Meeting Kevin's Parents

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Kevin and Edd have dated for up to eight months now as they both haven't told their parents or meet each others parents yet while Edd haven't shown Kevin what is under his hat and no they didn't have sex yet.

Edd and Kevin woke up at 6:00 am hoping in the shower as Kevin and Edd thought how each others parent's are like while they hope to get to meet them soon but Edd don't want Kevin meet his parents. Kevin and Edd got out getting dress then put on their hats as they gather their things went down stairs with their bag on their shoulder and they ate breakfast then left their houses after locking up. Edd turned around then saw Kevin waiting for him in his drive way and they walk apart until they were away from Kevin's house then they were holding hands as they walked to school together happily.

Until they got to school was a hot kissed before going to their different classes and won't see each other until lunch also when school  is over then they got into their class before the bell rang.

It was lunch time as Kevin and Edd held hands to hand into the lunch room then Edd let Kevin go so he could buy his lunch while Edd sat at the table him and his friends sat and ate his lunch while Kevin sat with his friends.

Kevin's and Edd's friends asked them, "Have you two meet each other parents yet?"

"No we haven't." Kevin and Edd said as they kept eating their lunch.

"Have you done it yet?" Their friends asked.

That cause Kevin and Edd choke on their food and breath finally as their face was dark red.

"No and why would we tell you guys anyways if we did." Kevin and Edd said at the same time.

Their friends start laughing at their expression on their face so Edd scowled at his friends as Kevin got mad it his friend then they laugh with their friends while they had fun joking around eating their lunch. Kevin and Edd finish eating early waving bye to their friends so Edd was at his locker waiting for Kevin since he left the cafeteria earlier then he saw Kevin run to the lockers as they end up making out the rest of the lunch period.

As school was over Kevin was waiting for Edd at his locker then Kevin saw him come up his locker he grabbed his homework he had into his bag with other school stuff closing his locker.

"Edd can I ask you something?" Kevin asked nervously.

"Sure Kevin what is it love?" Edd asked.

"Would you like to meet my parents over dinner with us?" Kevin asked dark red.

"Kevin I be glad to." Edd said.

Kevin and Edd kissed as they left the school holding hands with their backpacks walking towards their street while they talk how their friends embarrass them both at lunch and laugh about it.

They got to Kevin's house and Kevin let Edd into his house then they sat on the couch.

"My parents will be home soon then I will come out to them babe." Kevin said.

Edd blushed nodding and kissed Kevin's lips as Kevin kissed Edd back then they fell asleep on the couch soon they hear a car door closed from outside that woke them up. Kevin got up waiting as Kevin's parents came in staring at Kevin then at Edd who was in the couch after they closed the door.

"Kevin is this one of your friends?" They asked.

"No mom dad I'm Bisexually this is Edd my boyfriend." Kevin said really nervous.

Kevin's parents were shocked at first then smiled as they said, "Way to go son you found someone you really love."

Kevin looked at them in shock as Edd stood up bowing to Kevin's parents.

"It is nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me for dinner with you guys." Edd said.

"Nice to meet you two Edd." Kevin's parents said.

Later on they were all at the eating the meal that Kevin's mom made for them as they talked having fun Kevin never felt eating with the loved one he loves so much with his family together would make fell so warm inside when dinner was over Edd gathered his things into his bag.

"It was nice to meet you I really love your son." Edd said.

"Thank you Edd for taking good care of our idiot son." Kevin's parents said.

"Mom dad don't embarrass me in front my boyfriend." Kevin said blushing.

Edd giggled and kissed Kevin on the lips and Kevin kissed back then they let go of each other saying bye as Edd left Kevin's house and Kevin put his bag into his room.

Soon Kevin and Edd went into the shower after their shower Kevin put on his boxers as Edd put on his pj's and they set their alarms for the morning then went bed falling asleep dreaming of each other. 

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