Chapter 10

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"Well, this certainly isn't what I was expecting when I decided to take a run." I drawl out as I watch my mate eyes still latched to my naked body, I can't say much because I am doing the same. He blushed before his eyes dart back up to mine, he sees the teasing glint in my eyes before he turns back to blatantly staring. I chuckle at his bold attitude before I get a better look at him. He is slim, as I already notice, but I can see a faint six pack that he must have to work to achieve. His thin arms have small muscles attached to them and his thigh seem bulkier then normal, his calf muscles are taught, and from the small glance I got, so is his as$.

"This isn't what I imagined either." He said in a joking tone but I could hear the insecurity lacing his tone, It almost overpowered his breathy voice that sent shivers down my back. There is nothing I wouldn't do to hear that same breathy voice over and over again.

"What are you doing here?" I question as I take in the area around his body. He seems to have slept here for a few days if the tracks are anything to go by, also his lingering smell.

He blushes at my question before clearing his throat. He starts making patterns in the dirt, mostly swirls anything flowers. I notice that he is stalling and right before I call him out for it he opens his mouth and answers.

"I..I turned rouge when I was five, and I have been living this way ever since." He said ashamed. His head hung down and he refused to meet my curious and slightly angry eyes.

"What made you turn rouge that young?" I ask astonished that this beautiful creature's parents refused to care for him. No one should have to turn rouge, expecially my mate.

"I'd rather not talk about it." His gaze hardened until he was glaring at the flower he had just made in the dirt. My heart plumeted, something so bad had happened to my mate he is scared to share it with me.

That's fine." I said softly, crouching down to his level. "You can tell me when you feel comfortable to do so." Surprise filtered in his eyes before a breath taking smile took over his whole face. His eyes lit up and even his nose scrunched up a little from the size of his smile.

"Thank you, no one has ever been so kind to me." He slipped his knees underneath him and kneeled on the dirt instead of laying down. I watched the movement of his hands as he brushed of the excess dirt before looking back at me. When he noticed my heated gaze he blushed harder then I have seen.

"I won't be anything but kind to you." I answer truthfully, and I mean it, I know it now. The missing feeling I had with her, is there with him. I want him, my wolf wants him. He is my mate.


"Well, this certainly isn't what I was expecting when I decided to take a run." He drawled out as my eyes continued to devour him. I look up to make sure he wasn't mad before I continued to check out his amazing body, more bold in my gazing.

"This isn't what I imagined either." I said in a joking tone but insecurity was there, prominent but not completely noticeable, at least I hope it wasn't.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as his eyes darted around the makeshift camp ground. I blush as I look down around the ground and start doodling in the ground, doing anything so I don't have to answer his question, but then I break and answer anyways.

"I..I turned rouge when I was five, and I have been living this way ever since." I said ashamed as I hung my head, refusing to meet his gaze. I might not be able to handle the disgust I expect to see in his eyes.

"What made you turn rouge that young?" My eyes harden at the ground unconciously as I think about my past.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I ground out as I fight against the tears that wanted to break free but quickly got picked back in favor of a bright smile.

"That's fine." His words brought me so much joy that I wanted to jump in his arms, but I countered to just sit up until I was kneeling on the ground.

"Thank you, no one has ever been so kind to me." I blush as I notice him watch my hand as it passes over my pale skin, although I spend all my time outside and should have some type of tan.

"I won't be anything but kind to you." I smiled wide, my mate wanted me, I had always be prepared to be rejected, no one would want the unwated omega. No one would ever want the broken wolf. But he is my mate, he wants me, and that is all that counts.

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