13-The reveal

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Hayley-hey Annie while we are still here can we see that guy again?

Annie-what guy?

Hayley-the guy who we met while walking around looking for Caleb

Annie-oh you mean that guy! Yeah sure

Hayley-yay :)

(In the streets)

Caleb-i wonder if I'll bump into Annie & Hayley again? They seemed like nice girls i would love to have sisters like them i know i have sisters but what if it's not them?

Hayley-(bumps into Caleb) oh sorry hey its you

Annie-Hayley don't run off like that ever again we aren't in Maryland remember

Hayley-sorry Annie & look its the boy we ran into a few days before

Caleb-hi Annie

Annie-hi. where are you headed to?

Caleb-nowhere really just walking around want to hang out?

Annie-you mean the both of us?

Caleb-no i mean all 3 of us

Annie-oh ok sure no problem :)

Hayley-come on let's go

(In the cafe)

Caleb-one ice tea and 2 root beers please

Guy-no problem here you go that will be 7.50

Caleb-thanks :) (walks back to the girls) here are your drinks

Annie & Hayley-thank you

Caleb-(sits down) so tell me about yourselves

Hayley-well I'm the youngest. I'm 11 years old. I love to bake, my favorite subject is gym and i like making people laugh

Caleb-hahaha awesome

Annie-I'm the oldest of the both of us mom and dad never told us we had an older brother named Caleb so i guess I'm the middle child, I'm in gymnastics I'm training to be in level 9. I have my own youtube channel called Acroanna and we have cousins named Mary Kate, Danielle , Nick and Davidl. I wish i had an older brother i would love to know what it's like oh I'm also 13 years old and in the 8th grade.

Caleb-interesting. My favorite color is purple, I'm 14 my birthday is July 13th :) my mom and dad put me up for adoption before they had my 2 little sisters. My foster parents are abusive to me. I'm only let out of the house to go buy them stuff and to go to school they told me i have sisters but i never met them but i do have a picture of them (shows the girls).

Annie-where did you get that picture?

Caleb-my foster mom gave it to me why?

Annie-that's me and Hayley

Hayley-yeah that is us & we have a picture of our brother (shows him a picture Caleb)

Caleb-that's me!!!!


Caleb-sorry :(

Annie-so if you have a picture of us and we have a picture of you then does that mean we are siblings?

Caleb-well we won't know for sure. What's the name of your parents

Hayley-our dad's name is Billy and our moms name is Katie

Caleb-does their last name start with an L


Caleb-:) well if they had a picture of me in their house and i have a picture of you then we must be siblings :)


Hayley-yay wait isn't your name Alex?

Caleb-no my real name is Caleb Logan :)

Hayley-oh (hugs Caleb) i can't believe we have a big brother

Annie-(hugs Caleb as well) should we tell mom and dad?

Caleb-no but lets take a selfie


(They all take a selfie)

Caleb-there now we can remember this day forever

Annie-you have to come with us to see mom and dad

Caleb-why would i, mom and dad never wanted me then what makes you think tey would want me now

Hayley-we aren't letting you stay with those abusive losers

Annie-yeah she's right let's go get your stuff

Caleb-are you nuts

Annie-do you want to go back home with us or be abused? Your choice

Caleb-ok fine but we have to get passed them quick and fast

Finding Caleb (A Bratayley Story)Where stories live. Discover now