. Once we got in I went to the kitchen and got something to drink then I sat down on the counter and rested my head in my hands but winced at the pressure I picked my head up and looked at my wrists and they were purple and green. "What's wrong love?" I heard Niall ask as his steps got closer and I just rested my arms down on my legs and looked down. I felt his hand on my back and I looked up to see that he was now in front of me, "What is it princess?" "My wrists hurt.." I replied and he looked down at them and then the look that he gave me when he looked up at me cut my soul in two, It made my heart hurt honestly. The look was so sad like he'd failed me and he felt responsible for all that happened today, it looked like he could've cried. "Niall none of this is your fault." I said and placed my hands on either side of his face. "If i'd have seen Tanner then none of this would have happened." he replied and looked down, "Niall come on don't act like that, You couldn't help that it happened. You got hit from behind." I said lifting his head back up so he'd look at me."I bet that if Harry were in my place and I were in his this wouldn't have happened." "What do you mean by that Niall?" I said and moved my hands from his face to his shoulders. "He cares so much for you.. he wouldn't let anything happen to you. I try.. but can't seem to get it right. You get hurt around me it seems. Knowing him he would've seen Tanner." "Niall, Babe don't be like that. You do keep me safe. You saved me tonight, and two days ago when Dylan took me in that old class room.. Niall you can't protect me from everything, but yet you've saved me twice. I couldn't be happier because of you finding me you've kept him from raping me or killing me... so don't think that just because Harry is a tad more vigilant that he's better than you." I stated and pulled him to me and wrapped me arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. "And Niall you care for me a lot I can tell, I know Harry really cares for me too but I think  you care for me more." I said and kissed his jawline. "I care for you more than  words could express Emmilia." his reply made my heart skip a beat and my stomach fill with butterflies, I looked up and he was looking at me his blue eyes gazing into mine and nowhere else then I replied. "Well maybe you could show me how much you care for me." 

At my reply he actually looked a little stunned, "You mean se-" "Yeah that's what I mean Niall." I replied back through a giggle that stopping him before he finished his sentence. "Emmilia you're sure about this right?" "Yes." I replied and pressed my lips to his and he pulled me forwards toward him and deepened the kiss and I slid off the counter and ran my hands up his chest then pulled his shirt over his head then he pulled me forward and unzipped his jacket that I had on, Then he kissed my collarbone and up my neck and back to my lips, and when he kissed me it was like he never wanted to let me go, like he had the want for more. The kiss was filled with passion. He pulled back from the kiss and looked at me, we were against the wall near my staircase his hands were on either side of the wall by my head and his body was against mine then I heard him whisper something then he kissed my neck, "Jump."  I did so and he caught me so that I was straddling him and he kissed me again before walking up the stairs, as we went up I kissed his shoulder blades and up his neck and to his jawline and I unbuttoned his jeans and then we were in my room. He sat me on my bed and I flopped my shoes off then he took his shoes off and stepped out his jeans then leaned over me and kissed me then he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off my legs slowly then climbed on my bed in straddle over me and kissed me then pulled back , "Do you want to go through with this Emi?" My heart was beating a million miles per hour I'm pretty sure, "Yes Niall I'm sure." I said shakily and pulled him down and kissed him with all I had.

I woke up snuggled to Nialls chest, he smelt so good I swear the way this boy makes me feel is something else. I look up to see the gorgeous boy that holds me in his arms and he's sound asleep looking like an angel... cheesy I know but it's true he's amazing. I look down feeling slightly cold all of the sudden and notice my bra isn't on.. "Am I naked?" I whisper to myself and pick up the comforter that was over us and sure thing I was nude.. "Great, why didn't I put my underwear back on?" I said in little bit louder whisper this time and wiggled out of Nialls arms and slid to the corner of my bed to see if I could find my undergarments and I found my underwear right by my bed and slipped them on but of course to my luck my bra was across my room. After I let out a sigh I went to get up but got pulled back down and started to giggle as Niall got on top of me in straddle form, thank god the sheet was around him that might have been awkward if it wasn't.. and well I'm laying here half exposed without my bra on, "Niall get off of me I need my bra." I said through a giggle as I covered my chest with my arms, "Ha, why it's not like I haven't seen them now? We slept nude after doing it so you have nothing to hide." he says through a chuckle and bends down and kisses my forehead, I gasped at his comment about us doing it then the nude sleeping and I playfully slapped his arm, but it was a bad idea on my part because he totally grabbed my arm and pinned it down and kissed my wrist that was hurt then he glanced over at my other arm that was still across my chest and he smirked, he picked up his other hand and walked his fingers down my arm until it was just above my wrist and he slowly wrapped his hand around it so he wouldn't hurt it, "Niall, what are you doing?" "Oh nothing.." he replied with a sly smirk and lifted my other arm and put it against the bed, he intertwined our fingers with both hands then he looked at me and smiled then leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and after a few seconds my arms were around his neck. After we'd been in our makeout sesh for about 5 minutes my phone went off and it pulled us out of our little world that we were in and we both sighed neither of us really wanting to stop but I reluctantly leaned over and grabbed my phone from my bedside table it was from Harry, "Hey where are you two? I've been waiting by your mailbox for like 5 minutes now.. I thought we'd all walk to school this morning like we have for like nearly the past 3 months.  -H x " I dropped my phone and sat up, "Shit! Niall we have school today! Harry is waiting on us by my mailbox." "Damn! I forgot about school, Call him and tell him to come wait inside while we get ready, I'll run down and unlock the door." "Okay I can do that." Then after my response Niall hopped up and went to unlock the door and I called Harry, after the second ring he picked up, "Heelloooo love." "Hey Hazz come up to my house the door is unlocked me and Niall overslept we're hurrying to get ready right now." "Okay love... and I'm not buying the overslept line young missy." He replied and I busted out laughing, "Whatever Hazz just don't come upstairs, I'll be ready in about 25 minutes." and with that I hung up, Niall then walked back in the room, "Hey Emmilia would you be to opposed if we double showered?" "Niall I don't know about that." "Come on I won't try anything I promise, just two people showering in the same shower." "Fine. but don't try anything." I said back looking at the grin that had spread across his face and I giggled slightly at the sight of the adorable boy in front of me, then we turned and went to my bathroom. The shower went good he didn't try anything so that's a plus, and we were only in for like 5 minutes because we were in a hurry. After we got out I wrapped up in a towel and went to the sink and brushed my teeth and gave Niall an extra toothbrush so he could do the same then after that I but on my underclothing and went to my closet, I grabbed my Van Halen t-shirt, my red skinny jeans, and my gold Oxfords then went back to the bathroom and put my hair in a high ponytail and put on my glasses then walked out to see Niall in a change of clothes that I knew he didn't have with him, I looked at him a bit puzzled then he spoke up, "Oh yeah ha, I got Haz to go grab me some clothes." "Ahh, I was wondering because I was thinking there's no way those came from his backpack as well." I said through a giggle then kissed him and we went downstairs and grabbed our bags. I looked up to see Harry holding the clothes that me and Niall had practically ripped of one another last night, "Oh my gosh Harry give me those!" I shrieked as I ran towards him but he only held them above his head, "No I don't think I will, Spill it young missy." he said with a goofy smile on his face. "Hazz don't make me hit you in your hurt arm." I replied back and he stuck his tongue out at me then dropped the clothes and sprinted for the door. "Come on love birds we have to be at school like right now." Harry said as he opened the door, "Okay Hazz we're coming." Niall replied but bent down to help grab the clothes that were on the floor, "This reminds me of when I met you." He said with a cute smile playing at his lips as he got up and held out his arm for me, I grinned the most ridicules smile I'm sure when I looked up at him. "I love the way we met." I replied taking his hand as he helped me up, "Yeah meeting you has been one of the best things to happen to me." He replied and leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to my lips before we turned to walk to the door. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as we walked out my door. After I locked the door I turned to look at Niall then he spoke up, "Here love put on my jacket, it's to cold for you to be in short sleeves." he said holding out the lightweight green jacket to me, "What about you? you need a jacket too." I replied not wanting to take it if he wanted it, "I can hold out until we get to school, I have a hoodie in my locker. Here." he said as he held the jacket open and motioned for me to turn around so he could pull the jacket up my arms. "Thanks cupcake." I replied and pecked his lips then picked up my bag and headed for my car. "Finally." Harry said sarcastically and got in the backseat of my car then me and Niall got in and we left for school. We're only 30 minutes late not to bad right, Wrong the big Biology test is today and we've missed the first 30 minutes of class... Mr. Sanders is going to kill us, and we'll all three be coming in tardy at the same time not weird at all right? Needless to say the car ride to school was fast and filled with us pop quizzing each other on the stuff that's on the test. When we got to school we ran to the main office to file out our tardy slips then we ran to class. We opened the door and the whole class looked up at us, "Ahh you three decided to join us, That's great.  You three can also make up the test together in detention. Now take your seats." Mr. Sanders said and turned around and walked back to the board while me, Niall, and Harry went to our desks. I head Harry whisper a few colorful words to himself as we sat at our desk. Niall was saying something to Marcel and well I just put my head down wishing  for the last fifteen minutes of the class to go by faster. But do you think they did? No, no they did not. This is just fantastic.

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