3-Sneaking Out

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(At 9pm)

Annie-(walks into Hayley room) hey wake up


Annie-remember the plan

Hayley-oh right that

Annie-do you have your stuff

Hayley-yes (gets her bag from under her bed) ok lets go

Annie-ok good let's go

Hayley-how are we going to get passed mom and dad?

Annie-tip toe duh

Hayley-oh great your sass is back

Annie-whatever lets just go ok

Hayley-k you got the money?

Annie-:) yeah

Hayley-(gets the oil can and puts some on the door so it wont squeak)

Annie-(closes the door behind them) our journey begins.... Im nervous and excited at the same time what if he doesnt like us, what if hes happy with someone else, how old is, whats his favorite sport?.

Hayley-annie looks like shes in deep thought) Annie snap out of it

Annie-huh what? Oh are you ok?

Hayley-what were you thinking about?


Hayley-really what about him?

Annie-his age, if he knows about us or not, why hasn't mom and dad told us he existed, where was he when we were born

Hayley-deep stuff sis lol

Annie-look the bus stop

Hayley- finally

(The girls wlk to the bus stop)

Hayley-what do you think New York will be like Annie?

Annie-pretty full of lights and nice people hopefully our big brother will be there and we could know what happened and why mommy and daddy haven't told us about him

Hayley-yeah actually heres a picture of him

Annie-wow he looks like mommy where did you find this?

Hayley-in the basement above the fireplace

Annie-Hayley you know your not allowed up there you can get hurt

Hayley-im sorry

(The bus comes and it says M15 to New York City)

Annie-thats us lets go Hayley)

Hayley-(gets on the bus)


Hayley-now that we know what Caleb looks like maybe we can guess his hobbies

Annie-he looks like a kid that would play a sport like basketball or baseball

Hayley-yeah (yawn) im sleepy Annie

Annie-ok would you like me to tell you a story

Hayley-yes please (lays on Annies lap while using her backpack as a pillow)

Annie-once upon a time there was a 12 year old boy his name was Caleb and he was secret spy for the CIA. He loved his job but that meant he would have to move away from his family because his enemy the FBI said they will hurt his family. He packed a few prized possessions and said goodbye to his family and stsrted on his journey.

Finding Caleb (A Bratayley Story)Where stories live. Discover now