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Gerald stands infront of towering black iron gates, staring up at the sign that reads 'Birling and Co.' in thick swirly letters. A gush of icy wind forces Gerald to hurry inside before he catches his death.

Inside, the factory is empty. Rows of machinery stand still and silent, the only sound being the echo of Gerald's footsteps. He walks the white washed floors to the end of the hall, where wooden steps lead up to the office.

Inside the office, Eric sits alone, mulling over stacks of paper work. A light tap at the glass door brings him out of his deep thoughts. "Come in." He says without looking who it is. Gerald enters the small office and stands at the edge of Eric's desk, waiting for Eric to notice him.

"I can't believe my father is making me do all this work, I'll be here all night." Eric says and leans back in his chair. He stares at the masses of work on the desk, thinking he'll never get it done, then his eye flicker up to Gerald. "How am I to finish all this work and look for Eva?" Eric looks down at his clasped hands.

"You'll pay your father that fifty pounds back in no time, then he'll be off your back and you can go look for Eva without having to worry about this." Gerald says, picking up a piece paper and throwing it back down on the messy desk.

"No I won't. Father doesn't pay me enough as it is, so I have to do overtime to pay him as soon as possible." Worry and doubt wash over Eric's face. He leans forward, rests his elbows on the table and buries his face into his hands.

"Let me have a look at this." Gerald says and moves round the side of the desk so he's standing next to Eric. He picks up a few pieces of paper work and examines them. Eric stares up at him, watching his face frown as he reads over the words.

"I think I know what to do, it seems like similar work I do at Crofts Limited." Gerald puts the papers down. "I'll help you." He says, looking at Eric. A slight smile appears on Eric's face and he budges his chair across for Gerald to add a chair next to him.


Two hours later, the two men are close to finishing the paper work. The room has gotten darker, the only light source being from a small lamp on the corner of the desk.

"Thank you...for helping me." Eric says, staring at the side of Gerald's face. Gerald stops reading the letter he was reading and turns his face to Eric.

"Anything for a friend." He says and Eric looks away. "What is it?" Gerald asks.

"Is that what I am to you? Just a friend?" Eric mumbles, his head hanging low.

Gerald sighs and there is an awkward pause before he speaks. "I didn't mean it like that."

"How did you mean it then?" Eric looks up at Gerald, and Gerald can't help but notice his eyes glistening in the yellow light.

When Gerald doesn't answer, Eric reaches for his hand that is resting on the arm of the chair. The slightest touch makes Gerald flinch away and frantically look around him for anyone who could have saw.

Eric sighs a frustrated sigh. "Why are you like this? There is no one here."

"I just can't bare the thought of us getting caught and never being able to see each other again." Gerald says.

"Well it's not like we'd miss much. You hardly show any affection to me. In fact, you show more affection to Sheila then you do me. And she's supposed to be the cover up." Eric says sternly.

"That's not true, Eric."

"Yes it is. You always act so sure of yourself around others, but when it's just me and you, you become someone else... someone who's too afraid for me to touch his hand."

"I'm sorry, but I do have a reputation to withhold." Gerald says, watching Eric's face disappear into the shadows as he looks away.

"Not with me you don't." Eric whispers and the room falls silent. They both sit there, letting the shadows consume them. Eric knows being like this is seen as wrong by society, but he can't help but feel what he feels towards Gerald, and he wishes Gerald would express his feelings more.

"I better be going." Eric stands from his place at the table and walks over to the coat stand, where he slips on his black coat. Gerald stands and watches Eric. He feels bad for hurting Eric, but he would lose everything if this ever got out. His family, his home, his money, his place in society all gone, for what? For something people just can't accept. He knows that it would ruin Eric too, although he doesn't seem to care as much as he does, Gerald knows it would probably result in Eric drinking himself to death.

Eric opens the office door, ahead of him darkness filled with misshaped shadows from the machinery. "Goodnight Gerald." Eric says and leaves the office.

Gerald stands listening to the creak of the wooden steps as Eric walks down them. Then suddenly, Gerald rushes out of the door. "Eric wait!" He calls to Eric, who stops at the foot of the steps, staring up at Gerald on the balcony.

Gerald rushes down the steps and comes face to face with Eric. He's panting from the sudden rush and from the buzz of what he's about to do.

"What Gerald? What is it?" Eric asks, looking tried and fed up. His hands are buried in the deep pockets of his coat and he stares at Gerald as if he's keeping him waiting from something far more important and interesting.

Gerald steps forwards and grabs Eric's face. Then without hesitation he kisses him. Eric's eyes widen in surprise and his body tenses, but he soon relaxes and enjoy's the kiss, incase it's a long time until the next.

Gerald pulls away, still panting slightly and still holding Eric's face. His face is flushed but a wide grin is plastered on his face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Eric says and Gerald laughs. He doesn't know why he's never done that before. He loved the rush of it, excitement flowing through his body. The thought of getting caught gave him an adrenaline rush. He wondered if Eric felt the same.

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