Are you serious?!?? (Chapter 7)

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"What?" I asked. I couldn't believe how selfish she was being right now. Was she really going to ship me off with a person I don't know? She talks about her needing healing, but what about me? I mean he was my father. He was a part of me no matter what and I still loved him. He made mistakes just as much as everybody do. Yeah he did hurt a piece of me when he left, but I know that he loved me. As I stared at my mom and Uncle Charlie, I couldn't quite understand why they want a future for me when my future is right here. Did she even think about Daniel? My bestfriend sinced pre-K? Yeah, just like I said she's selfish.

"Mom, are you serious?" I said, staring at her intently.

"Tessa, please understand that I am doing this for you. It's not healthy for you to be in a envior-" I cut her off.

"I hate you! I hate you!" I yelled."You're not doing this for me, your doing this for you. You are so selfish and I hate you!" I screamed. My mom started crying again. I didn't care, I was way too pissed to even try to comfort her.

Uncle Charlie stood up. "Tessa, that is no way to talk to your mother, young lady. I don't care if you don't want to live with me. It's not even permanent. It's just until your mother could get herself together. You have to be understanding right now, please." He said sternly. Like he wasn't my fire either. I felt the throbbing on my back again.

"Ouch." I said. My mom looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, honey?" She asked.

"I'm fine, it's not like my dad died or anything." I said with sarcasm and ran upstairs to my room.

Why don't they understand that I have a life here? It's not like I could just leave this place for good. I love it way too much to let that happen. I can't just throw it away to go live with a stranger. I mean, yeah he is family and all, but I never even seen him in my life, not that I remember it. I looked in the mirror and couldn't even recognize myself. I looked like I just aged 20 years, in a day. I was really sweaty and pale. My face had frown lines. I had dark circles under my eyes. I was just a mess. I couldn't believe that my dad died. I mean, It's just so weird. It's like a awkward grief inside of me that makes me want to just staple my eyes closed and let the darkness surround me.

I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. I think that I need to research a few things. I typed in the word,"angels", on Google and waited to see what would pop up. The first thing that I seen was a painting of an angel with her head down. She looked like she was crying, but I could see no tears. The next thing I seen was the baseball team, so I decided to type in something else instead. I typed, "Angels are real," and what poped up was a video of a angel being caught on tape. I clicked it and seen a slightly invisible person walking on water. This wasn't really helping so I looked at the rest of the websites and videos. I was just clicking on this website when a small rock hit my window. What the hell? I looked outside my bedroom window ever so slowly and seen a note, that had the same paper as my grandmother. It was folded neatly like my grandmother do, so I opened it.

This is what it said:

Hello sweetheart. Looks like someone lost their father. If only little Tessa knew what really happened to him. It shows it on this flash drive, but if you show anyone else this video, you will surely be sorry. Anyways....I hope you enjoy the show, dear. But remember, that there's going to be a sequel.



I looked out of the windows and only seen trees surrounding me. I cannot believe this. I took the flashdrive and sticked it in the computer and waited until it flashed on. I seen a nice little Honda Civic and seen a grown man, which is probably my father. He took out his keys and waved goodbye to somebody.

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