Life stopppp

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SpringTrap Pov

Its been a day since everyone has been here, there getting settled into the new environment actually a bit fast. To be honest iv been watching them a bit and it seems like Freddy is in charge I hope he doesn't plan something bad.. I know what he is like he probably going to plan something bad i'm sure of it but how will I stop him he knows something is up so hes trying to find out I think as hes been asking Mangle and Marionette a lot of questions but of course he wouldn't ask me he hates me. He know that the purple guy haunts me maybe he can scene him here because he has been avoiding me a lot well he probably dose know purple guys is here because he was here! he was messing with stuff and that. Freddy just hates me so much well he did liked me from the start all because purple guy chose to hide in me, that's why Freddy treats me like trash he still dose. Well now that he is in 'my' pizzeria and iv been here longer than him and I know a lot more about him from Mangle maybe the person in charge may change, oh and lucky me as I know this place inside out i'm sure I can find a way to crawl threw the vents and listen in to his conversations so I can hear what he has got planned.

Mangles Pov

Wow I still cant believe everyone is here! Springy's so kind but i haven't seen him lately hes kind of trapped his self in his room, I hope hes okay with everyone being here, well he must be right? he was the one who brought them back, I should go check on him just in case~. I skip along the hallway and knock on Springs door "Its me" I said whiles't slowly opening it not waiting for a reply. I saw Spring sat on his be he seemed to be in deep thought. He lifted his head and greeted me with a smile, "Hi Mangle, hmm why are you here? shouldn't you be hanging out with you're friends?" he asked. "Why would I be with them when I have a wonderful boy friend sat alone?" I said whitest hugging him tightly, his face went a bit red and he kissed me on the cheek "so why are you in here?" I questioned "Why not its my room" he said in a sarcastic way, "...Why have you been locked in you're room for ages when there are new friends waiting out side for you to meet~?" he chuckled at my question "friends? I don't think so, they basically hate me for .. reasons" I was confused on what he said "Hate you?...why?" I said tilting my head slightly "ugh I mean I just haven't spoken to them yet so they aren't classified as my friends yet heh" He sounded nervous whitest saying it, was he lying to me? Well there is no reason to hate him right he barely knows them. "Well okay then i'm going to go back to them, make sure you come out of this room today!" I said whilst giving him a kiss good-bye "What are you my mum now?" he chuckled "Definitely not!" I said whilst closing the door.

Freddy's POV

I was sitting down at a table eating some pizza till i heard Mangle walking through the halls she waved to me and came and sat down "Hi Mangle, how are you?" I asked just starting some small talk "Good, do you hate SpringTrap?" She asked, it kind of shocked me, "No why would i hate him? Why did he say something, dose he not like me?" I replied, the truth is I do hate Spring he is different.. ever since he got locked down in the basement and also used by purple guy, But now that i'm back iv realised hes gone back to his old self, probably because hes been with Mangle "Oh no he didn't say anything bad about you, its just .. you guys don't talk to each other!" She said "Well if he ever leaves his room for once maybe I could" I said whilst standing up and leaving the table, I kind of said that in a rude manner so I guess its now a bit obviousI don't like him. Also I think he likes Mangle and that's bad because Toy Bonnie likes her! And I don't want to see him get hurt, I have to stop all communication between those two, I should just lock him in a basement again that would honestly do it.

*Time past and it is now dinner! yum*

Mangles POV

Iv decided to tell everyone that me and Springy are dating at dinner! I run and hug Spring who is roaming around, "I'm going to tell them we are dating so you've got to come to dinner" I smiled up at him whilst saying so "What today!?" he seemed to be not that happy about it "ugh.. don't you want me to..?" I said in a sad tone "Its not that! I definitely want you to tell them! Its just that I thoug--" I cut him of "Its better to tell them sooner then later" I smiled at him "..Your right, okay we will tell them then" I Smiled again and dragged him to the dinner room, we all sat down and ate, guess what pizza! half way through the meal i decided to tell them "Ugh.. everyone I need to tell you something" Everyone's eyes turned to me witch actually made me nervous "ugh hehe well umm me and Springy are dating..." I smile nervously hoping they don't mind, everyone smiled and cheered for me and Spring which made me happy, I turned to Spring and kissed him on the lips, all of us proceeded to have dinner and they where all asking us question like when did we start dating or when did you fall in love with him hehe I'm glade everyone's okay with this.

Freddy's POV

I was so shocked when she said she was dating Spring, that explains why she asked me if I liked him, I should of said I didn't like him because it probably would of stopped this. I looked over at Toy Bonnie he smiled and congratulated her but when he sat back down he looked very angry, I guess now he hates Spring as well, I feel sorry for him but at least I got someone on my side to help destroy him. After dinner I grab TB and bring him to my room/office to talk about Spring.. "Look I don't like Spring and I'm guessing from what just happened you don't either" I said getting straight to the point TB just nodded "Well I'v been coming up with a plan to get rid of him, you don't need to know why I hate him but, hes a bad person and he doesn't deserve to be with Mangle, you should! I think if we get them to break up that will cause him to break down and well destroy him, then if you agree we can maybe find a way to fully get rid of him!" I said, TB seemed quite unsure at first but then he agreed to make them break up, he said he want's to see what happens when they break up before deciding to fully get rid of him. "That's it then, don't tell anyone about this and try come up with a plan how to do this!" I said whilst leading him out of my room. That's sorted then, were going to destroy and well get rid of him, even if TB doesn't agree i'm going to get rid of him!

Thanks for reading~!! Sorry for these late updates .3. Share and like this story :3 and leave a comment of what you want to kind of happen next and I might be able to use the idea! That's all baiiiii!

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