Chapter 17

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At the rate I was running when I was trying to get away I actually slid into Niall when I tried to stop after the serpent like words seeped from his mouth, "No, no not this, not you Niall." "Ohh but yes Emmilia." Niall says as he steps closer to me and runs the back of his hand down my jawline, "Don't touch me!" I snap and try to back away but he grabs my arm and looks at me with an evil look, "Niall let go of my arm." "Why?" "Niall please.." "Give me a good reason." "Niall you're hurting me." I say and wince to the ground as he still has ahold on me, then crouches down next to me, "It's less pain than I feel." he says in a whisper that's bone chilling then he wrenches my arm free and I pull it to my chest. "Why Niall! Why are you doing this?!" "Maybe it's the person I've always been." "No. It's not. You aren't this person. You're the boy I first fell in love with, you're the boy that helps the new girl when she drops her stuff all over the sidewalk, you're the boy that saves a best friend when their dying. I'll tell you what you aren't, you aren't the boy that hurts me, you aren't the boy that walks out on a friend, you aren't the boy that would stoop to this level to get back at someone... Niall this isn't you." at my words I see a glimpse of the boy I once loved but it faded just as fast as I saw it shine through. "I guess I've changed then haven't I?" he says then looks past me and I turn around to see Tanner walking toward us with Haley, a giggle slips from me when I see Tanner has a bloody nose and that it's turning slightly purple and that Haley has his blood on her fist. "Ohh that looks painful Tanner, what happened you get hit by a girl?" I say then get eyes from all the boys, "Shut up Emmilia." Tanner says as he sets Haley next me. "We need to get out of here." Dylan looks to Niall and says then gestures for Niall to pick me up and for Tanner to get Haley. Tanner picks Haley up and slings her over his shoulder and you can hear the air go out of her when she hits his shoulder, "Ouch! stop damn you!" you hear Haley say as Tanner walks off with her, you can tell he's moving his shoulder as he walks to hurt her abdomen, then Niall pulls me up and steps in toward me, "You know the drill piggy back." he says in a low whisper, "How do you know about that?" I say puzzled, "I can hear from my yard you know. Better look harder next time." "I had no reason to look for you! I had no reason to look out for you because never in a million years would I have guessed that you of all people would be doing this to me!" "Stop yelling Emmilia." "No why should I!? Maybe somebody in this damn mall will hear me!" "Shut up Emmilia!" "No!" "I'm not telling you again." He states in a harsh tone but I could care less, if I'm going to die then I'll die making sure he's seen. "What are you gonna do, hit me?" I say and take a step forward and he backs up, no matter how hard he tries he can't truly hurt me, "Are you gonna knock me out?" I ask as I take another step closer, "Drag me out?" another step closer each time I say something, "Drug me? Rape me? Kill me..?" now he's against a wall. "Stop this Emmilia." "Why, not bad enough to actually do something?" "Don't." "You can't do it." "Stop." "Admit it you can't do it!" I yell, "Back off!" he yells back and pushes me, "You're gonna have to do a hell of a lot better than that to get me out of here without a fight Niall!" "Stop this." "You can't finish what you've started can you Niall?" his silence is all I get in return, "Because you still love me." I say and step closer to him and as soon as he's about to speak I hear a voice behind me, "He might not be able to finish but I can." I spin around and Dylan stands there, next thing I know his hand is over my face as he holds something to my nose I claw and bite and kick but nothing really helps because within seconds I'm out of it.

Harrys POV:

I've been doing nothing but lay in Emmilias bed sense she has been gone, I'm bored out of my mind. "Food, I should eat." I say aloud as I get up and go to the kitchen. I find some food and drink and take it back to Emmilias room and turn on the tv, after surfing the channels for around 15 minutes I give up and turn it off, "Why today?" I say wishing I had Emmilia by my side. After falling asleep for I'm not sure how long I get a text that wakes me. *" Harry I think someone is watching me, I don't know what to do. We're heading through the mall back towards my car now. Just incase Harry I love y-" her sentence isn't finished... That's when the feeling of pain and anger surged through me but not long after sadness hit and it hit like a ton of bricks. "She didn't finish her sentence.. They got her." I say aloud talking to myself, "Wait I just cant stand by like this! The Mall." I say then dart up and grab my keys, within 15 minutes I'm to the mall running past the food court. Then I see blood on the ground, there's spots here and there so I follow. I see a man walk by and ask if he knows why the blood is here. "Hey sir do you know why this blood is in spots randomly on the ground?" "Oh you weren't here when it happened?" "What happened?" "Three boys took two girls right here where you're standing, Out that side door there." he says pointing to a door just a little to my right. "Did one of them get hurt?" "One of the boys did.. he was tall and had red hair, His nose looked to be broken." "You saw all this and didn't do anything?!" "I didn't know it was a kidnapping until the last second before they were gone." "How?" "Well I was sitting all the way over there." "he says now pointing across to the left to a bench then he starts again, "I couldn't hear their talking but I could tell the one of the boys that was talking to the brown headed girl didn't seem all to happy, the last thing that happened a black headed boy held something to her face that made her go unconscious then he carried her out the door." "What'd the other one look like that seemed mad?" "He had blonde hair." "Thank you sir. You were very helpful." I say and he nods his head then turns away leaving me to go over the information I have now.

Blonde hair.. blonde hair who with blonde hair helps Dylan? He described Tanner when he said tall and red headed, he also said there was three of them and one had black hair, Dylans hair is black. So if Tanner was here then that means it was Dylan here because Tanner is always an accomplice with him, But who else? The blonde.. He said he seemed mad.. no it couldn't be, but it is.. "Niall."

Haleys POV:

"He proposed to me!" "Ahhh!" "And I said yes!" "Oh, oh my gosh! Hales! You're engaged!" Yeahh, some would disapprove of two 18 year old getting engaged but oh well." I say smiling I can't help it everything's falling back into place it seems. Then I hold out my hand with the ring, "Oh it's beautiful Haley, when did this happen?" Yesterday! That's why I planned this for us today so we could have some girl time and so I could tell you the news." "Awww, well I'm so happy for you two." "Thanks." I reply with a big smile, "Well I'm done eating you wanna go finish shopping?" Emmilia asks, "Yeah sounds great I'm done too." we stand up and I take our stuff and throw it away and when I turn around Emmilia's right there and she grabs my arm and starts walking. "Woah what's up?" I question, "I think someone's watching me." "What!?" I say trying not to show how panicked I'd just become. "Text Harry, Now." "One step ahead of you there." she replied and started on a text as we walked then after about ten steps Tanner popped out in front of me and I ran into him, "What the hell?" Emmilia said as she looked up, Tanner had ahold of me. It took all of me to do this but I know they don't want me they want her so if she gets away I'll be of no use to them. "Run, Run Emmilia!!" I shout to her trying to draw some attention our way and also for her to run, but she backed up at the sight of Tanner knowing who was about to show up I'm sure, then sure enough she backed into him and shrieked when she saw him, "Go! Run!" I shouted again and this time she ran. Dylan ran after her but he was really no competition she had a huge lead. Just as they get out of sight Tanner starts being a creep, "So Haley are you going to be of use to me?" "Umm no you perv!" I snap and try to push away from him but he pulls me back, I go to slap him but he catches my wrist and kisses my forearm, The sickening chills that ran through me at that second made me want to puke. Then I noticed he let go of my other arm so I took advantage of it being free and I punched him as hard as I could right on the bridge of his nose so I'd be sure to break it. Sure enough blood started gushing out his nose, "Shit, shit, shit! You just broke my nose!" "Yeahh and?" I said trying to get my wrist free from his grip, "Bitch." he spat, and that's a word I simply don't like being called so I yelled back, "Shit for brains!" "Shut up!" he snapped and snatched me up and tossed me over his shoulder. "You're such a baby." I say seeing if I could make him put me down so I could get the chance to run but he never did.  After a few minutes we stopped and I heard Emmilia giggle, "Ohh that looks painful Tanner, what happened you get hit by a girl?" she said causing me to laugh, "Shut up Emmilia." Tanner said sounding defeated as he sat me down next to her. "We need to get out of here." Dylan said looking to someone I can't really see at the moment then he gestures for him to pick up Emmilia and for Tanner to get me. Tanner picks me up and slings me over his shoulder and I wince at the impact of his shoulder the air goes out of me like I'm a balloon, "Ouch! stop damn you!" I shriek as Tanner walks off with me moving his shoulder on purpose to hurt me and that's when I see him.. the other guy... it's Niall.

Authors Note: Short-ish chapter I'll try to get the next one longer. But I  hope y'all like it! Enjoy loves.

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