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A month has passed and Eric's search for Eva is at a dead end. He has search all the places he and Eva visited, like the park where she told him she was pregnant. And to make matters worse, he still hasn't managed to pay back the money he owes his father. Gerald has offered numerous times to loan Eric the money, but with Lord and Lady Croft back from their holiday Eric feels it's too risky. Plus he'd only be stuck with another debt to pay.

Meanwhile, Sheila has started devoting her time to volunteering at a local charity that helps those less fortunate. Unlike her mother's charity work, this one helps everyone and doesn't require a committee to decide whether someone is poor enough for help.

The head of the charity, Mrs Merton, is an old widow who wants to spend her last years doing some good. She is always dressed in the finest jewels and a cheery smile. Sheila admires her and wishes her mother would be more like Mrs Merton. But that would never happen. Mrs Birling would not work for a charity that doesn't examine the less fortunate before helping them, and if she knew that's what Sheila is doing she would freak. Mrs Birling has high expectations for Sheila and Sheila can guess that one of those expectations is taking her place as head of the Brumley Women's Charity Organisation.

The day is cold and foggy as Sheila heads down the cobbled street. She is going to the town hall because that is where the charity is based. As she passes the back of the bakery she pauses, then the rusted wooden door opens and a blonde haired boy appears carrying a basket of bread.

"Good Morning Sheila." He says with a charming smile. "It's a bit chilly today." He buttons up his jacket and puts on a brown flat cap which he pulled from his back pocket.

"Ready to go?" Sheila asks and the boy nods.

They reach the town hall within minutes and race up the stone steps to quickly get out of the cold. The charity is set up in a large hall with wooden floors and walls, at the end of the room is a small stage that is hidden by long velvet curtains.

"Ah Sheila! George!" Mrs Merton welcomes the two young adults with open arms and a cheery smile as the enter the hall. She has already set up the tables and chairs, and has even laid out a small buffet.

"I've brought some bread as usual." George says and places the wicker basket on a nearby table.

"I've got some fruit cake." Sheila says, pulling a wrapped up cylinder out from under her coat. "I had chef make it last night." She places the cake next to George's bread then takes off her pink fur lined coat.

"Oh Sheila you didn't have to do that." Mr Merton places a hand on Sheila's arm and gives her a loving smile.

"It's no bother, we have plenty of food to spare at home. It'll only get thrown away if it's not used so I thought why waste it?"

Suddenly the green entrance doors creaks open and a grubby face peeps through the gap.

"Is it open yet?" The face asks.

"Yes! Come in, come in!" Mrs Merton waves the man over and he is followed by a sea of grubby faces.

Sheila gets to work serving the hot food. She smiles at the children who hold up bowls too big for their tiny hands, and she greets the regulars with cheering comments and compliments.

Sheila feels this is the right way to pay back for all the wrong she's done to anyone below her. The weight of the Inspectors last words and the idea of a young girl being dead because of her has been finally lifted. Sheila has made a promise to herself to be a better person each day, and to especially be a better person than her parents. Pride and selfishness has made Mr and Mrs Birling ugly people and Sheila doesn't want to end up like that. She wants people to marvel at her for the good things, like how kind she is and all the good work she has done, not for the fancy things like wealth and popularity.

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