joshuadun1 is online.
joshuadun1: OMG, I'm seeing you tomorrow.
joshuadun1: I can't fucking wait omgdunhun101: me neither!!
dunhun101: So...about wanting "the strings attached"...joshuadun1: God, you're not gonna let that go, are you?
dunhun101: I'm sorry. It's probably really bugging you.
joshuadun1: Well considering you're dying to know and it can't wait until tomorrow apparently
joshuadun1: I'll just tell youdunhun101: Ok
joshuadun1: but this stays between us, ok? You're not telling ANYONE about these strings
dunhun101: of course <3
joshuadun1: Basically
joshuadun1: I wanna fuck you.
joshuadun1: I wanna fuck you everywhere
joshuadun1: on my bed, on my couch, on the floor, over my kitchen sink
joshuadun1: in the fucking shower
joshuadun1: I wanna pin you against the wall
joshuadun1: I wanna throw you across the room and make you scream like you're at my concert
joshuadun1: it'll be the best you've ever had
joshuadun1: I want you to be minedunhun101: ...
dunhun101: that's what you want from me?joshuadun1: those are the strings. You asked for them.
dunhun101: But that's all you want when I see you?
joshuadun1: I want you to be mine.
dunhun101: I thought you wanted me
joshuadun1: I do want you
joshuadun1: so fucking muchdunhun101: No, you want my body
joshuadun1: are you saying I don't love you?
dunhun101: No. I'm sorry.
dunhun101: It's just
dunhun101: I thought you wanted ME
dunhun101: I thought you wanted my heart, my love, whateverjoshuadun1: that's an added bonus.
dunhun101: An added bonus?
dunhun101: That's what I thought you wanted the whole time..
dunhun101: Not the "strings" you just talked aboutjoshuadun1: So now what?
joshuadun1: Nothing's changing.
joshuadun1: You're still getting on that plane tomorrow.
joshuadun1: You're still coming to see me.dunhun101: Am I?
joshuadun1: Don't you dare miss that flight.
joshuadun1: You are coming to me and you're gonna be mine.
joshuadun1: You'd better show your ass at my door tomorrowdunhun101: Josh
joshuadun1: Or I'm gonna come all the way over to "the other side of the country" and hunt you down
dunhun101: Please
joshuadun1: I'll go to every door until I find you, then I'll carry your sorry ass all to way to Ohio
dunhun101: You're scaring me
joshuadun1: Good.
joshuadun1: I need you.
joshuadun1: I couldn't cope without you.dunhun101: Please, stop
dunhun101: I'm terrifiedjoshuadun1: You can't be terrified of me.
joshuadun1: You love medunhun101: I thought I did...
dunhun101: But you just want my body
dunhun101: And I'm really scared of you right nowjoshuadun1: You better be
joshuadun1: Cause I can make your life a living helldunhun101: why would you wanna do that to me
joshuadun1: Because I NEED YOU.
joshuadun1: but if you're not there tomorrow then I'll be angry to say the leastdunhun101: Please don't do this
joshuadun1: Watch me.
dunhun101: Please!
dunhun101: Just don't hurt mejoshuadun1: you know I'd never hurt you.
dunhun101: But you are
dunhun101: And you have been since we started talking
dunhun101: I just didn't realise until now
dunhun101: You've been silently hurting me
dunhun101: Even though I love you
dunhun101: Are you gonna respond?joshuadun1: You'd better show your face tomorrow.
joshuadun1 is offline.
dunhun101: Or what?
dunhun101: You said you'd never hurt me.
dunhun101: And you never will.
dunhun101: I've loved you for years
dunhun101: You're my idol
dunhun101: But I have to let you go.
dunhun101: Goodbye, Josh.
To Dun Or To Run [Josh Dun x reader]
FanfictionThere's a new dating/messaging website called Findmeabae. Everyone's on it. Including you, your best friend and your idol, Josh Dun. You're a 17-year-old high school student who goes by the username dunhun101 on this website. One day you manage to f...