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"You ought to forgive Gerald, dear." Sybil Birling sits by the fireplace in the drawing room with Sheila sat opposite her. Sheila is looking down at the pink puffy chaise lounge, her fingers nibbling at a loose thread.

"Yes he has done wrong, but you're not going to find another man like him." Sybil continues. "Gerald is good for you, he keeps you happy. And with him you'll be guaranteed a perfect spot in high society."

"I don't want that." Sheila mumbles.

"Nonsense! Every girl wants a man who can support her and give her a good life."

"Yes, but not in the way you think." Sheila says. "You only care about getting the family name higher up the society ladder. You think I want a man so wealthy that all I have to do is sit around our gigantic mansion for the rest of my life."

"Why waste time working when there are others who can do it for you?"

"You mean others like Eva Smith." Sheila says and stares at her mother, waiting for her reaction.

Mrs Birling is taken aback by Sheila's words. Her lips quivers as she thinks of what to says, her eyes avoiding Sheila's.

"Eva Smith belonged to the working class. They are supposed to work for us, it's the only way they can earn their wages." Mrs Birling turns her face away from Sheila and holds her head up in a superior way.

Sheila doesn't say anything. She watches as Sybil takes a sip of coffee from the neatly embroidered china cup. Sheila really despises her mother. She only cares for herself and no one else. Sheila was born and raised in a high social family, all her life she has been taught to maintain that status as it will effect her whole life. She was expected to one day marry a wealthy man who could bring income to her family. Her mother had taught her on 'how to be a lady' and 'how to impress superiors'. It was only until the Inspector's visit that Sheila realised life isn't about how rich or popular you are.

"Some of the women on my committee have sons who would be perfect suitors for you." Mrs Birling says. "I shall arrange a dinner so you can meet some of them."

"No mother." Sheila mumbles, staring at the burgundy carpet.

"Why not?"

"Because, mother." Sheila stands up, towering over her mother. "I can find a husband myself."

Before Sybil can object, Sheila leaves the room. She will find a new man one day in her own good time, not when her mother wants her to. And this new man will not live up to her mother's expectations of being wealthy, he will live up to Sheila's. After the inspector, Sheila does not care about money or social status. Sheila has more than enough wealth from her parents, so why should her husband be the same when she could be the one providing for her family? Her husband could be rich or poor for all she cares, all she wants is to be loved.


If Eva Smith was alive, she would be back at the Palace earning some easy money. Or atleast that's what Eric thought. She would be needing money for her baby's arrival in a few months and the easy way to get it would be at the Palace. So that's where Eric started his search.

Like usual, the bar was crowded with upper class middle-aged men, who were drunk and talking too loudly. Eric enters The Palace and unknowingly, routine pushes him through the crowd and towards the bar. Any other day he wouldn't have questioned why he gravitated so quickly towards the bar, it was something he was used to when entering a place that provided alcohol. But today he wasn't here to drink away his sorrows, he was here to find Eva. 

All around the edge of the bar sat pale women dressed in their best, hitching up their skirts for any man that walked by. None of these women were Eva. This worried Eric. Eva could have been here but left with a man to fulfil her duties, or she could have not been here at all. Eric hoped that it was the latter and hoped that her not being here didn't mean she was dead. 

Eric turns away from the bar. To his left a band performed on a lit up stage. Below the stage a dance floor was home to a crowd of dancers. Eric's eyes scan the crowd for any sign of Eva, but yet again he is disappointed. 

Deciding that Eva is definitely not here, Eric leaves The Palace. He leans himself against the brick wall of the building. The night is chilly and Eric's warm breath shows as he lets out a frustrated sigh. He buttons up his long black coat and tucks his hands deep into it's pockets before setting off down the street. 


At Croft Manor, Gerald stands by a lit fire in the lounge. His elbow rests on the glossy fireplace as stares into the orange flames. In his hand is a nearly empty glass of port. 

His parents are still abroad on their holiday, celebrating their wedding anniversary. The house is quiet without them, which leaves Gerald alone to ponder his thoughts and troubles. Thoughts and troubles that he'd rather leave alone, like should he be helping Eric find Eva? What if Eric does find Eva? Where will that leave Gerald? Eric might marry Eva then they'll go off and raise their child together, and Gerald will be forgotten. Gerald doesn't want to be forgotten, especially not by Eric. He loves Eric and wants to spend the rest of his life with him, even though it is not right. Society says that he should marry a woman and Gerald knows that eventually, in years to come when he has not found a wife, people will start asking questions. It is unusual for a man of Gerald's social status to not marry and carry on the family bloodline. But truthfully, the thought of being with a woman does not appeal to Gerald. He doesn't feel the same way about them as Eric. Eric likes the company of both men and women. It would be wiser for Eric to marry Eva, and that's what Gerald fears he will do if he finds her. 

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