Chapter 10: "Hunger" by Ross Copperman

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Liam finished his sixth cup of wine and he had never felt better. As he was getting his seventh, someone bumped into him. His mind went crazy as his body jerked. He was ready to punch the man but when he turned he saw a rose. 

The rose was perfect. But as his vision cleared, he saw that it was a dress on a girl. Liam couldn't help to think that she was beautiful. He loved every part about her: her red lips, the way the dress fit her, and her rare grey eyes. Liam could of sworn he had seen those eyes but couldn't recall where. 

He soon realized that she was talking to him and apologizing. Liam replied, "It's no worries My Lady."

She stopped everything and stared at him. "What?" he asked. 

"Do you know who I am?" she asked. Was he supposed too? Liam couldn't recall knowing anyone besides Alexia at the ball and he knew that she wouldn't something as elegant as the red dress before him. 

"I don't believe so." 

The girl smiled in relief. Liam was too drunk to make anything of it and only thought of wanting to spend more time with the beautiful girl behind the mask. Liam heard one of his least hated songs playing and asked the girl to dance. He extended his hand, "Would you accompany me for a dance?"

She waited a while before replying, "I don't know... I think I'll just be watching."

"Please, it would be an honor to get to dance with such a beautiful maiden as yourself."

She was blushing but still said no. "I really can't."

Liam was getting impatient, "Why not?"

She looked away before replying, "I've never danced at a ball before. I don't know how to do any of those dances they are doing."

Liam leaned closer to her, "You don't have to know anything because I'll be there to help you every step of the way. Trust me, I'm good at leading." He gave her a big smile as a extended his hand again.

This time she took it and Liam walked her to the center of the ballroom. The song was slow and calm. 

Liam and the girl's hands clasped together as Liam wrapped his arm around her waist. She was unsure where to put her other hand so Liam guided it to his shoulder. She gave a small, embarrassed smile. They start waltzing slowly around the ballroom. Liam notices that the girl is looking down at her feet. 

"Don't worry, you're doing great." Liam said. She immediately looks up at him with her grey eyes. Those very familiar eyes. Liam continues, "Trust me, remember?" 

The girl nods and looks at him. "You're drunk aren't you?"

Liam couldn't help but laugh, "What makes you say that?"

The girl gives a cocky smile, "Because I know you to be an arrogant pain in the ass." She's daring. 

Liam was enjoying this, "And where did you hear that?" he whispered in her ear. 

This didn't intimidate her, "From a little bird." she replied. 

Liam smiled, "Yes, I've had a few drinks."

This time her smile went away. She looked away before replying, "Why are you drinking? And don't say it's because you're at a ball, because I've read that drinking too much is considered rude so you must have a reason."

"You read?" Liam asks. When she doesn't reply, Liam disregards it and replies, "I drink because it's the only way for me to escape my horrible life." 

She looks at him again but this time deep into his eyes as if searching for something. "How could a prince's life ever be horrible?"

Liam exhales. This was getting too personal. The girl saw his resentment and spoke, "I guess I could understand. You must feel trapped in this castle."

Liam is shocked, "Yes." He doesn't know what to say. "How did you-?"

She interrupts him, "Because I feel exactly the same way. I was given a new life recently, a fresh start. It was extremely scary, but I started liking it, which was even scarier. But now, all I feel is caged. Before I was... I was free. I could fly and be my own bi- person. But I also like what my new life has to offer. I'm just very confused at the moment."

Liam couldn't help but tell this complete stranger his feelings as well, "I feel the exact same way. All my life, I've been told what to do and how to do it. And soon, I am supposed to be king, which is what I've wanted for a long time because I thought I'd finally be free to be my own person and rule this kingdom the way it should be ruled- with honestly and honor. Not the deceit and lying my father uses. But now he's forcing an arranged marriage on me and I dread having to become king. Sometimes I just want to run away from here, from my life and start over. But I wouldn't know what to do. I'm alone."

The girl looked shocked at his candor, "There isn't anyone?" 

"Well, there is this one person, but I don't even know my feelings toward her. But there's something there."

The girl tries to hide her smile. 

Before they knew it, the song had ended. 


Aiden had finally finished greeting people and rushed back to the ballroom.

On his way there, he accidentally bumped into a girl. The girl shrieked as both her and Aiden feel  to the ground. Aiden's head started to hurt and all he could hear was the girl's annoying complaining about the incident. He finally opened his eyes and got up. When he looked at the girl, his stomach sank. 

He had just run into Princess Alexia. 

"I sincerely apologize My Lady, I did not see you there." Aiden said. 

Princess Alexia was wearing yet another black gown, however this time it was even more extravagant. The whole gown was covered in silver glitter. The collar went up to the top of her neck and the there were no sleeves. She put her hair up and even added  a small crown at the top.  

"Watch where you're going little prince!" She was furious and tried straightening her gown.

"Is there any assistance I can give?" Aiden asked politely.

"OH I THINK YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!" She stormed off before he could say anything else. 

Aiden kept walking and finally reached the ballroom. He looked around for his red rose. Finally he spotted her at the center of the ballroom floor. She was dancing with someone and Aiden recognized who. It was Liam. They were both lost in each other's eyes, dangerously close, and were talking. 

Aiden was furious. Another thing he had to take away from him! He could never have anything for himself. He would never be good enough to deserve what his brother got. This time something boiled inside of Aiden that was different. He had never felt this kind of hatred for his brother but Aiden decided to act on it. He stormed out of the ballroom. 

He would get his brother back. He'd get him back for everything. And then Liam would finally understand how it feels to be Aiden. To feel helpless while everyone else ruins your life. 

Aiden was finally going to take a knife and cut out the thorns of his brother from his rose. 


Rowen felt something deeper tonight. Her and Liam both connected on a level she never knew was even there. He had opened up to her and she realized that they were both very similar. But Rowen felt more than just a minor connection. She felt more but she couldn't put a name to it. 

The song ended and she looked around and saw the other girls kneeling down. She did the same and saw the Liam bowed.

Rowen wasn't sure what to say. "Well, this was really nice, but I should go." 

She turned to go but felt something holding her back. She looked behind her and saw that Liam had grabbed her hand. "Please, stay." Rowen was speechless. She would have never expected this from him. Liam continued, "I want to show you something."

Rowen agreed. 

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