Chapter 2: The Rescue

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We both knew if we stop we were going die within second from the Demons. At least we were together while we are running for our lives form them. I began to overthink our situation, it was like my live flashed before my eyes while I was run, but I did not what to think that. It will only bring me down because of the situation that we were in.

The demons were still charging after us with their weapons in their hands ready for them to kill us. We were running until we were surround by them. I could not believe they had the guts to surround us. My body suddenly was having the urge to kill them while my blood was exploding with anger within me. I had to play smart and not dumb in the situation that we were in. One false step and we are done for.

I was trying to figure a way out while the demons were coming closer to us. Until a man in red jump in and with one swift with his sword the demons back off while the man in red ready himself for battle. Roni was trying to get a look at him while she mouthed, "Dante" to me. I was dumbstruck at first because he appears much taller in front of me than the video game version that Roni plays.

Dante was kill Demons left and right as he looked back he looked annoyed. "Don't just stand there. Run to a safe place and stay there until I find you guys again. GO! NOW!" He shouted at us to make a run from the demons. Roni did not hesitate to run even though she pulled me along making our way to somewhere safe.

The Demons were hot in our tail as they began throwing their weapons at us. We managed to dodge them until we find an old abandon building, but that did not keep us safe for long. As soon we got into the building, the demons began to demolish the building. We looked around the inside the building to find the something that helps us to fight them off or maybe throw something at them.

"Find some objects we can throw at them. It may not last us, but it could buy us some time until Dante finds us," Roni suggested while she was looking around the room. I was wonder if Dante will ever find us during this Demon Apocalypse in limbo.

"From the looks of it, I have my doubts to think Dante will ever get us in time," I comment the situation that we are in while trying to find weapon to used, but all I find was a Pipe. The last thing that I want to do is to go back home like we usually to do when we hang out.

"If we die in the game," Roni began her explanation, "We might not able to get back to our dimension."

I did not know what to say to her. If we die, we would not go back. It was a scary to think that we were going to die, but were not. We have to LIVE.

"So what do we do," I asked while looking around for a solution to escape when the demons when they get here. Then Roni spotted a staircase in the back on the house. She grabbed me by the arm and ran upstairs as the demon barge down the door. They already made their way inside as they were still hot on our tails.

As we were upstairs, we were trying to find our way to escape. I look for a window, but was only one in the far end of the hallway.

"Look there's a window!" I told Roni as I grab her arm and lead her to the window. We were lucky that the window had a balcony we can stand on, but at the same time we were trap. I can hear the demon shuffling their way upstairs. The only way to get out of this situation is to jump, but the problem was I was afraid of heights. Well sort of afraid.

"Hey! Down here!" A women's voice shouted from below where we were standing. We both looked down as we saw a women wearing a faded pink hoodie and a man dress in blue with snow white standing next to her. She already knew about our situation that we are in and I kind of knew what she was going to shout out next.

"You need to jump! It's either you live or get mauled by demons," She added. Well thank you, Captain Obvious. I would be crazy if I stayed here any longer, but I rather live. To be honest, she has a point there. We both looked back to see the demons charge at us with blood lust in their eyes then we looked at each other. Roni knew that I was scared, but she certainly knew that I did not want to die a slow painful death. The next thing I knew; we both leap off the balcony while escaping the grasp of blood lust demons right before they can touch us.

While we jump off the building, I felt a strong force that separate between us. I saw a flash of red that caught her just in time. That was relief that my best friend was alright. Then suddenly I felt solid hard object who seem to work out on their spare time. I feel like someone was hold me bridal style until I glance up to meet a man with icy blue eye and snow white hair, Vergil.

I have to say I have never been good with guys because sometime I usually keep a straight face while showing no emotions. With this guy, Vergil, I used to think that I would never feel like other girls feel when they like a guy. Boy, I was wrong as I started to feel flutters in my stomach, but I have to be my usual self when I am around guys: straight face while showing no emotion.

Suddenly I looked around surround to see where was Roni at. I know that she was with Dante, but I could not find them. I looked over at Vergil's shoulder and see Dante holding Roni while wearing a smirk plaster on his face. I sighed in relied and relaxed my muscle while I still being carried. There was kind of an awkward silence for a moment until Dante decided to speak up.

"I guess the demons wanted a snack because you two smell delightful. Mind if I take a bite out of you?"

One of the lamest cheesy lines that a Nephilim can make in a time like this. What an Idiot! I cannot believe he would say that. Roni knew that statement was directly aimed toward her, well that last part that is. I started to giggle at her situation because I already knew that she has the MAJOR HOTS for that guy.

"Settle down, brother. I think the last thing these women need is to be hit on," The man in blue reassured him as he gentle put me on the ground. When my feet touch the concrete, I felt a sudden hug from Roni then she let go.

"I can't help myself when it comes to beautiful women, especially you," Dante winked at her then glance at his twin. The man in blue rolled his eyes while giving us a small smile.

"So what are your names?" he asked us while he was looking at us, well mostly me. I could not help to feel this weird attraction toward him. The only thing that I was afraid of is falling in love.

"I'm Roni," She introduce herself while she gestures to me on the introduction, "And this is my friend, Tori." I knew he was staring me down like he wanted something. He wanted something more, but I did not know what he wanted. He just wants to be a gentleman at first, but his true color will show later in the future.

"Pleasure to meet you, ladies. I am Vergil and the man who and the man who keeps hitting on Roni is my brother, Dante," He introduces to himself then his Twin and lastly he gestured to the lady in the faded pink hoodie, "And this is my associate, Kat."

Know the guys from my past all they wanted to show me off because of my eyes and beauty (which is kind of). Sometimes I wanted some guy to love me for me pass my looks and accepted me for who I am. The guy in front of me wanted to know my past, but I was not going to let him. We locked eyes for a moment until Kat spoken.

"Shall we take them back to Headquarters?" Kat suggested as we broken connect when Vergil turn his back on us. Even though he was concern about us, even his brother was worried about my best friend. Being suck into this world, running for our lives from blood thirsty demons, and meeting the Nephilim Twins all the in one day. Damn this has been a crazy day.

"Yes, of course," he agreed with his associates while he still has he back to us, "By the looks of it they need some medical attention and some rest."

Roni and I looked at each other as we shrugged off the worry that we dealt with for this day. We followed Vergil while Kat and Dante followed us behind as we were escorted to their headquarters.

I bet you that Dante was looking at Roni's butt.

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