Springle - Notes

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*Mangles POV*

I woke up wrapped around Springy's arms he so cute hehe, I wonder what everyone else would think if they knew i was his girl friend? hmm maybe one day I might see them.. One day. I wriggled out of his arms and got out of bed, I had tried to forget about what had happend last night, I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make us some food. We hardly have any think to cook but we had some eggs so I made us some fried egg. I wonder if Springy is feeling all right he was seemed really messed up last night ... Well we did see that man ... But I didn't know Springy even knew him, I wonder what he did he's done so many bad things to us I wonder what he did to Springy I don't really want to ask him because I know it will be a touche subject. I got out some plates to put the eggs on then walked back to my room. I out the plates on a desk next to my bed then I tried waking Springy up it took a while.

*SpringTraps POV*

I slowly opened my eyes to something pushing on my arm, It was Mangle "oh.. morning Mangle" I said in a drowsy way, I was still half asleep. "Morning! I made you some breakfast!" She replied back seeming highly active. "Oh thanks, umm you didn't need to heh." I felt a bit embarrassed as I was in her bedroom and slept in then she went and made break fast for .. me. I sat up and she passed me the plate, She sat at the end of the bed facing me and started to eat. I looked at the egg and it was in a heart shape ... so cute, I started to eat it as well it was delicious! After we both finished eating, I decided to go back to my room to get dress and that, Mangle went to the kitchen to go clean up. I'v noticed that Mangle has kinda settled in now she is not really scared anymore, I was afraid of what happen last night that she might get worried again. But she seem just fine I don't really want to speak about it as I just get sad and annoyed every time, I don't want her to see me like that but I'm going to have to tell the Marionette about this. I got changed and walked to the Marionettes box and told it everything. Mario made me a little bit less worried about the situation. Whiles't I was walking threw the hallway I noticed the Parts & Service room's door open, I admittedly rushed to it to lock it. I defiantly don't want Mangle in here, all her family, friends are here I don't know what to do with them or how to fix them really, I think Mario fixed Mangle I don't really know... I looked around the room a bit to see if anyone had been in here, I saw a note on the box where everyone's parts where It said "This is a big secret is it not?" the writing was in purple "he's been in here hasn't he...." I accidentally said out loud. I really hope he hasn't messed with anything, I should go check the cameras to see when he was here, I might be able to see what he did, Unless you cant see him on camera, I don't know but I will go check, I locked the Parts & Service door so Mangle doesn't accidentally go in it and went to the Security Guards office.

*Mangles POV*

I went back to my room to find a note saying 'Do you know the secrets?' It was in purple. It had to be him but what did he mean, I shouldn't listen to him though he's trying to do something bad probably I wish he just went away.. I went to go find Springy he was walking to the Guards office "Hay Springy! where you going?" I shouted at him "Oh, I'm just checking something... one minute!" He replied walking away from me to go to the Office. I wanted to go with him but It seems he doesn't want me to .. Wonder why, I wonder if that note meant something..? ughh naah probably not well at least I hope not. I got board and started just hanging about on the ceiling thinking about the strange note.

*SpringTraps POV*

I didn't want Mangle to come with me or she would see the room and I don't want her to see them, I got to the office and looked at the cameras I played back to last night and put it on speed, I paused it at the perfect moment there was a blury purple man looking through the boxes, I put it on normal speed and watched what he did, He just seemed to be looking at all the parts and laughing a bit then he wrote the note and left. Luckily he did nothing with the parts but why did he laugh? I really don't like that man... I deleted the memory I didn't want anyone else finding this or the Security Guard finding out about him, I started to walk back to Mangles room but half way there Mangle popped down in front of my face as she was on the ceiling she kissed my forehead and giggled, I love her so much shes so cute. 

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