Chapter 3: The Art of Magic

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For the past 3 weeks I've doing nothing but reading books of spells and herbs I'm not allowed to practice with; I mean I’m grateful for the lessons but I'm bored doing nothing. In the heat of my frustration I unknowingly called out onto this malevolent spirit while asking that someone come and save me from my boredom.

Out of nowhere the spirit spoke to me, startling me in the process and told me to say this spell that would make my friends appear. Being young and inexperienced I did as instructed without even questioning how this spirit appeared or who they were. After all, this was my first spell, and excited I was.

I recited the spell “Me frɛ do thee kɔ san wo ekyiri kɔ me redee yɛ me hann kɔ gya ... kwan e gyaye” ….. Translation: "I call on thee to return to me using my light to guide you free."

Just as I said it he appeared, this tall beautiful man with a smile that could lighten a dark void said to me “thank you and now I'll show you some real magic.” My eyes grew big as my heart started racing, he was going to do what I've been wishing for.

For the following months we've been practicing magic, real magic. My mysterious teacher has been showing me how to master my telekinesis (which btw there's two ways to will it), lately my weak point has been doing so without reciting spells. Trying to master doing so with just my mind and body was a challenge but I knew I’d get the hang of it.

On a random day while my folks were out my secret teacher appeared; only this time not so friendly. He started throwing balls of energy at me and I freaked. With no time to think I instantly threw him through living room wall with the will of my mind. "What do you know, told you I'd master it, I thought to myself." He got up and started to smile but I pushed him back down and told him "next time it’s through the window." Still smiling I become confused until he spoke. He said “all you needed was some encouragement and to believe in yourself.” I instantly felt relieved that he wasn’t actually trying to kill me but teach me. I release my telekinetic hold on him so that he could get up and tell me how to fix the wall using my imagination, after all I was fearful of what my folks would think if they saw it.

Just as we're doing so my grammy shimmered in and threw both of us against the wall. Shocked, scared, and feeling dirty I balled out apologizing. “Hush child!” she scolded me with a stern cold look in her eyes. I did as I was told.

"Hmm - I'm surprised it took you this long to find out, are we losing our sight oh great seer." My unnamed teacher sarcastically said to my grammy.

"Not in the least. I wanted to wait and see what you were up to, believe me there's not a spell this child can cast that I can't see." Grammy said back.

"Wait do you two know each other I asked lost in their heated confrontation?" I asked burning with curiosity.

"He's your grandfather girl, now tell me how long did you think you could hide your behavior?" My grammy scolded.

Left stunned, I froze for a moment from the shocking revelation but before I could respond my estranged grandfather interjected. "Don't be mad with the girl, I only taught her what you couldn't."

"Oh don't kid yourself you old fool, there are things your narrow mind could only think of doing, remember what bloodline I belong to and while you're at it keep in mind she doesn't have the power to fully resurrect as I have bind her powers from doing so. Only I can lift the spell and I alone." Grammy said sternly.

After she said that my grandfather cracked a smile as if he knew my grammy meant every word she had said to him and he wasn’t surprised.
"That's my woman show no fear and at all cost protect our fam..."

My grammy cut him off. "Our? You stopped being apart of this family the day you tried to steal my child’s magic to tap into my family’s bloodline and take our essence to rule the supernatural world."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. This man who turns out be my long lost grandfather also tried to take my mother's magic and our family's magic. I couldn't believe what I was hearing; how could this be, I trusted him and even brought him back to life from what I just learned. I started to cry and apologize, expressing how its my fault and how I should've listened, promising to never do it again.

"Didn't I say hush now do just that, you wanted to be fast and do what you wanted not knowing who or what you could've brought back." Grammy said.

"Celestine! Leave girl alone, I've been watching her because I'm here to help. I know what I did and worst of all I know what I lost compared to what I wanted to gain. Listen to me she's in danger and if you don't start training her the way I know you can she is going to end life as we know it." My grandfather said.

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