23- Back to school

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Annie- great back to school vacation is over :( well at least I get to see my boyfriend all semester (phone buzzes) that might be him now

Text from Luke

L- Morning Annie 😙😘😙😘
A-Morning Luke ready for school?
L-YUCK no :( but I get to see you so that's a start
A- I'm not ready for school either and awww Luke
L- see you later babe :)
A- later (goes into her bathroom and does business)

                                (In Caleb's room)
Caleb- noooo today is the day we go back to school gross I like sleeping in (phone buzzes) great who's that

K- Morning handsome happy new year and ready for school?
C- morning beautiful same to you and NOOOOOOOO school is boring and it smells
K- hahaha ikr but think about it soon it will be summer vacation
C- yeah yeah but it's so far
K- yeah it is
C- let's skip the whole school year and go straight to summer
K-:) I would love that
C- Annie got up early as usual
K-what's wrong with that?
C- whenever she gets up early it always wakes me up its not fair
K- lol go get dressed and stuff Brennan and I will come get you and Annie
C- what about Ryan isn't B drooping Hayley and him off to school too?
K- no my mom will drop them their school starts at 8:30 and ours starts at 8:00
C- oh right mom mentioned that and 8:30!!! That's not fair
K- lol ikr babe.... Caleb?
C-yes Katie?
K- go get dressed love you 😘😎
C- ok love you too see you later

                                     (After all the kids are ready)
Mrs Katie- have a good 2nd semester of school Caleb and Annie I'll pick you guys up later

Caleb & Annie- ok mommy love you bye


Hayley- ok!!!! (Phone buzzes)

R- ready for school princess?
H- no school sucks
R- relax it's your last year and next year you'll be with me again
H-did you forget our school is 8th, 9th and 10th graders
R-oh yeah..... so I guess I'll see you later then?

                                   (At 7:57)

Mrs Katie- HAYLEY!!!!

H-(walks downstairs) what?

Mrs Katie- oh good your here Mrs Jill and Ryan are here

H- yeah yeah I'm going (walks outside) bye mom, bye dad

Mr Billy- later Hayley

                                    (In the car)
R- Hayley!!!!!
Mrs Jill- Mrs Jill (feeling left out)
H- hello Mrs Jill
MJ- hi Hayley ready for your first day of 8th grade
H- no
R-(hugs her) I'll be with you
H- not in all my classes 10th graders have better classes than us
R- yeah but we might have the same lunch as before
H- true
R-( checks the time) it's 8:21
MJ- chill Ryan we are almost there
H-(rests on his shoulder) chill we will get there in time I heard we have a new principal
R- wait really who is it?
H- some mean lady
R- who told you?
H- Darren told me over the break
R- how did he tell you he doesn't have your number
H- yes he does he took my phone and put his number in and took my number
R- so is he your friend or something
H- Ryan are jealous
R- yes I'm jealous no guy should be talking you my girlfriend
H- calm down we are just friends I don't even like him he's weird and smells like glue
R- hahaha you're right I'm sorry Hayley

H-(hugs him) oh great we are here
MJ- have a good day at school kids and Ryan don't think of Darren as a threat to your relationship with Hayley
R- ok MOM see you later  (has his arm around Hayley)

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