Waiting...Waiting...Wai-WHERE IS HE?

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Where the heck is he?

That idiot! He forgot me again! No matter how many times I called him, he doesn’t even bother to pick up! That idiot! That jerk, that…URGH! I hate him!

That’s my brother for you! You haven’t seen the guy in 4 years, FOUR YEARS, and here you are, back to Korea, from the states, but he leaves you waiting at the airport for 3 hours after a 14 hour flight! I don’t get it—so much for family, right?

What's worse is that this isn’t the first time. Donghae has always thought of his career before me. When I first came home back to Korea from America in '06, he didn’t visit, but kept on doing his Super Junior career. He never sent me any letters or anything when I was in America, only mom, dad, and Donghwa did, so much for a “wonderful” brother, right? I never received a call from him when I came back from America. I mean, the only reason I know his number, and am furiously pressing those numbers on my phone to get his answer, is becuase our mom told me.

Sighing once more, I looked around the airport, hoping to see him out of all these Korean people. No luck. I took out my phone and tried to call him once again… again… no luck.

I let my back rest against the wall, falling down until I was in a crouching position. Stretching a little, I got bored and rested my chin against my hand. Smelling the wonderful, Korean air that was around me, rather than the American air, listening to Korean words without struggling again rather than straining myself, trying to understand some universal language that I wouldn’t really need, unless I was to be an English major (Which, in a way, I sorta am.) Plus, I can’t tell Americans apart! They all look alike to me. Well, forget my rant! I'm back in Korea! Sure, it's not Mokpo, and the people here speak in a diffrent accent, but it's still Korean!

Oh South Korea! How I’ve missed you! My home! My sweet, wonderful native home! The place where there are cute Asian guys rather than lazy, ugly Asian guys! The home where I can go out at night without having to worry about being safe! Where the worst thing that could happen in Korea at night is two men playing badminton! Not to mention Korean food! Oh Jajangmyun! How I miss you oh so much!

And do you know who’s responsible for ruining my precious dream of eating JaJangmyun?

Lee. Donghae. That’s who.

“Donghae, I’m gonna kill you once you get here” I whined, rest my head on my legs. Just that second, my phone rang. Wow, such great timing! I mean, if Donghae didn’t call me in the next two seconds, I would’ve killed him simply because I’m hungry!

“Hello?” I answered, trying to act as calm as possible even though I had a chance of blowing up at any second.

“Hey, Al? Where are you?” he said, talking in his normal Mokpo accent.

“I’m in the airport” I replied nonchalantly, looking around to find his scrawny body.

“I know that, but WHERE in the airport” he answered sounding a bit mad and tired at the same time.

Sighing, I leaned on my suitcase and answered,“Gate 24” 

“Ok, stay there” he hung up. I let out a tired breath, playing with my suitcase handle. I started thinking about how things got weird between my brother and me. I mean, Donghae and I use to be so close! I use to be that kid who didn’t know how to defend myself while Donghae would always save me. Like this one time where I was being pushed by a certain girl against the wall and Donghae stopped the girl going, “LOOK. See that wall? Your face is gonna be against it if you dare hurt my sister again! UNDERSTOOD?!” Che…I wonder where that brother went? Not that stupid celebrity of a brother who has to fake a smile every now and then, but that childish brother of mine.

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