9. Losing

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So. The big night approaches. We have a game right before that, which I'm hoping we'll win so I don't end up looking like a complete idiot. Not that I haven't done that in plenty of other ways already. Then, once I've showered and changed into my nicer clothes, it's homecoming and maybe Sarah and I can make this into a proper date. If Kaelie—or worse, Pink Wildfire—doesn't screw things up, as she so often does. I'd have to go full super on her in that case, and I don't know how Sarah would react to being left alone at a dance I invited her to in the first place.

   But at the same time I've held back, because of how guarded she is around me. She doesn't mention much about her home life to me at all, even though eventually I'd like to get to the point where we can tell each other stuff. Like big confidential stuff. Not this superficial—thanks for the new word, Sarah—stuff.

   I just hope it'll go off without a hitch. Seeing Kaelie in the hallways openly sucking Trip's face off and then shooting self-satisfied glances in my direction whenever I'm around doesn't give me a very good feeling. Especially when Sarah's with me. It's like she's trying to spite me by going out with a guy she doesn't even like, and has said so too.

   Not like I was missing out on anything when I dated her. I mean, sure, she was a damn good kisser and if you had wandering hands during that time she pretty much let them go wherever you wanted. All the guys assumed it was because she was easy, but I knew it was something different. Once she got comfortable with someone touching her--like me, for instance--she'd let you. But not until then. I guess that was the difference between her being easy and her being careful.

   But then again, I'd seen plenty of guys running away from her with their tails between their legs. She got mean when she sensed a break-up. I didn't know if that was something like a supplement to her superpowers or what. Still, I guess her almost setting me on fire when she was Pink Wildfire was a pretty good indication of how she felt. 

   We come across Kitty and Trevor in the hallway too, but they're more cuteness than anything else. Kitty's so fragile, and I felt bad every time I saw her. Mostly because I was the one who shoved her current boyfriend's head in the toilet. At Kaelie's behest, of course. I think they're good for one another anyway. Besides, we're almost all old enough to act mature around each other. 

   "Hi, guys!" Kitty bounces over to us, hugging Sarah first and then me. She looks so happy it's almost contagious.

   "Hey, Kitty." I give her a smile. "What's up? You seem happy today."

   "Guess who just asked me to go to homecoming!" She casts an adoring look over at Trevor, which makes him blush.

   "I knew Watson could do it." Sarah says and I can tell she's grinning at him.

   Trevor drops his head. "Ha-ha, very funny, Campbell."

   "I'm just saying, Trevor, that I knew you'd be able to make her happy." Sarah bumps him gently with her shoulder.

   "I make everybody happy, are you kidding?" Trevor grins, but I can tell he's flattered.

   "He always makes me happy, my sweet, sweet boy." Kitty wraps her arms around him and kisses him on the cheek.

   That only makes Trevor blush more. "Love you too, Kitty."

   Then the minute bell rings, disturbing the bubble of quiet that's formed around us.

   "Melin le, Kitty." Trevor smiles and kisses her nose.

   She blushes. "Melin le, Trevor."

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