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My phone has been blowing up for the past hour, and i refuse to look at it.

"Dan are you going to get that?" Phil asks and glances at my phone.

" no, Absolutely not" i say standing up and walking to the other room.

"Why not? Who is it?" Phil asks.

" my parents......." was all i said not wanting to add more to the story.

"Oh," was all Phil said. I guess he didn't know what to say about that. I'm not surprised that he was silent, not a lot of people know what to say about my life. "Is it ok if I look?" Phil asks, looking at the spasming phone.

" go ahead, because i won't" i say a tear strolling down my face, wiping it away before Phil saw it.

Phil grabbed my phone of the desk and unlocked it. "There's a lot of missed calls and a couple texts. They aren't too friendly."

" why am i not surprised? They never gave a shit about me before why are they just starting now." i question shaking my head.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to reply?" Phil turns off my phone and hands it to me.

" no.........( sigh) i don't know. I should but i really don't want to go back to that ratchet house." that house, my family add up to the things i hate the most.

Dan pov

I look at phil and see that he is very concerned with the situation. I scoot closer towards him and put my hand on his knee. " Phil it's fine it doesn't matter, don't worry about it" i say trying to convince him everything is ok.

"Of course it matters! Dan, they're being horrible," Phil says, i sigh knowing he's right.

" whilst that may be true, i don't care. All i care about is being with you and away from them." i say kissing him.

"But I care about you too, and I hate that you have to put up with this," Phil says, looking at me sadly.

" but there is nothing we can do about it, the best thing is to just ignore it"

"If you're sure..." Phil says uncertainly.

" i am i promise" i say not even believing myself

"I just worry about you. That's all. I love you," Phil says.

" i love you too, but why are you worried?i don't get it, my parents don't matter." i say raising an eyebrow.

"It's just... You threatened to kill yourself. I don't want you to be under all this stress," Phil says.

" ............." i had no words to answer, i just sigh as a tear falls from my eyes." I'm sorry for scaring you like that" i say as more tears fall.

"It's ok. I just really don't want you to feel like that again," Phil says, and kisses me.


*Timeskip to summer*

Spongebob is playing on the tv and I can tell Dan is starting to get tired. I pull him closer to my chest. "Goodnight, sleepyhead," I say, and kiss his forehead.

The door is pushed open and I jump, startled by the noise.

"Phil? We're home!" My mom says, walking into the house, my dad behind her. Their eyes jump to the sleeping Dan on my chest. "Who's that?"

"Oh... Um... It's Dan," I said nervously.

"Why's he on your chest, is he some kind of fag?" My dad laughs.

"Don't call him that," I said angrily.

"Oh, are you defending your boyfriend?" He asks sarcastically.

"Yeah, actually," I said, standing up. "So don't call him a fag because guess what I'm one too."

"Y-you're gay?" My mom asked, her mouth curling into a hard line.


"And he's-?"


"That's unfortunate, son, because no fag is living in my house," My dad said angrily. "Get the hell out of here."

"What!? But-!"

"But mom..."

"Listen to your father, Phil," My mom said unsympathetically. "It's your fault for suddenly deciding to go all gay and shit."

"It's not a choice...." I grumbled angrily, and stormed up to my room, grabbing a duffel bag. "Fine! I'll just go. Whatever. I don't need you guys," I said, and stuffed a couple things into the bag. Dan stared up at me from the couch, scared. "Come on Dan, we're leaving."

"Good riddance," My dad said, and opened the door.

I stormed out of the house in silence with Dan behind me, slamming the door as I left.

"Sorry about them," I said to Dan, upset that my parents had gone on that rampage in front of someone they didn't even know.

" phil you're technically homeless....... And seeing how you parents reacted, makes me terrifies of what my parents will do." tears cascading down his face.

"I'll be ok. We'll be ok. I'll get a job and find us an apartment, it'll be alright. And I don't give a damn what your parents think. You don't need them anymore. I'll protect you," I said, wiping a tear off his face and kissing him on the cheek.

"Phil you do realize i'm still, technically underaged." dan says shaking his head

"Only for a little bit. I just have to keep you away from them until you're 18."

" But that's not until another two months.

"Two months isn't that long. That's only like.... 1,464 hours."

"Did yoou really just do that math just now?" dan says slightly laughing.

"Yeah, see, I know math, so we'll be ok." I said, smiling.

" yeah i guess we are." Dan says leaning into kiss me.


AN: yay new chapter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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