Chapter 15

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Nialls POV

Flashback to 4 days ago.

"Dylan what are you doing here?" I asked worried because he could hurt Emmilia and Harry.. but wait why should I care they've loved each other this whole time and never really told me the truth, I shouldn't care. "Well I was going to go see Emmilia.. but you look troubled mate, what's buggin ya?" Dylan said as he put a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off, "Don't touch me first thing, and I just broke it off with Emmilia.. Wait why am I telling you this? I can't stand you." I said and turned to walk off but Dylan turned me back around with what he said, "How'd you like to get payback?" "What are you imposing Dylan?" "Just a simple disappearance is all." "Of who?" "Who do you think?!" "Dude we can't take Emmilia, and besides you've already tried and failed." "Who's to say it won't work this time?" and in that moment something changed in me, who's to say it won't, it could work even more so if I help. I'm smarter, I could really hide her away. But what am I saying am I really gonna help kidnap her? I just want to get back at Harry, and this could be just the way to do it. "We can't hurt her. If I agree to help you don't touch her. I just want to get back at Harry... take what means the most to him like he did to me." "Then it' a deal, you'll help me?" "... Yes." "Fantastic." Dylan replied and reached out his hand for me to shake and I did so, after the deal was confirmed I guess you could say he asked for my phone so he could put his number in so we could talk about how this was all going to go down so I handed it to him and he put it in. "Okay there, now I'm going to get going don't want Harry to walk into the hall and see us talking he'd know something was up." Dylan said as he handed me my phone then he slipped down a hall and disappeared before I could ask my last question. "What are we going to do to Harry?" I whisper to myself then turn and head down the hall to the elevator. When I'm finally in my car I wonder if I should be doing this, what if he does hurt her, what if he kills Harry. I don't want to kill him I just want him to know how this feels. But should I be doing this with the one person who has been the one that's caused all of this to happen? "What am I doing?" I say aloud to myself wishing I could turn back time.

4 days later

The present.

I can't stop thinking of this plan that I agreed to 4 days ago with Dylan in the hallway of the hospital, "I can't go through with this." I say as I stand up and walk to my door, I need fresh air. I walk out in my yard and close my eyes and run my hands through my hair as I try to clear my head but I hear talking. "You know the drill piggy back, hop on." it was Harry then I heard Emmilia giggle and she hopped on his back, "Giddy up Styles." I heard her say when he started to walk and they both started to laugh. Being without them the past several days has sucked, I don't have my bestfriend to be an idiot with and I don't get to hear Emmilias adorable giggle and hear her and Hazz argue over something stupid that would always end up making us all laugh, I regret what I said to Harry that day when I left the hospital, and I regret what happened between me and Emmilia.. she would've worked things out with me but I called it quits. I gave up. How could I give up on her? Suddenly I feel short of air and my knees buckle and fall back onto the ground, "What've I done?" I've screwed my life up so bad, even if she wont take me back maybe I should go over and apologize. I get up and walk over to her yard but stop when I see her through the living room window, from the window I can see into the kitchen she's kneeled down as she runs her hands over the tile then she wipes her face, she's crying, then I see Harry come in and ask her something then she says something and I can tell from Harrys facial expression it's sad, he then sits next to her and says something. I step closer so I can see his lips.. long story short me and Hazz learned to read lips when we were younger so we could communicate from across a room. Lucky me I still have the skill. "I'm so sorry Emmilia, I wish none of this would've happened. I don't want you being scared to come home, I don't want you scared to be alone when you're here by yourself, I don't want you to cry, I don't what you to think of your home as the place where all these horrid things happened. Instead think of it as the place where your bestfriend your very bestfriend told you he loved you and that you have nothing to be scared of for as long as he's here and that he's never going to leave you and that you're the only think in this world that keeps him going." then Emmilia replies, "Well I haven't heard him say those words yet." and Harry gets up and crouches in front of here and I'm positive he's saying the words he just said. Emmilia starts to cry and looks so deeply into his eyes at one point I feel like I've been hit in the chest, then not long after that look she replies, "I didn't know he was going to say that last part." she said with a smile then he said something back and tilted her chin up.. that's when I saw her say something that made me wish I couldn't read lips, "Kiss me already." are the words I saw her say I hoped they weren't but then I saw him kiss her I knew she did say it. I turned my back from the window when their lips met I felt such pain and heartache in that moment I slid down the wall and sat there leaned against the brick, the sadness I felt wouldn't allow me to stand I was weak, I became angry at my weakness and my sadness grew into anger and I stood up and looked in the window one last time before I sent the text, he picked her up and spun her around then he carried her out the room. I turned and as I walked I clicked send.

*To: Dylan

Tomorrow we're going to do it. They won't see it coming, and one of my rules might have just been changed you can't mess with her but we never said I couldn't. -Niall

Authors note: This is a really short chapter I know I'm sorry, but I wanted to get a little something up. The next one will be longer. And so team Harry or Niall? (I kinda doubt there's any team Niall after this chapter but oh well what can ya do it just sorta happened.) Anyway what do y'all think of the recent drama? Feel free to comment. Thanks loves!

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