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I walk down the hallway alone and people stare at me like they always do. I just seem like the type of person that would be easy to push around, as I am the living reincarnation of winnie the pooh. I ignore the stares and keep walking, keeping my head low not wanting trouble. Ever since Adrian has passed my parents haven't been the same. They always blame me for what happened to Adrian, but it was just nature doing its thing. It was his time.

    Adrian was the only one who actually understood me, all my deep thoughts. Just as I was drowning in my own thoughts i was pushed into the lockers.

    "Emo freak, why don't you just go with your brother. It's where you belong anyway." Michael, the dick head, has been traumatizing me since grade school. It just got worse as I got older and soon after Adrian died. It's the worst it's ever been in years. I sigh and just walk away not wanting to pick another fight causing me to get suspended again, gaining more hate from my parents. But Michael wasn't having it, he wouldn't leave me alone.

"Hey freak! I'm not done with you!" He grabs my wrist, causing a searing pain to flash through my arm. I ripped my hand out of his grasp and ran down the hallway, away from him. I quickly go into the lunchroom, bumping into a boy with dark black hair knocking everything off his tray, causing a mess. Like always, the mess was made by me.


It was the first time I didn't have the same lunch period as any of my friends. There were acquaintances and friends by extension, of course, but sitting with them would probably make everyone feel awkward.

    The lunchroom seemed to expand before me, and I started to get really anxious. Being lonely was default, but being lonely in front of people was always stressful. Their eyes, glancing over me, judging me with their stares. Thinking, "Who's that guy and why doesn't he have any friends?' I swallowed, and started walking through the room, scanning for empty tables. There weren't any, seeing as there were way too many people smushed into one room, so no matter where I sat I would have to socialize with at least one stranger.

    "Emo freak, why don't you just go with your brother. It's where you belong anyway." It was Michael, bullying someone else, his voice loud enough to be heard all the way in the lunchroom. School's resident ass. And, unfortunately, a friend by extension. "Hey freak! I'm not done with you!"

    A brown haired boy walked quickly into the cafeteria, sweeping by me fast and knocking everything off my tray.


    I get in the lunch line, in a hurry, not wanting to stay long, I usually eat in the hallway. But I decide against it because that's where me and Adrian used to sit, and it would bring back all the memories. It was finally my turn to get food, but I never seem to have an appetite anymore, so I just grabbed an apple, and a small salad, with a gatorade.

    I pay for my "meal" and ignore all the stares I get from people, avoiding all eye contact in any way possible. I find an empty table and sit down, knowing nobody is going to even come close to talking to me. Unless it was to bully me, but I have become accustomed to that at it is now my everyday life until I graduate.


There was the brown haired boy, sitting at a lunch table alone. Of course he finds an empty table.

    "Hi. I'm Phil. That guy you spilled food on. Fun times. So is it ok if I sit here?" I asked, smiling.

    "Uhhhh...... Yeah I guess,  if you want to be bullied just because you're near me."

    "Perfect." I said, and sat down next to him. "So what's up? Good day so far? Anything interesting happen?"

    "Yeah a fantastic day nothing like a refreshing wave of self hatred to start your day off, am I right?" the boy said with a sarcastic grin, then going back to stone cold face.

    My smile wavered. "O-oh... Ok... Well, maybe you should try to think positively. That always cheers me up!"

    "Look I appreciate the help but I can see that you're not aware of who I am. And why are you trying to help me anyway?" he looked extremely confused. 

    "You're right, I don't know who you are! I'm Phil. And I'm not sure what I would 'help' you with. I'm just here because you're my friend!" I said happily.

    "MY FRIEND?  Have you gone mad? I'm Dan........ Dan Howell! Does that ring a bell to you?!"

    I thought for a moment, and then snapped my fingers. "Yes! You're in my math class. Harrison second period!"

" Do you know anything else about me? Like why everyone hates me? Because if you did you wouldn't be talking to me." he says finally becoming quiet at the end.

I sighed, and changed my tone. "I don't care who you are. I just really need a friend right now. And I think you do too."


    "I...............I'm sorry" is all I can say, putting my head down, seeing how aggressive i've gotten since Adrian left. Fuck. I miss Adrian so bad.

    "It's ok," Phil says, smiling again. "Let's just be friends now."

    "Ok lets be friends, but I do have a question for you." I admit.

    "Yeah?" Phil replies.

    "Why me? Like why did you choose me of all people to become 'friends' with?" I say using finger quotes around the word friends.

    "Because you seem like you need a friend just as much as I do."


Author's Note- Hi! In case you didn't know, this book is a collaboration. I'm Lily, I've been doing Phil's perspective. And I'm julia and I'm playing DAN!!  And you can find our personal accounts at--

Lily - TheModernPotato

Julia- Julia_z_White

Hope you like it, please vote so we can keep writing!!

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