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Y/N's Pov:

I've been sitting on the roof for about an hour, and I'm already dreadfully bored. It's not very fun watching heaps of boys gardening and building things.

I sighed, this will be a long day. All of a sudden I heard a door slam and one minute later a yell, "she's gone, she's gone." Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran for the building I was on top of, 'must be talking about me' I thought.

The door opened with a bang and I heard the footsteps of people filling the room. "Where is she?", "how did she get out?", "what's going on?" I smirked these boys sure were stupid. "Stop! Spread out and find her, I want people guarding the walls until she's found" a voice boomed silencing everyone.

People filed out of the room and started searching for me while others stood in front of the walls. "There she is, on top of the roof" a voice yelled over all the chaos, I must've been so caught up in listening in that I forgot to keep myself hidden. Well there's no use in hiding now, they've already found me.

Everyone crowded around the edge of the roof I was currently standing on. I looked down at the boys and noticed a boy at the front. He must be the leader. "My name is Alby, I'm in charge of this place. Come down so we can talk" the boy I thought was the leader spoke.

"Ha just so you can attack me again, no" I snapped back, he looked surprised for a second but composed himself. "Fine then we'll do this the hard way" he said anger laced in his voice, "fine by me" I replied smugly.

He turned around and quietly talked to a boy behind him, he boy nodded and walked away. "Sooo what's up guys" I snickered, they all scowled and turned away. Well they're rude. I heard a sound behind me and spun around.

The boy that Alby was talking to before was now on the roof with me. He ran at me, I was taken by surprise but still dodged. As I was composing myself from his recent attempt to kill me, he pushed me again.

I fell over he side of the building, "I hate you all" I screamed. I closed my eyes expecting to hit the ground instead I fell into someone's arms. Opening my eyes I realised that it was the guy that attacked me when I first got here, Minho.

I scrambled out of his arms and fell onto the ground. The boys all made a circle around me preventing me from running away. "Well this sucks" I announced as I stood up. "Yes it does" Alby responded as he walked away.

Two of the boys grabbed me and made me follow behind him along with everyone else. Alby turned around once he reached a building "I'm calling a meeting in half an hour all Keepers must come" he announced.

That was the last thing I heard before I got pushed inside the building.

Demons // Minho ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now