13. The Only Exception

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I appreciate Cam's concern, but all the way home, I keep imagining the different ways that Mom will react to him. She doesn't exactly have room to talk, partly because she hasn't been here for seven years, but I could be wrong. Maybe there's some dating advice she can give me, with the drunk boyfriend in New York and all. That doesn't exactly say she's the role model when it comes to picking men.

   When we pull into the driveway and I've stopped the car, I feel the need to brief Cameron on Mom.

   "I don't know how she's going to react to you, Cam. So we have to be careful. Really careful." I say with some trepidation. If he saw the rest of my family, I was positive he'd run the other direction like the devil himself was on his heels.

   To my surprise, he smiles. "She can't be as bad as Kaelie's mom. She was awful. Always checking in on us, like any second we'd start ripping each other's clothes off or something."

   Briefly I wonder if that's how we can trace her attitude, considering there seems to be no other reasonable explanation. It makes sense, but it still doesn't reconcile her misdeeds against me. Even if she apologizes I'm going to have a hard time accepting. That is, if she comes around.

   "Are you sure? Do you really, really want to do this? I want you to be completely, one-hundred percent sure."

   "Sarah, stop worrying," He tentatively reaches out to rub my arm, and I can't help but like the feeling a little bit. "I've handled all sorts of mothers before. It's okay."

   "Cam, I..." I sigh, but the conviction in his expression is enough to get me to stop protesting. I've been notorious in my family for not accepting help when I need it most–like now, for instance–but maybe this time, I can make an exception for him.

   "Let's go, okay?" he says, gently taking my hand and squeezing it. "If it doesn't work, at least we can say we tried."

   I nod, somewhat reluctantly. I hope this will work.

   When we climb out and go up to the front door, I feel him take my hand again. That, if nothing else, is a small comfort.

   "I'm home!" I call into the house when we enter.

   For a second, there's no answer. Then a soft thump and Victor comes out of the living room, his hair messy like he's been sleeping, rubbing the back of his neck.

   "Hey, Sarah," he says, but he's not looking at me. He's looking at Cam, who's got at least half a foot on him easily. "Who's this?"

   "Cameron Bower," says Cam, shuffling his feet. He's probably feeling uncomfortable by now. "Sarah's...um..."

   Victor smiles. "The boyfriend. I know. She's mentioned you a couple times. I'm Victor, by the way. Sarah's big brother."

   "I figured." Cam looks down at the floor. 

   "We were looking for Mom and Dad." I don't mean to interrupt, but for the sake of moving things along, I have to. "Are they here?"

   "Yeah. They were upstairs before I laid down for a nap."

   "'Were'?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

   "Could be anywhere by now. I kinda forgot to check."

   "Well then, let's go." I pull on Cam's hand, leading him upstairs. "Thanks, Victor."

   "Your brother seems nice," Cam says, following me up. "I thought you said he..."

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