Chapter 7: "Can't Pretend" by Tom Odell

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Rowen didn't even dare go near that small room. After Liam left, she showed herself to her new room. It was the most beautiful room she had ever seen. The walls were covered with beautiful, while mosaic tile that shined white light into the room. The ceiling was covered with angels and clouds. At the center of the room was a giant, white wooden bed with soft gold and white blanket. Across from the bed was a white, wooden desk with books and papers that hadn't been cleaned out on it. She looked in her wardrobe, which was filled with elegant gowns like that one she was wearing. Rowen looked around the room. There was a lot of old books lying around the room. At her vanity, there was still perfume, makeup, and jewelry left untouched. Rowen thought to herself that this must have been Liam's mother's room. It looked untouched, like no one had come here to change anything since her death. Rowen couldn't stop thinking that maybe she was still there in that room with her. 


Aiden had never been in the East Wing because his father and brother had forbidden it. But he had to see Rowen. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Aiden woke early and made sure that his brother was asleep before he snuck off to see her. 

Aiden entered the East Wing and sprinted across the hallway. He kept his head down because he was to scared to look around at his dead mother's room. Aiden had always felt guilty of his mother's death. He knew that his father would have much rather have his mother alive then Aiden any day, especially when his father had a son like Liam. 

He reached Rowen's door and knocked. After a few seconds the door finally opened and Aiden saw his beautiful Rowen. She greeted him with a smile and asked him to come in. She was naturally beautiful. Her black hair was in a braid down her side and she was wearing a soft pink, silk night dress. 

She looked at him confused, "Aiden?" He couldn't stop smiling, she knew his name. "What can I do you for?"

He exhaled, "Yes, well I have a proposition for you."

She raised her eyebrow. "Interesting."

He continued, "You might have heard that tonight, the king is throwing a ball in honor of our royal guests. However, you aren't allowed to come because no one is supposed to know you exist."

She looked down, "Yes I know.

"Don't be too discouraged My Lady, because tonight's ball is a masquerade ball, which means we all have to wear masks. So if you were to come, no one will know who you are because you'll be wearing a mask."

This sparked a smile in Rowen. "So I can go to the ball?"

Aiden replied with a brilliant grin, "Yes!"

Rowen jumped and hugged Aiden. This caught him by surprise. She threw her arms around his neck as he carefully put his arms around her waist. She let go before Aiden could embrace the moment. "Thank you Aiden, you have no idea how much this means to me. I've always wanted to dance!" she exclaimed. 

"It's my pleasure." he replied. 

Rowen started thinking and her smile disappeared. "What am I going to wear? I don't have any dresses fancy enough."

Aiden held her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Don't worry I have a plan. After breakfast, Liam will be training and my father will be busy preparing for the ball. At that time, we can sneak through the stables and ride horses to the village. They will sure have wonderful dresses prepared. We'll buy you one there. I know that the best seamstress in the kingdom lives in that village, she'll have amazing gowns!"

Rowen nodded in excitement, "Sounds perfect!"


Liam couldn't sleep last night. Not after Princess Alexia's behavior and especially not after his outburst with Rowen. He decided he'd wake up early before breakfast and apologize to her. 

Liam knocked on Rowen's door. He heard footsteps come to the door. Slowly the door opened and appeared Rowen. Her eyes went big and before Liam could say anything, Rowen slammed the door closed in his face. Liam's shock was probably unjustified. He should of understood that her reaction was justified. 

Liam leaned closer to the door hoping that Rowen was still there on the other side. 

"Rowen?" Liam waited for a response but only got silence. "I'm sorry about yesterday."

Liam waited again and saw at the bottom of the door in the crack, there was shadow of a figure next to the door. Rowen was listening. Liam exhaled and continued, "I didn't know what came over me, please forgive me. I-." Liam had a hard time forming the words he wanted to say. This time when Liam spoke it came out as a plea, "Would you like you accompany me to a walk in the garden? Usually no one is there because it's a memorial for the Queen. It would mean a lot to me if you could." There was nothing more he could say before he started getting emotional. Liam waited for a response.

All of a sudden the door opened and Liam moved back. Rowen came into the light. "Okay." she said. 

Liam brought Rowen to the East Wing's garden. The garden was empty but the flowers and plants flourished because the King ordered servants to water the plants everyday. 

Liam was nervous. He didn't know what to say to her. They both stood next to each other slowly and cautiously walking on the stone path. Liam dared and looked at Rowen. She was looking around the garden in awe. It always amazed Liam how Rowen was curious and astonished by everything she saw. He thought it was rather adorable. Liam smiled and watched her. Rowen was still in her night gown, which was beautiful on her. Her hair was braided down her side and the dress flowed perfectly on her body. Her skin was pale but it shined. 

Rowen could feel the stare on her and she turned to him. Liam flinched and quickly looked away. There was an awkward pause again. Liam cleared his throat and spoke, "I'm sorry again about my behavior yesterday." He took another deep breathe. This was hard for him to say, "It's just- I hadn't been in the East Wing for years and being there brought some bad memories. I didn't mean to hurt to Rowen." Liam stopped walking and faced Rowen. He took her hands into his and continued, "I would never, ever hurt you." 

Rowen was breathing hard. "Um- I." She looked down before looking back into his eyes, "Thank you, Liam, for the apology. And I should of known that it was hard for you to be there."

Liam couldn't look away. There was something at her that made him leave his guard down. He didn't even have to think twice about what he admitted to her. "I never had anyone to talk to about my mother. My father was in such despair and my brother didn't even know her to comprehend my words. I was all alone and after a while I just... I suppressed the sadness and the feelings." Liam tried his best not to get emotional. 

"You shouldn't have to hid those kind of feelings."

"Your right." Liam replied and gave a small smile. 

Rowen smiled back and leaned for a hug. 

The hug caught Liam a little off guard. He wrapped his bulky arms around Rowen's small waist and tried his best not to crush her. She was a lot shorter than him so when he held her, Rowen was lifted into the air. She squealed in laugher and Liam laughed along with her. In his arms, Rowen felt fragile, but Liam knew she was the exact opposite. She had a fire and curiosity in her. 

When Liam put Rowen down, they both looked at each other. They both could feel it... that connection. That connection that they didn't have with anyone else, one they didn't know existed. Liam looked to his side and saw a beautiful, dark red rose. He was careful not to prick himself with a thorn and plucked the flower. 

He gave the flower to Rowen, "For you."

Rowen was surprised and a huge smile spread across her face, "Thank you!" As she looked at the flower she said, "My God, it's perfect!"

"Just like you." Liam whispered, but Rowen didn't hear. 


Aiden watched the whole thing. The walking. They're close confrontation. The hug. And the Rose. 

There was something boiling inside Aiden.

Something dangerous, like a thorn. 

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