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"Because you seem like you need a friend just as much as I do." Phil said with a sense of sadness in his voice. I wonder what could be so sad in his life that he wants to be friends with me. Well he did just say he needed A friends meaning he has no friends, so maybe that's it. But it seems like there is so much more to him than people perceive him to be and there is a story behind his vibrant blue eyes they seem to hold the sea. Ok what the fuck stop thinking like that you don't know him and he's a BOY!

But maybe he has family problems like me, then we can relate to each other. What the actual fuck am i saying, I literally just met this Phil guy and i'm already thinking of deep conversations with him and his fucking deep eyes. I get lost in my thought again I didn't realize phil was talking to me.

"so I was thinking maybe after school today? Unless that doesn't work, then tomorrow's good too. Or thursday. Any day, really. I'm normally not doing anything," Phil says, frowning.

"I'll do anything to get away from my parents so yeah let's hang out after school."i say know that my parents will have nothing but hurtful and horrible thing to me. So i'm pretty much willing to do anything.

"Haha, yeah. I think lunch is over, but let's just meet by the front after school. Bye," He says, picks up his stuff, and leaves.

" Oh umm ok uhhh....... Bye." I whisper as he walks away.


I stand anxiously by the front door, checking my phone. 2:10. School got out three minutes ago, but no Dan. I wonder if he's going to stand me up. Wouldn't blame him. I didn't even get his number. How dumb am I?? I can't even check if he's coming.

" I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!I'M HERE!!!!" dan yells excitedly, rushing over to me.

"Oh hey! There you are!" I sighed, relieved. "So are you ready to go?"

" yeah where are we going?" he says looking around anxiously.

"Anywhere is fine with me. I was thinking maybe starbucks...?" I laughed as Dan crunched up his face. "Or not."

" I don't exactly have any money. So we could go but I'll just sit and have a chat." dan says shrugging.

"Nah, I'm trying to save up anyway. We could just go to my house if that's cool with you. It's only like a block that way," I said, and pointed down the street to the left.

"Oh ummm yeah that's fine i guess" he says looking down at his feet.

"Great!" I said, and we walked to my house without saying anything else. We arrived at my front door, and I paused before opening it. "My parents aren't home most of the time, so it's kind of messy..."

"Thats fine my room isnt horrible but it has ruined my life before. I hate living in mess but somehow it just piles up into a fucking colossal monster." dan said laughing to himself.

"Same," I said, laughing with him. "Ok, we'll hang out in my room. This way." I led Dan up the hallway stairs and into my bedroom.

I was proud of myself, it was moderately clean today. A couple crisp packets littered the desk, and the bed wasn't made, but other than that it was actually clean! "Voila!" I said, throwing my arms out to present the relatively tidy room.

" you think this is mess? Your room looks like mr.clean had a germaphobe attack and cleaned everything for you." dan over exaggerates.

"It's normally messier," I giggled. Yep. That's right. In front of a guy I just met I freaking giggled. I mentally facepalmed. "So what do you want to do?"

"Ummmm you got uhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Games on your phone??????" ( meme intended)

"Oh my god..." I giggled again. I need to friking control myself. "But I do actually I have the best phone games."

" do you really??????? Omg let meeeee seeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"I recommend zig zag, but snow roll is also awesome," I said, unlocking my phone and handing it to Dan.

" my parents disabled the app store on my phone so i don't know much about apps." dan admits lookin kinda ashamed.

"That's fine! I can help," I said, smiling, and moving closer to Dan. "Here, hold it like this," I said and put my hand over his, repositioning it. Dan held onto my hands confused by the app.


Phil is showing me all these apps, and i'm getting more confused with each one he shows me.

" phil that doesn't make sense, how the fuck do you attack the mothERFUCKERS?" i say getting very mad at the game.

"Dan you spent all your money on decorations and you don't have enough to buy attackers! Collect from the pink thing," he says, leaning close to me and tapping the elixir shits.

" well how the fuck do i get attackers i need to get those SHITS BACK??" They destroyed the village phil worked hard on making and me DECORATING AND THEY RUIN IT........... How dare they.

"We bought them a bit ago, so we just need to train them and then we can fight with them," Phil explained patiently. "Oh look, we have enough elixir to train some attackers."

'Well let's train them motherfuckers, yeah?" i say look up giving him the most genuine smile i've given in a couple months.

"Yeah," he says, smiling. He taps a couple buttons on the screen. "Ok, we're ready to attack. Hit the revenge button up there and we can kill the guy who broke our village."

He said our village OUR.......

"Phil! PHIL! They're fighting back what do i do?" i panic thinking i'm losing the game

"Oh wow this village is really good... We can't really do anything, we're out of attackers. I don't think we're going to win," He says, looking up at me and smiling. "But this was still really fun."

"Wait that's it no more games?" i'm a little sad i enjoyed playing with phil.

"We've been playing this one for like two hours and we're still really crap at it," Phil laughs. "I think you're probably missing dinner or something."


As much as I thought he should be home and see his family, I regretted sending him away. Huh.

" we'll see you later. Wait give me your number "

"Ok," I said, and smiled. "124-889-4486. What's yours?"

" mine is 666-666-6666"Dan said laughing

"That's a great number. I'll text you later then," I laughed as he walked out my front door.

" yeah see ya."


Author's note: Woooooo! Chapter two done! Omg this is fun!!! I hope you are having as much fun reading as we are writing it. Yeah, and I hope you guys like the book so far! See you in chapter three! Stay classy 

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