Chapter IV

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" It's scary what a smile can hide. " – Unknown

Author's Note: that man above is twivine (the hotness omg)

December 6, 1702 – Skalavik (the village) – 8:40 pm

"When do you think you can come visit, Alora?" Alexandra inquired, looking at the female beside her, a smile on her face. "Oh... Hmm... I suppose I could can come visit tomorrow evening. The full moon will be out tonight. The lycan packs outside of Skalavik will be running amok, therefore I shall just be at home. You can stay the night at my cottage for tonight if you'd like." She offered, a kind smile at the white haired female. "I could, Alora, but I would like to stay home tonight... I just want to keep bonding with Madison..." She politely declined, looking down at her sleeping adopted daughter. "I understand, Alexandra... No need to fret. I know children require so much attention." Alora gently pat her friend's back, a sweet smile on her face. "Thank you for understanding, Alora..." The vampire hugged her lycan friend softly, returning the smile. "See you tomorrow evening. Farewell." The girls waved good bye to each other in perfect unison.

"As for us, my darling..." Alexandra began, kissing her child's forehead softly. "We shall be inside tonight. Our clothes shopping can wait..." She whispered, entering her cottage and closing the door behind her. The vampire greeted her dog, per usual, a smile on her face as she sent Amber outside to do her business. Alexandra went to her bedroom, changing her adopted daughter out of her day-clothes and into a soft, warm nightgown. Madison's nightgown was a beautiful shade of forest green with a pink ribbon tied around the chest area and floral designs decorated the edges of the skirt area. Taking Madison back into her arms, the vampire walked to the living room, sitting down on the rocking chair. After a moment, she softly hummed a tune to a music box she always listened to as a child.

Outside, Amber was sniffing around the area for a decent spot to do her business. She was pretty chipper now that Alexandra had returned, and wanted to go quickly so she could be beside her owner again. Guarding her, protecting her, along with Madison. However, rustling from some bushes had caught the dog's attention. Slowly, she approached the bush, stopping a few feet away. A growl escaped Amber's throat as she began barking at the bush. Quite loudly, in fact. Her barking was so loud that it caught Alexandra's attention.

Looking out the window, the vampire noticed her dog was barking at something. She started to get the sense that something was dreadfully wrong. She could just feel it in the air. Opening the window, she called out to her beloved pet. "Amber! Amber! Come inside, now!" She ordered. The guard dog immediately obeyed her owner as she ran all the way inside. When Amber was inside, Alexandra locked her windows and doors, and closed the curtains, as a precaution if anyone or anything was outside. She noticed her poor dog was shaking from what was outside. "Darling... What did you see?" She asked, hugging her pet close in a protective manner. Whimpers escaped Amber's body as she nuzzled Alexandra in an attempt to calm down. "Shhh..." She cooed, stroking the dog's head reassuringly. "We shall be alright, my pet..." She stood up, a tender smile on her face. The vampire was pleased when her dog had calmed down and had gone to the living room to rest for a while.

The curtains were closed and the doors and windows were locked, but that would not protect herself, her pet, and her adopted baby from the threat that had awaited outside.... Behind the shrubs Amber had been barking at, a wolf emerged. A large black wolf as dark as the dark night sky and eyes the color of a sapphire stone. 'Hmm...' It hummed to itself in thought as it watched the vampire look out the window for a moment then closing the curtains as quick as she opened them. It was clear, she was getting a bit spooked. Perfect. 'Alpha, when should we launch the raid?' The gamma had asked via mind-link. 'In a moment, Gamma. I'd like the white haired lass to remain unscathed. Let her leave first, then we will raid.' The black wolf replied back, his eyes locked on the cottage. If he were in his human form, he would be smirking like a madman.

Alexandra couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched by someone outside of her house. It was making her very wary about being inside of her own cottage, and one she had lived in for years, in fact. Sensing something was about to happen, she started packing a basket with for herself and her dog, and Madison's spare blanket and two dresses. If anything was to happen, she did not wish to be here while it did. Call her paranoid, she won't give a damn. She would never leave Skalavik without any reason, but the idea of feeling unsafe in her own home is reason enough for her to leave. After packing, the vampire grabbed her cloak and lifted the hood over her head to conceal her face. Picking up the basket, she then scooped her adopted daughter up, then looked at her dog. "Come Amber, we must leave quickly..." She whispered, opening the front door and letting her pet out first. Once Amber was outside, she followed as well. The vampire looked around cautiously for a moment, making sure nobody was following her into the forest. "Soraidh, Skalavik..." She murmured in Scottish-Gaelic as she made a dash into the forest, her dog and baby in tow.

Upon watching the female run off into the woods, the alpha had a cool, calculating look in his eyes. Won't this night be eventful indeed... When she was far in the forest, he gave one-worded ominous order.


Translation: (Scottish-Gaelic)
Soraidh – Farewell

Take note that all translations are from google translate. If any are slightly off or incorrect, do tell me!

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