Meeting Chubby Cheeks

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Before I knew it, the car stopped for a long time, and I heard a footsteps coming closer

“HEY! LEE DONGHAE! WHERE HAVE YA BEEN?!” yelled a male voice.

“Ah! Sorry Henry, it was my turn to cook, wasn’t it?” Donghae asked, I shut my eyes even tighter.

Please shut up! I don’t wanna hear this! I wanna sleep! I need it! I’m tired, my legs hurt, and…You get the deal right?

“No one’s home, and I’m starving!” he whined. “Unless you wanted a certain hyung to cook, but then…THAT WOULD BE A DISASTER! WE WOULD DIE! AGAIN!”

“Sorry, I had to pick my sister up” Korea’s shame reasoned, “Did you let him cook?”

“I was about to, but luckily I didn’t. Any who! Did you bring any food home?”

“Thank goodness! Are you ok with ramen?”

“You’re forgiven”

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Donghae wasn’t in the driver’s seat… “Oh, Alex, you’re awake” I looked around and saw him behind the car. I scratched my head, and drowsily opened the door, but I fell out of the car since I was still half asleep!

“WOAH!” the other guy gasped, “Are you okay?” he asked in english.

“Mhm, I’m fine…” I muttered, slowly getting up.

“Alex?” Donghae asked, lending me a hand in which I so rudely declined by slapping it away. I looked up and saw a…Okay, by the eyes, I’m gonna say, a Chinese or Taiwanese boy with the cutest cheeks ever!

 “Hae, who’s he?” Mr. Chubby Cheeks asked.

“It’s my sibling, Alex”

“Oh, the one you told us that was gonna stay with us?”


“Is she as violent as Siwon’s sister?”

“From what I know, nope!”

I sighed, not wanting to hear another word of the pointless conversation that Korea’s Shame and Mr. Chubby Cheeks were talking about, I got up and walked to the trunk. It was locked…

 “Hae! Open the trunk!” I yelled in English,

Donghae looked at the Asian with a “Huh?” look.

“She said open the trunk!” he translated. Oh great, I was planning to call Donghae names in English, but now since I apparently have someone who knows English, my plan backfired! CURSE IT ALL!

“Oh, Hold on Al!” Donghae finally replied, breaking my chain of thought as he pressed his car keys to unlock the trunk. I lifted the hood and struggled to get my suitcases and duffel bags out of the car since I was practically like a drunk since I was tired!

I rubbed my eyes a bit, and hit my head trying to become fully awake.

“SM’s Beiber! Can you help me bring Al’s stuff to the dorm?” Hae asked Mr. Chubby Cheeks.

…His name’s Beiber? Is he related to that midget named Justin Beiber? OH MY GOSH! IF HE’S FROM CANADA THEN IT’S A DONE DEAL! I CAN GET A JUSTIN BEIBER AUTOGRAPH FROM HIM, SELL IT ON THE INTERNET AND MAKE MONEY! MONEY! YES! Heh! Who needs a job when you got a JB family member here?

“Sure” he replied and grabbed my suitcase. Donghae grabbed 2 of my duffel bags and I just grabbed what was left (it was like 1 bag).

I leaned over to Donghae, poking his shoulder. Donghae turned to look at me, “What?”

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