2-The key

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Annie-it's the key we found it hayley

Hayley-yay :) but what is it for?

       (Ding- Message-i see you've found the key. Very good girls, im sure you are wondering what the key is for. Go downstairs into the room next to it. In that room there is a dresser. Try each lock carefully or you wont get the next clue)

Annie-the room next to the basement????

Hayley-i didn't know there was room next to the basement

Annie-oh i know the room that mom and dad always told us to never  go in the door is always open in the morning then daddy goes in there around  12pm)

Hayley-(checks the time ) its 11:23 we have time

Annie-i'm hungry (goes to make food for the both of them)

Hayley-yum kix with bananas

Annie-haaha hurry up before mom and dad wake up

Hayley-(finishes) ready?

Annie-(finisues her last bite of cereal and outs both their bowls in the sink) ok lets go

        (They run to the room next to the basement)

Hayley-(closes the door and locks it) ok we are good

Annie-(tries all the locks until she reaches the last one)

Hayley-(keeps watch & hears footsteps) Annie i hear footsteps

Annie-(fumbles with the lock and the drawer opens finds the note and puts it in her pocket) ok got it lets go

Hayley-(stands by the basement door)

Annie-(closes the door and stands next to Hayley)

Billy-Morning girls what are you doing down here early in the morning?

Annie-oh nothing watching a movie with Hayley

Hayley-yeah just down here watching a movie

Billy-um ok (walks to the room)


Annie & Hayley-(walks upstairs) yes mom?

Katie-who left the dishes in the sink?

Hayley-sorry mommy we were eating and then we went to watch a movie downstairs in the basement

Annie-sorry mommy (washes the dishes) all done

Hayley-(walks to her room)

Annie-(follows her) 

Hayely-what does the clue say?

Annie-(takes the note from her pocket) it says

     Message-good you've found the 3rd clue, now your adventure continues out of your comfort zone its time to travel to New York City where everything is pretty. Bring money ALOT OF MONEY

Annie-New York I've always wanted to go to New York

Hayley-so do i mostly during christmas time.

Annie-well time to travel

Hayley-(takes her piggybank and breaks it then counts her money) i have 200 dollars saved up  from my birthday and christmas that Noni and Pop -Pop gave me

Annie-(walks to her room and gets her piggy bank) i have 300 dollars from Noni & Pop-Pop for my birthday and christmas as well. So together we have 600 dollars.

Hayley-do you think we have enough for a trip to New York?

Annie-yes but we dont have enough money for a hotel Hay

Hayley-looks like we have to ask mom and dad for money

Annie-are you crazy we cant just walk to up them and ask them for money

Hayley-... We do it all the time why are you so afraid now

Annie-because Hayley they don't know that we are going to find Caleb. We have to be sneaky about this Hayley

Hayley-oh right i forgot...so whats the plan?

Annie-(whispers the plan in her ear)

Hayley-nice plan Annie

Annie-thank you

          (At 3pm)


Billy-(walks to her and kisses her cheek) ok i will and becareful i love you

Katie-i love you tol (leaves)



Annie-that was easier then i thought lets roll Hayley

Hayley-really?? Annie really??


         (They look through their oarents room and finds their dads wallet. And takes money from it)

Hayley-ok lets go i already feel guilty about this

Annie-chill Hay we got away with it come on (walks to hayleys room)

Hayley-(follows her)

               (They count the money)

Annie-ok we have enough money for a hotel

Hayley-good so when and what time are we going to sneak out of here

Annie-as soon as mom and dad fall asleep we grab our stuff and start our journey towards New York

Hayley-brillient i love the way your mind works Annie

Annie-thanks Hayley

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