Chapter 11

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After my life seemed to flash before my eyes when I saw the knife I soon got pulled back into this nightmare I call reality by Dylan slowly tapping the knife to my skin. "Dylan. Please don't do this." I begged, "Tanner tie something around her mouth." he snapped and looked back at me with a devilish smile. "No no no! Ple-" my words got cut off before I could finish. That's when the stinging feeling came to my eyes and I knew I was about to cry. Where's Niall when I need him? "Don't cry Emmilia no one can hear you." Dylan chuckled and sat in front of me again.

The blade slightly pierced my skin and I whimpered at the pain and tears began to fall. When he pulled the knife out I put my head back in pain and the bandana around my mouth came lose and my sobbing became evident. "Crying will only make it worse.." "What the hell do think I'm going to do, just hold it in?! Why don't I stab you and you tell me how it feels you moron. What's with you and stabbing!" I yelled, "Why am I doing this?! Why! Because it's the only way to get to styles." "Why do you want him?" "I want him dead" "Why, what has he done to you? and why am I the way to get to him?" "He loves you Emmilia, that's how you're the way to him. and as for a reason.. do I really need one?" "So you're telling me that for fun you're going to kill my best friend?!" "Is that a problem?" he asked as he placed the knife to my skin again, "Yes." I whispered and soon felt pain in my thigh, "He doesn't even know you're here so why do this to me!!" I screamed but that only made him stand up and hold back my head and place the knife on my neck, "He'll come to the hospital.." he whispered and cut my cheek and I screamed, when I did he shoved me back and my head hit the hard tile floor and I blacked out. Before I did thought I heard my front door open..

*2 Weeks later*

I hear humming and light singing and someone sniffle and I open my eyes when I remember the song. It's Harry. I move my hand to grab his but it's hard I'm really weak for some reason. He doesn't notice me move because his arms are crossed and he's leaning on the bed I'm in with his head down. That's when I notice I'm in a hospital. I touched his arm and his muffled singing stopped and he looked up. "Emmilia." He gasped and stood up and engulfed me in a hug, "Was that the song you sang when you saw me yesterday?" "Yeah it was but it wasn't yesterday that was 2 weeks ago... Emmilia you've been in a comma." well that explains the weakness. "Harry sing to me." "What?" "Sing me that song you made on prom night when you saw me, it sounded like you were humming more of it than you sang." "You heard me?" "I guess you could say your voice pulled me from my comma." I replied and he smiled that adorably cute dimpled grin and looked down, "I actually finished the song.." "Sing it.. please Harry." "Anything for you Em." he replied and grabbed my hand and cleared his throat and started to softly sing.

Little black dress

Just walked into the room

Makin' heads turn

Can't stop looking at you

It's so right

It's so right

It's so right you know

Little black dress

Did you come here alone?

It's too late

It's too late

It's too late to go home

It's so right

It's so right

It's so right you know

It's so right

It's so right

It's so right you know

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me

Little black dress

Who you doin' it for?

Little black dress

I can't take anymore

It's not right

It's not right

It's not right you know

Little black dress

What's your favourite song?

Little black dress

I won't do you no harm

It's so right

It's so right

It's so right you know

It's so right

It's so right

Cause I'll take you home

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me baby

I wanna see the way you move for me

By the end of his singing we were both slightly crying and a couple times through it he stopped and shook his head to say that he couldn't finish because he got worked up from the words as he sang but I pushed him to continue. "What's the name of the song?" I asked through a sniffle and he looked up at me, " I haven't named it yet." "How about.... Little Black Dress?" "I love it!" "Yay!" I said through a sniffle again and hugged him. After the hug ended Niall got brought up. "Has Niall been here?" "A few times, he just feels this is his fault so he's been distant." "It's not his fault." "I know Emmilia. But you know Niall and what he's like at times. He's hardheaded." "Yeahhh, I know..." I replied and there was a short silence then Harry spoke up, "Emmilia?" "Yeah Haz?" "How do you really feel about me?" "Harry you know I love you." "No Em you know what I mean?" "Harry.." "Emmilia please.." he replied and got up from his chair and sat in front of me on the bed. "Harry-" my words hitched as his finger tips rubbed over my cheek and went to my chin to make me look at him, "Emmilia I can't stop thinking about you. When I see you with Niall it hurts but I don't let it show. Emmilia please tell me you've felt this way too at times. I love you, and when I say I love you I mean it with all my heart. I've never loved anyone this much in my life and I know for sure I love you... I'm yours Emmilia heart and all..." at his word I started to cry it was then I notice I did feel that way some. I love him more than just a friend... I'm falling in love with my best friend.. "and I'm yours..." I replied

Authors Note: PLOT TWIST! Oh my geezz!! And a cliffhanger! I was in a spunky mood so boom plot twist!! Well I hope y'all like it. I know this chapter is short but I wanted to give y'all who keep up with this story a chapter short or long and for those of you who are new to my story thanks for the reads! Please vote if you like it! and again thanks lovelies!!

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