Springle - Where did he go?

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Hai everyone sorry there hasn't been a new part for a while iv just been troubling on what to put sorry If some of these parts are kinda clear of whats gonna happen but X3 it will get interesting soon :3 Also 

*Mangles POV*

I couldn't believe what I saw was It really him? Stood between the door was a kind of blury fuzzy sight of... purple guy, I thought I was just imagining It but then Springy saw It as well that's when I knew it was him well something like him. Springy looked a bit angry as well, he shouted "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!"  The figure just smiled, The purple thing was holding a knife and had a golden badge on he just didn't really look real. Springy shouted again "ANSWER ME!" I didn't say anything I was still a bit messed up. The figure laughed and slowly started to fade away. Springy ran and hugged me, I think he was a bit scared tp.

*Springtrap POV* 

I ran and hugged Mangle, I had a feeling that the Purple Guy isn't gone... I can still scene him but why, why was he here? ...wait.. Did he do this to Mangle!? If he did, I'm going to kill him aaaaarrrghh I want to just crush him he ruined everyone's life he killed kids using my best friends suit and once mine for a party, I hate him, How could he do this why would he! I was thinking so much I started to tear up. Mangle tried to comfort me and said "h-hey are you okay?". "Yhea I'm fine I was just thinking so much sorry..." I wish I could of done something to him whitest he was there... I feel like I failed .. Failed at protecting Mangle. "Hay what are you sorry for!" She smiled at me I could tell she was faking it tho she was just trying to make me feel better, but i'm meant to make her feel better "aren't you worried or scared..?" I asked "If I was acting scared and worried it might effect the other animatronics around me or people" She was right I guess "Thank you for being brave..." I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her, heh after all of that and she still went a bit red when I did that. After sometime we both fell asleep on her bed hugging each other tight.

(( So so so sooooo sorry this was short, If you guys really like this then I promise I will wright a lot more :3 now baiii see chu next temm! )) 

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