Chapter 4: Devils Eggs Are a Nephilim's Favorites

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I was right. I am not going to get enough sleep are the meeting that we just had. All I can think about was us being murdered by Mundus. That was not a pleasant thought. Thinking about it would just get me nightmares. I never understood why we pose a threat because we never did anything to him to get on his bad side until now. I clearly did not understand of the mind of a supposed 'God'.

"All this thinking makes me want to eat or read a book," Now I was debating if I should eat or read. Maybe even both. Now I was thinking about if this place has a library or even books besides of paper work. I should go for some food first then reading.

The room I stayed in was pitch black. The only light source in this room was the moon that is shining bright outside. With a bored sigh, I got up from my bed and decided to find the kitchen around this facility. People were still up this time of night doing their research. Sometimes I even wonder if they are vampires disguising themselves as humans.

I did not see Dante or Kat anywhere, so I decided to find the kitchen on my own. This is probably the dumbest thing to be do in unknown territory. I bet Roni probably out somewhere cooling off, because whenever there is a tight situation that we are in; she is outside looking at the stars or walk it off. All I know that she is out cooling out.

I use my ninja skill by following the worker in silent. Each door they walked in require a code to enter. I don't need a code I need food in my system! Still on the silent route to find the Kitchen, but it was no use I was getting myself lost and that was not fun.

Right when I was about to meet another blank hallway, someone grabbed my shoulder as they spin me around to face them. My eyes met with piecing blue eyes. They had a hint of curiosity on what I was doing and I knew those eyes cannot be Dante, because he would have mischief in his eyes.

"Going somewhere?" Vergil asked as he looked upon me. Even though there were space between us, but it was a little bit closer than we were before when we were in his office discussion the demon situation. He was standing in front of me in the flesh. Anything like I image from watching my best friend playing DMC whenever we hang out in the living room. This is like almost a dream come true, but this is reality in a different dimension.

"Um—No, I was—um—looking for," I looked away breaking eye contract as I said the last word that pop up in my head, "food?" I was kind of getting embarrass telling him this. The guy whom I liked since my friend introduced me to DMC and seeing the Vergil coming up the screen. I have to say I was screaming on the inside.

"Food?" He looked amused when I said for a minute. After that he lean his head against my ear as I can hear his husky voice, "You shouldn't wander around this facility alone at this time. For all you know, I could have been a demon in disguise." Dammit he makes me weak in the knee, but I have to keep a poker face on when he is around.

"Yes, Food!" I sassed as I backed away from him crossing my arms in front of my chest, "This girl need food in her belly!" Vergil was still amused that about my mini outburst of food. I cannot help it I love food, but I still need to find my way to the kitchen to make some.

"Well," He studied me for moment while he walked toward me putting his hand my lower back, "If you're hungry I'll show you the way to the kitchen." We stroll our way to the kitchen while he guided me at the same time. I can feel his warmth through my shirt. It felt like home and love, but that kind of impossible to shake that feeling way. How can he possible like an ordinary girl like me with no demonic or angelic power.

As he guided me to the kitchen, I made my way toward the fridge and grab the ingredients. Vergil was observed me while I moved around the room. First I turn on the stove to medium high heat. Second I grabbed a small pot from the counter while I went to the sink to add some water to the pot. Lastly I grabbed the cart of eggs while adding three eggs to the watering pot to the stove so it can boil for around a good thirty minutes.

"What are you making," He asked while he came over next to me. I thought it was simple to figure out what I was making; eggs, salt, pepper, mayo and mustard. If he does not know what I was making probably just give him the answer.

"Devil Eggs," I blurted out bluntly, he looked at the eggs while he licked his lips in hunger. I do not blame him for liking devil eggs, there are so yummy. Mixing the mayo and mustard with the yolk along with salt and pepper give it an amazing taste. Glancing at him and the space between us again.

"We have to wait for them to boil for thirty minutes until they are ready," I instructed him as I find a table across the room, "As for us, you need to keep your distance away from me. You are too close for my person bubble." He gazed at me for a minutes then smirk like his brother when he smirked at her. They may be twins who think alike, but they were polar opposites. Vergil was the calm one while Dante was crazy one, at the same time I think Vergil is a pervert with a poker face on.

"Well, Devil Eggs are my favorite snack," He announced as he glances at me, "I understand that you don't like people getting into your personal bubble, but I do have a feeling that you have trust issues toward us. That being in an unfamiliar territory." Vergil was right I did have trust issues, plus being in unfamiliar place I have to keep my guard up when I am around him. I cannot be distracted by him. To be honest, he is right about my situation about being here with him.

"Yeah that's true, the only person who been there for me is Roni," I admitted. She has been there for me from the darkest days and the brightest moments when I spend time with her. I cannot say that in front of him because Vergil would probably use it against me to get something that he wants in the far future.

A good thirty minutes of comfortable silent between us. Neither of us spoke a word. The timer went off and the eggs were done. I got up from my sit as I walked toward the stove and turn off the heat along with the timer as well. Vergil got a fork and knife from the covers while I got the eggs to cool off for me to unpeel them. I forgot to get a plate while I got down the ingredients out of the fridge, but Vergil was kind enough to get a plate for the Devil Eggs. After we were done doing the preparation, I begin to dig in until Vergil asked something.

"Are you going to share or eat them by yourself," He questioned me, normally I can eat them by myself. But he helps me out to find the kitchen and help me out the preparation of making these delicious Devil Eggs. Plus, there were his favorite so I guess I can share.

"Find you get half of these six," I replied to his question. He stared at the eggs that there was no tomorrow as he grabs the devil egg and ate one. After he ate another one, he looked at the last egg. I glace over at him while I was eating my second devil egg. I knew he was up to something, but what. Even though they were twin, they tend to think alike.

"I want you to feed me the last egg," Vergil smirked at me as he announces his random requested. I was closed on chocking on my food, luckily I did not do that. I remain calm while I was kind of speechless at his request. So I nod in response as I grab his last egg while I saw his lip parted for him to eat. Until I was close to feed him the egg. A certain someone appeared in front of the entrance of the kitchen.

"Vergil, Roni and Dante are not in the building, but I am sure that they are coming back very shortly," Kat glance between us as I was trying to feed him some food. After a minute, Vergil ate the food out of my hand as he walked away with Kat to meet up with Roni and Dante. I stood there remembering the sudden action that Vergil did few minutes earlier.

Stupid blush. Stupid Crush. Stupid Vergil.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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