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Caleb's POV
Hey guys it's me Caleb . I'm 13 years old turning 14 on July 13th. My mom & dad decided they weren't ready for a child so they gave me up for adoption :( how could my parents not want me. When i was 11 i found out that i had 2 younger sisters one named Annie who's 10 years old & another younger sister named Hayley who is 6 years old. My adopted mom told me all about them. The only time my real parents call is for my birthday & holidays so i get gifts from them but not Annie & Hayley i wonder why? Did mom and dad not tell them about me? I guess not :( i think they are ashamed of me. Anyways im an only child my adopted mom Maria and my adopted dad Mark are mean, they say hurtful things to me. The only time they are nice to me is on my birthday and holidays. When she told me about my sisters waa on my 11th birthday. That's the only time they aren't drunk out of their god damn minds :( the rest of the years it's Caleb do this & Caleb do that. If i don't do them i get hit or sent to my room without any dinner. I can't wait to turn 18 so i can move out and find out if Annie & Hayley want me in their lives. Anyway im going to the store mom wants more cigerettes and dad wants more booze.

(Caleb walks to the store)

Caleb-excuse me sir can i get 1 packs of cigs & a bottle of booze please?

Register guy-Hey Caleb how are you doing?

Caleb-bad mom & dad are acting like idiots again

Register guy-dont worry Caleb things will get better. (Hands him his stuff) here you can take it for free on the house

Caleb-but... I have cash

Register guy-it's fine Caleb keep the cash for yourself and buy something to eat

Caleb-thank you

Register guy-you're welcome get out of here before your parents come

Caleb-yes sir bye (leaves the store) .... I feel hungry I'll buy myself a sandwhich

(Walks to the deli)

Caleb-hey Roger one poutine sandwhich pleaae

Roger-coming right up

(A few minutes later)

Roger-that will be 10 dollars

Caleb-here you go

Roger-thanks (gives Caleb his change)

Caleb-thanks (goes to one of the tables and eats his sandwhich). I wish my sisters were here with me. I wonder if they know i even exist

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