Fire Inside of Me. (Chapter 4)

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt like everything was a dream. It didn't feel real, but today was Friday and I'm going to find out some things that would either help me or make me feel so embarassed that I wouldn't even show my face outside ever again. When I got out of bed to get dress I noticed a pink note on my windowsill, that was folded neatly into 4 perfect squares. I picked it up and examed It. What is this? Who Is It from? I asked myself. I unfolded the piece of paper and read it. It said:

Don't listen to them, Darling, they are not who you think they are. They would break you and us and that just cannot happen. I won't allow it. I love you way too much for that....

                                                                                              <3 Anonymous....

I read the note like 162 times(Yes I actually counted), until I remembered that I still had school. When I went in the bathroom I was too scared to use It because I was scared someone was watching me. I felt so paranoid. It actually took me twenty minutes to use the bathroom. After that I quickly got dressed and draped a cardigan over my shirt.

Besides the thing with the creepy note, my day was going fine. I seen Rodger and Logan in my 1st period and I said hello and Rodger said that it was okay for him and Logan to come to Daniel's house today, so we could talk. I don't know why, but my stomach got all fluttery when he said that. At lunch I sat with Daniel, Rodger, and Sarah again, but this time Logan actually sat with us, along with a few of his drooling girlies. "What you staring at?" Logan said with a voice that seemed like he was uncomfortable. I liked his uneasiness so I kept staring at him. "Oh, I don't know, maybe that your sitting with us today and you brought..." I pause and look at the two drooling girlies..."company". I say as if to confirm this to myself. Logan looked suprised for a minute then he turned and looked at the two girls. "Hey, can you guys go over there and wait for me till' after lunch." They turned away and grunted and then scowelded at me as if it was all my fault. Those idiots....I turned away and then checked my phone to see If my mom texted me...I must've been staring at my phone for a while because the next thing I knew Logan started throwing carrots at me. I looked up from my phone and seen Logan smirking. I was just about to give him the finger before the stupid bell rung. Great timing, right? I said my goodbyes to Rodger, Daniel, and Sarah and told me that I couldn't wait for tonight. I scoweled at Logan and turned my back and headed to my 4th period.

When I came home I seen a envelope with my name on it. I picked it up and opened it, bracing myself for the worse. It said:

Hey darling, It's your Grandma Ruth. I forgot to get you a birthday present  for your birthday so I sent you some money to make up for it. I hope you forgive me.

Love, Grandma Ruth

I looked in the inside of the envelope and seen about ten twenty's in there. Thank you Grandma Ruth! For some reason Grandma Ruth was always favoriting me. I mean I love her dearly, but I never understood why she love me so much. It seemed like she loved me more than my mom ever did. One night when I was younger, Grandma Ruth and my mom was arguing about who I was going to spend Winter Break with. "Laura, you know that this is way safer for her than being with you. It's not a safe enviorment, especially when you and Justin is going through a hard time right now," my Grandma Ruth said with sympathy. "You don't have to worry about me and Tessa because you won't ever see us again!" My mom screamed. She never was like that, It scared me. About five minutes later she came in my room and put a jacket on me and pulled me in a hug."We won't be seeing Grandma Ruth for a while so you should go say goodbye to her now." My mom said. "Why?" I asked. "It's complicated sweety, you won't get it until you get older and go through it with me. I pray that day will never come to that." She said with a sad smile on her face. I went to Grandma Ruth's room and sat beside her on her bed. "Hey grandma. mom told me that we won't be seeing you for a while and that I should say goodbye to you. Is it true?" I asked. "Yes, sorry my dear. I'm really going to miss you, but I promise that I would send you a birthday present, everytime I can't make it, okay?" She said. At that momment I really disliked my mom because It  wasn't fair to me or grandma. Why would mom want to break up me and Grandma Ruth's relationship? "I love you grandma." I said with a huge smile on my face. My grandma eyes watered at that momment. "I love you too, Tess." She said. Her voice cracking a little at the word, "love". That was my last memory of my Grandma Ruth, but just like she promised, she always sent birthday presents and christmas presents. I haven't seen her in 6 years but I still feel that love for her.

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