2. Don't Start Now

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As irritating as she is, I have to hand it to the new girl—Sarah—for completely not putting up with my attitude. Either as me or as Bolt. I know that's something Pat would like. He likes that kind of stubbornness in girls. It gives him a high, or something. Still. I can't let her see how it's affected me either.

   Not to mention she was acting really weird when we met again. There was something going on with her, but I don't think that's anything new. Girls always have something going on with them. Mom told me once it was because girls just have a lot more on their minds.

   "Hey, man!" Trip greets me after we've finished practice for the afternoon. "Made any headway yet?"

   "On what front, Trip?" I continue with emptying the water coolers.

   "Either. Fake or real."

   I shrug. "Nah."

   "Hey, listen. If you end up not getting the new girl, can I have her?"

   "Her name's Sarah," I say before I realize what that might sound like.

   "You got a name already. Sweet. You gotta admit that name peaks your interest, Cam."

   I make a noncommittal noise. Trip's the kind of guy that even if somebody utters the word "girl" he immediately wants to feel her up, wherever or whoever she is. Girls have a hard time dealing with me, though. It's the arrogance they don't like. Like Sarah. 

   "Better ask her soon, man. Otherwise Trevor the Toad's gonna move in on her."

   I remember him. The little gamer dweeb from freshman year. Or used to be, anyway. Now he's my unofficial—and I use that term very loosely—sidekick, Green Phoenix. His superpower was still very new—I'd seen him trying to test his powers a while back and even though he can shoot lasers out of his eyes, he can't aim them to save his life. Target practice was definitely something we had to work on. That and he lives up to his namesake, and by that I mean burst into flame, disintegrate into ashes, blow himself somewhere, and regenerate. But he wasn't too good at that last I checked either. He left a leg behind that time. Not to mention he can transform into a phoenix of any size he wants. Or so he claims. But I haven't seen him do anything like that yet.

   "So, wanna come over to my house tonight? My parents aren't going to be home."

   "Are you saying you're inviting me to a party, Trip?" I know his parents are super wealthy, and have two houses.

   "Totally, man."

   "Sure. Why not?" First party of the school year. I liked those as much as the next guy, honestly.

   "Cool, dude. See you there." He winks at me suggestively.

   I smack him on the back of the head. "I'm not getting wasted tonight, if that's why you're winking." And screwing up my crime-fighting power? No way.

   "Come on." He grins, elbowing me.

   "Your parents won't even let you drink."

   "What they don't know won't hurt them, Cam." he says, slowly and enunciating every word, like I'm a little kid. "Trust me."

   "Your famous last words."

   "Shut up, Cam."

   "I'm just saying. I'm sorry."



I can't stop thinking about the body in the bathroom, even as Trevor walks me through his extensive "fandom" merchandise. And the way Blue Bolt just showed up, almost like he knew. Maybe he did. Supers had that intuition, after all.

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