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Mangles Pov

I climbed down from the ceiling and decided to asked Spring about the note "Hay umm Springy I found a note in my room saying 'you don't know the secrets' or something like that... umm what do you think it means..?" I asked I was still quite unsure if I should of asked him but I was curious. "ughh, probably nothing .. you shouldn't think of it that much uggh he was probably just trying to mess with you.." he replied back is voice was tone was a little higher from usual, I could tell he was lying. "..what are you hiding from me?" I asked. He seemed to panic but he just kissed me on the head and said "nothing" It made me sad knowing he was hiding something from me, I want to know everything is he hiding something big from me? 

SpringTraps Pov

I panicked so much when she knew I was lying, I cant let her know tho, I have her friends all broken in a box... what would she do If she found out and I know I sound selfish and I know its really bad but I want her for my self and I don't know If any of them like her... They have a good relationship with her as well I know of it, she might not love me anymore if they came back.. This is bad.. I shouldn't hide this from her, I should try get them back... I know I should. "Mangle..I umm I'm sorry, yes.. I am hiding something and its kinda a big deal I think you will be very sad if I told you but soon I will tell you well I will get rid of the secret and once I do you will be very happy I know of it!" she looked kinda sad that i'm not telling her "why cant you tell me? why would it make me sad?? you said when its gone I will be really happy so just tell me!" she said she was so desperate to know but I'm not going to tell her because if I cant fix them then she will be sad so ... "its a secret.." I started to walk away but she tugged my arm "please tell me.." "I'm sorry I don't want to make you sad if it doesn't work, but just think of it as a surprise okay?" I smiled at her, she nodded but looked down a bit she let go of my arm and said "..okay then" I kissed her again then walked of to the Marionette's box to discussed my plan of trying to get all her friends back.. I personally didn't really want to but I knew I had to. Sometime Pasted  after a long discussion it was decided we would try fix them all, I told the marionette to go wait in parts and service and I would be there in a bit, I went to Mangles room and knocked on the door "Mangle its me, can I come in?" she replied "sure" I walked in to see Mangle playing with a music box, the one I gave her.. I smiled "I will be in the parts and service room for a while, so you may not see me, don't worry nothing is wrong i'm just .. fixing something don't worry" I told her "oh, want me to bring you food when its ready or something by a long time I know you don't mean just a day.." she huffed "ugh well just knock on the door and leave it outside I don't want you to really go in there" I kissed her and left "okay, baiii~" she said. I went to the parts and service and locked the door behind me, Marionette had already got out all the tools and found a whole set of one of them "wow that was fast, hopefully this doesn't take forever" I sighed. we spent ages just on the first one apparently this one was Freddy, then Bonnie, Chica and Foxy, We completely lost track of time, It must of been like 2 days or something, because Mangle keeps bringing food and It well it feels like it. Now we are onto the toy versions... First Toy Freddy, then Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica and Balloon Boy well at least I think that was his name, Marionette was telling me all about them and there names, I think all of them took 3 days so the total 5 days! that's actually not that bad we only had to put all the parts together really but finding out where all the parts where, and we did sleep so it wasn't fully 5 days, Now all we had to do was give them life? well something like that, I stood back whilst Mario did the magic. There was a big flash of light, and all of the slowly started to open there eyes, to be honest I was a little bit scared.  (( BTW, yes they do look like humans, there human animatronics okay? XD )) I decided to greet my self to them and I told them where they where, They told me all there names although I already knew. "ay where be Mangle?" Foxy asked "oh.. sh-she is outside" I stuttered a bit as I was scared of everyone's relationships with her, even though she was my girlfriend now they had no idea and that could change... "Yes, I was wondering where she was" said Freddy his voice was really deep and sounded professional.. "I CANT WAIT TO SEE HER!!! EEEEEKKK" Said Toy Chica, I guess there really good friends. "ughh well just stay here and I will get her, I'm sure she will be really happy heh" I unlocked the door and went to Mangles room "Mangle~~ I got a surprise for you~~" I could hear her run to the door, she opened it and hugged me "you was in there for ages ... " "hehe I know I was but you will see why, follow me" I grabbed her hand and took her to parts and service "go one open the door!" she opened the door and screamed in joy... that made me happy.

Mangles Pov

OMG, I cant believe it, there all here there alive omg omg omg omg omg!!!! "YOU GUYS ARE HERRRE???" I screamed in joy, I ran up to them and hugged them, I was so happy I couldn't get the smile of my face, they was all happy as well, after some time Marionette gave them all rooms and me and Springtrap gave them sometime to look around and get settled in, me and Springtrap went to my room. "thank you so much!" My eyes started to water up and I hugged him tightly he hugged me back, "no problem, I just want the best for you" he kissed my forehead "so whats you're relationship with them...?" "huh oh, well Freddy he is one of the bosses Toy Freddy is as well, Toy Chica is my best friend and Chica is also my friend, Bonnie is a friend anddd Toy Bonnie also Balloon Boy, well there all my friend hehe!" "oh okay good!" he smiled at me "oh.. how am I going to tell them .. about us? I mean its not like i don't want to but they make a big deal about everything especially Foxy he probably gonna pick on  me about it pff..." I say "well I will find a way to tell them but I don't really want to tell them all together as i'm sure one of them will say something and I don't really want that.."

SpringTraps Pov

 I understand why she might not want to tell them, and I know that at least one of them have got a crush on her... I mean she so cute how could they not? I bet there is going to be some hate on me and I think Freddy or one of the Freddys know my past... I still have no ideas if this was a good idea.... there is going to be a lot of drama I know of it.  

(sorry there hasn't been a lot of update ;-; but next chapter there is going to be a lot of drama, just be ready for that ^^ see ya guys next time, I hope you guys actually like this fanfic as this is basically my first fanfiction, but iv started writing other ones but this is the main one as I think its good :D XD okay baiii people))

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