Chapter 3 : No mercy. - Part two.

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I push strongly my giant Picasso painting that's suspended on my bedroom's wall - the one next to my bed - Heaven shows up. All my weapons, my torture's objects, my guns and my various products to kill or simply make someone pass out are right here. I concoct my surprises and make different mixes. I visualize countless ways she's going to suffer. To set up my sprayers, I must wear a special equipment... Some nicotine, some carbon monoxide & a bit of nail polish remover are necessary. I clean up my desk and put everything back in its place then I pull the painting and my sesame is hidden again. 

I added an accuracy lately on that note - the time - I told Ellie to meet me at 10pm. I'm like 103% sure she'll be there. It's currently 8:30pm. I hold the rope who's gonna help me sneak out. I put my backpack on, do a knot, block the rope and commence the process. I check the parking lot and see no car with tinted windows. Alex better has a good excuse.

" Where's my fucking car ? "

" Keep calm Tarzan ! It's coming soon I just sent David with it." Just a second after I notice the asshole coming.

" Fine." I mumbled.

" Have fun homie ! " I hung up without answering. If he thinks I'm doing this for fun...

" Don't lie to yourself, we both know you're going to enjoy this whole thing." Kadi replicated.

I shrug my shoulders. David hands me the car keys.

" Here's your car my lad- "

" Don't have your fucking time. Do your job and stop acting stupid." I snapped before slipping myself in the car and rushing to go far away from him.

His job is to delete any trace proving I went out during the night. So he has to make my mother believe I'm in my room, talk with my friends and be active on my social medias as a normal teenager. I give a quick gaze to my watch - 8:41pm. We're good.

" Yes, we are baby ! " Kadi exclaimed.

I smirk as I'm getting closer and closer to Brad & Ellie's place of meeting like the poor girl's thinking. I laugh loudly just like Kadi does and I begin feeling the sensation of pleasure growing in me.

" What a night ! Haven't seen a single drop of blood and we're happy as fuck as if we're high ! " Kadi screamed.

I totally agree with you my friend but the best is coming. 

I've been driving for fifteen minutes and I behold the base, where everything is about to start. I park the car somewhere Ellie won't be able to see.

My material and my tricks are prepared. It's 9:19pm, fuck I'm again ready too early. I put my hood on, change my trousers for the second time and wipe away the dirt from my boots. 

I go inside the firm and sit down near the furthest corner. Minutes feel like hours, oh my God. It's currently 9:37pm.

I huff and rest my head on the wall. I play on my phone and think about what I'm about to do.

" Kadi, do we really need to do this ? " I spoke.

" Of course we do Kendra. Trust me. Forget who you are, let me command your thoughts and your actions."

Surrendering becomes the first rule of this night. 

I stand up and all of a sudden I hear a scooter's noise. I smile widely, I move forward silently, my eyes are focused on her figure as she thanks her driver and look around her probably seeking her sweetheart Brad. I wait for her to get closer and closer to the firm until she comes in. Her footsteps are getting louder and clearer... With my right hand I pour the combination of oil and liquid soap slowly, near the entry. The moon's particularly bright tonight so I immediately see her shadow approaching the building's floor. 

" Brad ? Where are you ? " She giggled. " C'mon ! I've been waiting for this since the beginning of the year ! Are you playing hide-and-seek with me or what ? " 

I roll my eyes. Her voice is so annoying ! A loud scream slips out of her mouth. 

" My head ! What the fuck - oh my God ! It's hurting so bad ! "

Loosing no precious second, I sit astride her and start vaporizing carbon monoxide and nail polish remover mixed together. She begins having breathing struggles - I'm more than proud of this wonder. She suffocates and I grab her hair to pull up her head, there's a bit of blood on the ground but I don't have time for this now. I take the tissue that smells like nicotine and make her inhale the smell repetitively. She finally passes out.

I carry her to the car. Some weird sounds come out of her mouth sometimes but she's not aware. I drop her body in the trunk and cover it with a blanket - don't ask why, I do it all the time. The place where she's going to spend a lot of time is two kilometers away from here. I take a deep breath and I drive off.

We arrive at her new home. First, a few things need to be done : I tie down her hands together and repeat the same process with her feet. I make a hole in the back of her dress a little under her neck. I change my gloves and take the other pair in my pocket. I carry her again but this time in what seems to be a cute house on the outside but is actually an empty warehouse that was bought by Alexandro. I know what you all are wondering, he's the boss of one of the biggest Europe's mafia company. I met him during a travel in Germany, I've made some researches there about mafia, murderers, free serial killers and stuffs like these. We've been in good terms since then.

The equipment I asked for is here - what an excellent job. I lay down Ellie's body, she weakly opens her eyes, she can't realize what's happening to her yet. I take a broken ring and on the beam that's set up there's a point where we can block whatever we want, I burn quickly the ring  and twist it so it can go inside the beam. I help Ellie stand up and hang her on the beam. A solid string is waiting for me on the floor. I start turning around my victim with the chains slowly recovering her body from her shoulders to her ankles. Some scotch is put on her dirty mouth.

I slap her to wake her up and make her smell some strong mint. 

" How are you my cutie ? " She lets out shouts, I guess. " Could you repeat please ? I'm sorry I'm not getting what you're saying at all ! Too sad ! Ok so now I'm gonna have to leave you, have a good night ! And don't worry, I'll take care of Brad ! " I mimic a kiss and return to my vehicle.

" So proud of you Kendra ! You worked well and need some sleep. I'm not going to annoy you tonight. Talking about night, look at your watch." Kadi said.

It's midnight. Fuck.

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