Chapter 16

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Emmilias POV

It's morning now I can tell from the light that's slightly shining through my window and hitting me in the face from where I lay curled up next to Harry..curled up next to Harry I love thinking that, and in the middle of gazing at the gorgeous curly headed boy that 's got me wrapped in his arms my thoughts get interrupted, "Stop looking at me, I can feel your eyes on me." Harry says in a raspy morning voice that makes my stomach fill with butterflies. "Well don't look so adorable and maybe I wouldn't stare." I say while proping up on my elbow as I still look at him, "You're still looking at me." "am not." at my reply he rolls over on his side and peaks an eye open, "Mhmm sure you aren't." he said through a chuckle then pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me I snuggle my head to his chest then notice he dosen't have his shirt on, "Harry are you shirtless?" "No I'm just wearing my invisible t-shirt." Harry replies causing me to bust out laughing, "Ohh well that's interesting where'd you get it?" "The future." "Darn then that means I can't get one." "Pshh who said that, the future can be right now." he replied with a raspy chuckle sense he still has his morning voice, "Now how will that work, do you have a time machine with you?" "Ha yeah and it's called my hands." Harry said and started poking my stomach, "Ohh is that so?" "Yeah i'm magical." "So you're a wizard?" "Yes, yes I am." "You're a wizard Harry." I said in my best Hagrid voice causing us to laugh, "Oh my gosh that was great." "Thaannnks, I try." I said through a giggle, "Well you don't have to try hard." Harry says and pulls me even closer, "I think i'm as close as I can get Hazz." "Umm no you could be closer." then shortly after his reply I pushed him over onto his back and sat straddle on him and the cover came back reveling his tattoos. "How've I never seen these? " "I don't know, I usually have flannels on or a jacket of some sort on. Something is usually covering my arms." "But I swear i've seen you shirtless before, like last night for instance you had a short sleeve on before bed and I didn't even notice these on your arms. You've had on t-shirts around me before yet I haven't noticed." "Well you were dating Niall maybe you just never gave close attention to other guys bodies." "I guess that's it.. but there so beautiful I don't see how I missed them." "Well thanks love, I'm just glad you're seeing them now." he said and leaned up and kissed my forehead then leaned back down on the pillow with the cutest smile spreading across his face, "What Styles?" "I just never thought this would be happening, and now that it is I can't really contain how happy I am." "Aww, well Harry I'm glad this is happening too." "I love you bestfriend." he said with a wink causing me to blush, "I love you too wizard." I say causing us to laugh then he rolls over to where I'm under him. "Remember the day we met and me and Niall were over here and me and you were being goofy on your bed and I was gonna tickle you?" "Yes, why?" "Ohh I think you know." "Harry don't, don't you dare tickle me." "What's that Brighton you dare me to tickle you, Okay whatever you say." he lifts his hands and just as he's about to tickle my phone starts ringing, "Harry stop I need to get that!" I say in a loud giggling shriek as he moves in closer to my sides with his hands, "Harry.." "Emmilia.." "I need to get that, it might be important." "Ughh fine, but just know I will tickle you one day." "Sure you will." I reply and try to roll over but Harry doesn't move and I give him a look, "You're not moving till I get a good morning kiss." "Okay Harry." I say through a giggle then he plants his lips to mine, after about 10 seconds or so he pulls back, "Okay I'm good. now answer your phone girl." he says then rolls off of me, I turn over and grab my phone just in time before it stops ringing, "Hello." I say without checking my caller id then I hear Haleys voice, "Emmilia! Hey I was wondering is you wanted to have a girls day and go shopping and grab some lunch?" "Yeah that sounds great! What time do you wanna meet up?" "Umm I'll come by your house around 11:15ish then we can ride in one car." "Okay that sound like a plan see ya then." "Okedokey, see you then." Hales replied then the call ended. "What was that about?" Harry asked as I sat my phone back down, "It was Hales we're gonna go shopping and grab some lunch in just a little bit." "But I wanted us to spend the day in. I just got you back." "I know Hazz but I haven't had any girl time sense prom and that was nearly a month ago." "We haven't had anytime for us either sense then." "Hazz." "Emmilia." "Love I won't be gone for long, I just need to talk to Haley and have girl time it wont be a long ordeal, it'll last maybe 3 hours at most. Then I'll be back here with you snuggled up watching nerdy movies in my bed while we eat all my food." I reply now laying next to his side propped up by my elbow, then Harry looks up at me, "You promise?" "I promise." "Pinky promise?" "Yes Hazz pinky promise." I reply and we lock pinky fingers and he pulls me forward and kisses me lightly, "Just be safe okay. I don't want you hurt again." "I will be.. I promised." at my word he slightly smiles and I kiss his forehead, "Okay well I need to get ready Haley is gonna be here in about 45 minutes." "Can we double shower now?" "Ha, no Harry." "Ughh fine but once you see me wrapped in a towel and slightly damp you'll rethink." "Okay Harry whatever you say." I say through a giggle and walk to my closet as Harry gets up and heads to my bathroom, "Yeah we'll see Brighton." Harry said with a wink as he shut the door and I heard the water turn on, I turn back you my closet and get out my dark denim skinny jeans my checker board vans and my Hunger Games tank top and my black cardigan, I put it all on then walk over to the bathroom door and I can hear Harry singing, "Hey Casanova, you nearly done?" "I've only been in here 5 minutes." "Well I have to fix my hair, Hurry up boy." "I get done when I get done woman." "Whatever Hazz." I say while laughing then sit down outside the door. I end up waiting another 10 minutes before he's done. When he's finally done the door cracks, "You can come in now." I hear him say then I stand there a few seconds before I go in, when I go in my breathing hitches at the sight of him, like he said he was going to be he has a towel around his waist and his abs glisten from the water that remains on him, his hair is slightly curled and pushed back out of his eyes.. ohh and his eyes they look beautiful. His emerald green eyes as bright and full of life as ever, and his smirk.. the smirk that is playing at his lips is filled with satisfaction knowing that he was right. He leans against my counter top looking at me, "So you like what you see?" "Yes.." I say sheepishly then open the drawer with my ponytail holders and head bands in it and start looking through it that's when I notice Harry right next to me and I look up, he's looking down at me his hair still dripping with water, "Found what you're looking for?" "Ohh yeah." I say without thinking then get embarrassed and flip over to put my hair in a bun, I come up and pin it in a few places and but on my head band then spray it with a little hairspray. Now for a little make up, I do a little eyeliner then eye shadow and mascara then I put my glasses on and I brush my teeth really quick, the whole time I've been doing this Harry hasn't taken his eyes off me. "Like what ya see?" "Ohh yeahh." Harry says imitating me causing me to smile, then he kisses my forehead. "I need to get dressed." he says then steps back, "Yeah for my well being you need to." I say then slightly laugh, "Ha, Okay love. Don't want your brain to explode from my sexiness do we." "It's very well possible, now go get your arse dressed." we both laugh after my comment then he kisses my cheek and walks out to my room and to his bag and drops his towel. "Harry!" I shriek and cover my eyes, "What?" "You very well know what." "Ha, sorry." "Yeah you sound real sorry. Can I uncover my eyes now?" "Yes you can." I uncover my eyes and Harry has on black skinny jeans, converses, and a red flannel on with out an undershirt and he only has like 5 or 6 of its buttons done then the others are undone and show his chest. His hair is ruffled from the towel but now dries in messy curls not his usual pushed back curly look. "Damn." slips my mouth when I see him, "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself. I could think of another word and it's what I wanna do with you." "Oh my gosh Harry just come on out with it." "Well i'm honest aren't I." "That you are." "Oh come on you can't say you don't wanna and especially now sense the whole towel thing." "That's not the point Harry." "Ha! So you admit you want too." "Of course I want too but we haven't been together long I know we've loved each other for a long time but I want us to be an official couple and I want us to be together a little while before that happens." "I understand love, for you I'd wait how ever long it takes." he says then pulls me in to a hug, "Thank you." I reply and tuck my head in his chest as we hug. Then after a few minutes a knock comes to the door and me and Harry are pulled back to reality. "That'll be Hales." "Yeah better go let her in." "Okay, I'll be right back." I run downstairs and open the door and Haley hugs me, "Emmilia!" "Haley!" "Gosh I'm glad you're okay, you ready to get our shop on?!" "You bet. Just let me go tell Harry bye before we go." I jog back upstairs get my purse then walk over to Harry who's laying on my bed, "Bye Casanova." I say with a wink then kiss him, "Be safe Emmilia, I don't want to freak you out but you never know if anyone is watching you, with all this Dylan crap you need to be vigilant." "I know, remember I promised." "I know Emi. Bye I love you." "I love you more. See you soon." then Harry hugs me and kisses me again then I go downstairs to see Haley smiling, "What?" "That was a sweet conversation." "You heard?" "Yeah, but it was adorable." "Ha thanks Hales, now come on lets get going." we get out the door and I lock it then we go to my car. We start up some music and blast it with the windows down and sing at the top of our lungs as we head to the mall.

When we arrive we go to several stores and get a few things here and there then we decide to go get some lunch before we continue. We get our food then sit down and start talking about some of the stuff I've missed over the past couple weeks, "So your friend Hannah is dating Mars now and things seem to be going pretty good for them, then there's Louis and he's dating this girl named Eleanor now and their simply adorable, and Zayn he's getting pretty serious with his long term girlfriend Perrie, and then your friend Sam she's dating Luke.. Luke Hemmings I think that's his whole name he's in this other up and coming band from school 5 seconds of summer." "Aww well that's great, I'm so happy for all of them." "Then there's me and Liam and well..." "Oh my gosh what? Nothing happened please tell me nothing bad happened between you two." "It's not all that bad to me but I don't know what some people are going to think." "Oh my god you're pregnant?!" "No, no that's not it... he proposed to me!" "Ahhhh!" "And I said yes!" "Oh, oh my gosh! Hales! You're engaged!" "Yeahh, some would disapprove of two 18 year olds getting engaged but oh well." "She says through a giggle and she can't stop smiling then she holds out her left hand and the rings is absolutely gorgeous. "Oh it's beautiful Haley, When did this happen?" "Yesterday! That's why I planned this for us today so we could have some girl time and so I could tell you the news." "Awww, well I'm so happy for you two." "Thanks." she says with a big smile. "Well I'm done eating you wanna go finish our shopping." I ask and Haley agrees sense she's done too. When we stand up I can't help but get this weird feeling in the bottom of my stomach like somebody is watching me, I hurry and grab Haleys arm and start walking, "Woah what's up?" "I think someone's watching me." "What!?" the hint of terror in Haleys voice comes across when I don't think she wanted it to. "Text Harry, Now." "One step ahead of you there." I replied as I was pulling up his contact as we walked. *"Harry I think someone is watching me, I don't know what to do. Were heading through the mall back towards my car now. Just in case Harry I love y-." I didn't get to finish my text before I hit send because I ran into Haleys back and hit it by accident. "What the hell." I snapped and looked up to see Tanner had ahold of Haley, "Run, run Emmilia!!" Haley shouted and I stumbled backward and bumped into someone.. Dylan. I let out a shriek at the sight of him then I heard Haley again, "Go! Run!" and I took off running. Cross country was a great thing to do now that I think back. I'm running full spend when I look back I have a tremendous lead ahead of Dylan but when I turn back forward that's when I lose it... Ahead of me stands Niall with a wicked smile pulling at his lips and when he speaks it's not the Niall I once loved before me. "Emmilia fancy meeting you here."

Authors note: Ohh my gosh I have over 1k reads! Ahh! Thanks loves, I hope y'all like this chapter. Not much is left to this story so after about 3 more chapters this should be completed. Thanks for the reads and continue to vote lovelies!

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