11. Lay It All On Me

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I try to get there a little before the carnival starts, as per Kitty's request. I have to switch out the lens on my camera, lock the rest of the equipment in the trunk of my car, and begin the walk to it in the dark with it slung around my neck. A breeze stirs my hair, making me shudder and pull my sweater closer around me. For a state much further south than where we moved from, it's chilly this time of year.

   Kitty and Trevor meet me right at the entrance. I have to get a picture right down the midway, not for the yearbook, but because the perspective interests me. The rows of lights will provide some good contrast.

   "I'm glad you got here when you did." Kitty says to me when we enter, out of Trevor's earshot. "I came here alone last year and it turned out bad."

   I feel her shudder next to me. The second I see Kaelie a good distance away from us, scowling in our direction and standing next to a jaded-looking Trip, staring vacantly at the ground, we automatically head in the opposite direction. Cam catches us at the popcorn machine. I can tell it's him because he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders, trapping mine to my body. I jump in surprise. He's never done that before.

   "Hey Cam," I say as he kisses the top of my head.

   He doesn't answer, just buries his face in my neck.

   "Looks like Mr. A.I.'s feeling the love tonight," Trevor says, grinning over at us.

   "I can see that." I turn around in his arms, looking up at him. "You made it."

   "You think I would miss it if I knew you were here?" His mouth is turned up into a smirk, strange after so many weeks of seeing it twisted into that arrogant expression. I guess people really can change for the better.

   I shrug.

   "I see you have some work to do," he says, pulling back and lifting my camera, turning it around and peering at me through the viewfinder. "Click."

   I roll my eyes, but he's in such a good humor I can't be annoyed. "I do, but you're welcome to come with me."

   "How can I turn down that invitation?" He grins.

   "Be back at eight, 'kay?" Kitty says. "That's when they do the raffle."

   "You got it, chief." I give her a salute.

   She shakes her head and smiles, making a shooing motion with her hand. "You're funny. Go on. Have some fun now."

   "We'll make sure to."



I like seeing Sarah in her element. Sure, she's doing work, but she's also getting in some artistic shots too. I like to watch her line up whatever she's about to capture, with the eye of someone who knows what they're doing. It's strange how feelings work, wanting nothing to do with someone one week and then not being able to get enough of them the next. I'd hoped to do something very important with her tonight, but maybe it isn't the right time to reveal who I am.

   I always want to, though, especially when she catches me staring at her. The way her eyes soften when she looks at me is enough to make me consider it. Something about her makes me trust her, almost without restrictions.

   "Why are you staring at me like that, Cam?" I watch her mouth curve up into a smile.

   "I just like to watch you do what you do best." I give her a grin back.

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