Chapter I

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This chapter has been edited

Warning: Character death

" I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, 'Don't leave me alone'
But all that's dead and gone in the past
Tonight ~ " – Safe and Sound (Hunger Games/Taylor Swift)

November 29, 1702 – Scandinavia

Soft cries of a newborn infant filled the evening air in the forest. An agonizing birth turned fatal. Alexandra had been helping her close mortal friend, Allison, give birth to her baby for the past few hours. Encouraging her to keep pushing the little infant out. "W-What is it?" The new mother choked out, her vision blurred as the vampire wrapped the blood covered baby in a warm blanket, shielding the child from the cold air. "It's a girl, Allison..." The other female replied, presenting the little one's face to her dying mother. Tears escaped the woman's eyes as she just looked at her child, knowing that she will be the last person, other than her friend, she will see before she leaves the realm of the living. "M-Madison.... That's what her name s-shall be..." She whispered, looking up at Alexandra. "...Alexandra, I want you to raise her... A-As your own.... Don't let her forget me though... T-Tell her I'll always be watching over her and that I love her, dearly... Please, I-I beg of you..." The female looked down at her dying friend, knowing she didn't have much time left. Allison gripped Alexandra's arm lightly, craning her neck to expose a vital vein. "E-End me quickly, Alexandra.... I don't wish to die a slow, agonizing death...." She begged. "P-Please..." The vampire didn't want to kill her own best friend, whom she saw as a sisterly figure in her eyes, but a merciful death is what she will give upon request.

Gingerly putting the child down on the ground, making sure to keep the blanket on her, her fangs slowly extended out as she leaned to Allison's neck. She was quick to sink her dagger-like canines into her friend's fragile skin, quickly sucking the blood that seeped out of the puncture wounds. She hated doing this to people she was close to, truth be told. It makes her feel terrible on the inside, but she knew she was trusted to make it quick instead of slow and painful. Icy tears escaped Alexandra's ruby red orbs as she finished the last remnants of Allison's life essence, before she gently put her head down and closed Allison's now-death gray eyes. Blood dripped down the vampire's lips as she lightly kissed her friend's forehead as a silent farewell to her. Then, she turned her attention to the crying baby, picking her up off the chilly ground to cradle her close. "I-I'll take care of her, Allison.... I promise..." She whispered, gazing at her deceased friend. With the deed done, Alexandra had started her silent, depressing walk back to her cottage, the child securely in her arms.

She and Allison had been best friends for years. About seven, to be exact. The vampire knew her friend would die eventually, but she thought she would die of old age, not after giving birth to her only daughter. She thought Allison would see her baby grow up and become a young woman, but no. Death just had to claim her so early and suddenly. Talks she and her friend had about how the future would be flashed momentarily in Alexandra's mind. Allison appeared to be so happy, and had all these plans for herself and her baby. Allison had wanted to become the village's child doctor, taking care of all the little ones that resided there. Look at what happened now, she had died after birthing her own child. At least, she will rest easy knowing she had seen her beloved baby, and that she had left her baby in the care of someone she trusted. The vampire wanted to carry on Allison's memory.

The child's cries soon turned to faint whimpers, as she buried her small face into the vampire's tender bosom. She looked down at the little infant, caressing her bloody cheek gently with her cool fingers. "Shh..." She cooed at Madison, trying to quiet her down. Alexandra had no experience with motherhood whatsoever, but she will do whatever it takes to ensure that the child grows up happy and healthy like her mother did. The child soon did quiet down from the vampire's tender touch, finally going to sleep. Alexandra knew that since she was just thirty minutes old, she hadn't eaten yet. Thinking for a moment...perhaps, she could nurse her... "Hmm... I suppose it with be worth a try..." Alexandra mused to herself, looking down at the infant, soon arriving at her cottage. Her dog, Amber, had eagerly come to greet her. The animal was a gorgeous Siberian husky with gray and white fur and lovely blue eyes. She once had another dog named Amber, but sadly she passed a few years ago, so she had gotten this husky and named her Amber in memory of her other pet. "Hello Amber." She smiled at her pet, rubbing her fluffy head in greeting. The dog playfully licked the vampire's hand before following her to the living room, noticing she was carrying something.

As soon as Alexandra sat down on the rocking chair after grabbing a towel and cleaning the child, Amber tried to get a look at the bundle. The girl chuckled lightly, "Here's your new sister, Amber..." She whispered, lowering the child so Amber could see her. The dog seemed curious about the newborn, and took a small sniff at her. When the child started to fuss, the vampire had her dog stop and lay down. Taking a shaky breath, she lowered the top of her dress, exposing her chest. Goodness, if someone else was in her house, she would have a damn panic attack just for being watched. She never breastfed a child before, but she knew how to position the child and all that from watching other mothers tend to their own little ones. She just hoped her own milk wasn't different from a mortal mother and Madison would take it. If not, she can bottle feed her. Adjusting the child in her arms, Alexandra brought her up to her chest, helping her latch on. The sensation was, to say the least, strange. It was more of a tingly feeling. Watching the child nurse off her did give Alexandra a sense of confidence. That she could raise her well. A small smile graced her pink lips as she started rocking on the rocking chair, cradling Madison like she was her own child. Soft hums emitted from the adoptive mother after she got used to the feeling of her new 'daughter' nursing off her.

After a while, Madison soon stopped, little hiccups coming out of her little mouth. Alexandra gently pat her back like all mothers would do until she burped. "There we go..." She cooed at the child, kissing her forehead. "Now... Let's get you dressed." She murmured, going to her bedroom to get some child's clothes. Luckily, she still kept some dresses her mother had made when she was a newborn herself. Placing the child on the bed, Alexandra went to her drawers. "Dresses....dresses..." She mumbled to herself looking through for those tiny pieces of clothing. Soon, she found one dress. It was a small white nightgown-like dress with small blue flowers decorating the edges of the skirt. Looking at Madison, she figured it would fit. "Hmm... Let's try it on for size." She started putting the dress on the child, a bit surprised that the dress was a tad bit big on the newborn. "Well then.... I suppose this will have to do. You'll grow into it though, my dear." She smiled, gingerly scooping the child up, swaying her body from side to side like a cradle to put her to sleep.

The vampire looked up when she noticed her dog growling at the window. "Amber? What is it, girl?" She asked, walking to the window, looking out. There was nothing outside her window, but she started to sense something amiss. Amber would never growl like this. It was as if she was sensing a possible threat nearby. Raising a brow, Alexandra closed the curtains, making sure the windows were locked and her door was locked as well. Madison was still sound asleep luckily, so the vampire won't have to deal with a crying baby. With everything checked for security reasons, she made her way to her bedroom, still cradling the child. Placing the child beside her, Alexandra laid down, holding the little one close to her chest. "You've only been here for a few hours...." She mumbled, gazing down at the sleeping child. "...yet you still manage to dazzle me...."

With that, she drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

Author's Note: Before anyone gets confused let me point this out, the vampires in this story are able to nurse children even without birthing one. They have to reach a certain maturity age (150 years old) before they can even start nursing a child.

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