Chapter 2 : Too close to my inner me. - Part two.

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The bell rings and it's break time. I look at the clock before going out to the school ground. Sarah comes near me, " Have you heard about Lana Sifers ? " She dramatically asked.

"Who's she ? No, what happened ? "

" She was a girl in my big brother's class, she was found dead by someone and her mother's number apparently was dialled by her murderer already. Alex knew about her death this morning, poor guy he's devastated."

" Oh no, how sad... At least, the killer prepared the number, nice attention." I smile.

" Are you kidding me ? Is it me or does it look like you don't give a single shit about a freaking murder ? " She replicated. I'm almost shocked by the vocabulary she just used.

" What ? Of course no ! But I ain't God to make her come back to life or to go back in time and make this never happen. I feel sorry for her family and I hope the person who destroyed her entire life will pay for that ! Happy ? " 

Jordan is staring at me and I suddenly feel guilty. I can feel him blaming me.

" I apologize, this whole thing just m-makes me sick." She stuttered.

" Never mind." God thanks the break's over. " See ya."

I have P.E. ugh.

My sport class ends I'm finally - I am always the last one to leave - ready to go out of the changing room, Ellie -  a girl from my German class - comes in.

" Have you seen a red scarf ? " She demanded.

" Nop."

" Hoe." I look at her and raise an eyebrow.

" Excuse me ? "

" Just forgotten your name so I used what came first to my mind by staring at you."

" From a person who spends her day glaring at boys and her night sucking their dicks, gonna take that as a compliment." I simply responded. She lets out a weird sound before leaving the room, offended.

" Oops, sorry not sorry." Kadi snapped.

I'm near the bikes's parking when he brushes against me, he turns to me and he said something I didn't get. Oh shit.

" Uh ? Hello ? Are you hearing me ? "

" Sorry was just - what's happening ? " 

" You're standing in front of my bike, would you please move a little ? " He harshly asked. I hate him.

" No you don't." Kadi dryly replicated.

" Sure, s-sorry." I mumbled.

As he goes away I keep admiring his beauty even from the back. Marie runs towards me, she's out of breath.

" Can I go home with you ? Just walk with you I mean. I'm going to my grandma's house and she lives not far away from where you live."

" Sure you can ! " 

" Were you at that party on Saturday's night ? " She asked.

" Which party ? " I pretended not to know.

" The last one Lana attended to. I personally didn't go but you know, since you seem to be in good terms with the whole country I thought you'd have gone." She ironically said and I chuckle.

" Ha-ha well no I didn't."

" The police apparently is coming tomorrow, they're like 90% sure it's a student from the High School who killed her." All of a sudden I start sweating.

" Oh really ? They do ? " 

" Yeah...Are you ok ? You look like you're about to suffocate..." She remarked.

" No no, I'm fine thank you. That was a nice walk with you, my mum's probably waiting for me so see you ! "

" See you! Will send you a message later ! " She shouted while smiling at me. I wave a last time and start rushing to my flat's building. 

My mother hasn't come home yet. I go to the bathroom, I run a bath, stay in my underwears and get in it. I try my best to relax but this isn't working.

" Kadi they're gonna seek every single detail and we surely are gonna be caught, aren't we ?"

" Hush, stop saying stupid things." 

" You know I think we-, " I swallow, " we did something bad. She didn't deserve to die." I admitted.

" Kendra don't make me mad. Stop acting like you're having regrets, remember I just encourage, you're the one who does everything. It's not the first one you killed for no reason and not the last, we both know it. In fact - don't get too attached to your lovely baby." I know she's talking about him.

" Kadi, love will always be the strongest. You won't make me do it. I stay away from him so you won't have any power over his destiny." 

" How sweet ! When I want to make you do something, you will do it whether you like it or not."

" Sure, sure." I mocked. She punches my right lung and she pinches my left arm's veins. I intensely close my eyes of pain.

" What did you just say ? "

" I'll beat you one day Kadi, I promise."

" Sure, sure." She sarcastically responded.

I get out of the bath. A towel is floating in the air, I take it from my demon.

" A thank you would not kill you."

" We never know." I harshly mumbled.

I sit on my bed and open my laptop. I go on Facebook to see what's new. I have 59 notifications and 45 messages. I read some posts on my profile.

" No ! She dared ! Fuck ! " I screamed.

" What a whore ! She needs to die ! " Kadi added.

" Oh yes she does ! "


Hiiiii there ! I hope you're enjoying the story this far ! Don't forget to vote and tell me in the comments your thoughts ! :)

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