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Eric paces the empty hallway of the town hall. A brown paper bag containing a large amount of money is tucked under his arm and his fists are clenched at his sides.

Gerald stands by the doorway. He watches Eric pace, a pitiful look on his face.

"Maybe she arrived early, before we got here." Gerald says, trying to give Eric some hope that Eva will turn up. They've been here for over 30 minutes. The crowd of regulars have already waded their way into the main hall, ravenous for today's hot meal.

"We were the first ones here, there's no way she could already be here!" Eric replies, a little too sharply. His freshly polished shoes squeak on the tiled floor as he moves. He's an impatient man which usually leads to his temper getting the better of him.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon." Gerald says calmly. Eric sighs, Gerald's attempt at being reassuring is not helping. Initially he didn't want Gerald to come along, Eva hasn't seen him since last year and Gerald being here without any warning might scare her off. However, Gerald is the reason Eric might get a chance at being in his child life, so Eric can't really refuse to have him here.

The pair continue their wait in silence. Eric paces more frantically as the minutes pass, occasionally he stops by the entrance doors and peers out the small square windows to see if Eva is rushing up the steps.

Gerald leans against the wall and contemplates what he's going to say to Eva, that's if he gets the chance to speak to her. She might not want to talk to him. Maybe it's best he doesn't say anything at all? Surely she won't resent Gerald, he never did anything bad to her.

After over an hour has passed the fed start to pour out of the hall, their bellies warm and full. Something drops in Eric's stomach as he watches them leave. A bitter taste forms in his mouth. She didn't come. Why didn't she come? Had he scared her last time they saw each other? Was the thought of Eric being in her life too much for her? It feels just like last time, when she first told him she was pregnant, she pushed him away.

Sheila's head appears through the crack of the slightly open door. Her face is sorrowful as she looks between the two men. "We're all cleaned up in here, ready to go home?" She says quietly as though Eric might start raging.

Gerald stand up straight from the wall and takes a step towards Eric. He's stopped pacing now and is just staring at the floor.

"We can try again tomorrow." Gerald says. He moves closer to Eric and places a hand on his arm, he gives it a comforting squeeze and Eric looks up at him.

"Yes, I suppose so." Eric sighs. In his head thoughts of Eva being in trouble are telling him that's why she isn't here, she's lying dead in a gutter somewhere or some drunk has taken her away to warm his bed.


A large chandelier hangs highs on the ceiling of a marble ballroom, clear crystals swing gently over the dinner guests below. Slow music flows through the room from a small brass band situated on a knee high stage. Waiters weave in and out of tables, carrying trays of colourful foods for the guests.

Mr Birling sits fat and proud among men with bigger companies than him. He forcefully laughs at their jokes, his face turns bright red from exaggeration, and he shows great interest in the conversation, without fully knowing what they're really talking about.

Mrs Birling sits politely next to him, a slim glass of champagne between her fingertips. Her lips are firmly pressed together, making her mouth look like a pink line as she peers around the room at other guests. She's dressed in burgundy with white pearls draped around her neck. She's not interested in what the men have to say, her eyes are searching the room for eligible bachelors for Sheila. All of the young men in the room are of course from well known families, some have parents with OBEs, others are heir to international companies.

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