Chapter V

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Warning(s): Violence and death

" Help me make the most of freedom
And of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a room where the light won't find you " – Lorde (Everybody Wants To Rule The World)

Alexandra's run had not stopped as the life she now left behind had literally burst into flames. She had to be careful not to leave a trail of ice behind her. The ice that emitted from her feet would definitely lead anyone that is following her right to her. She had to force the ice to melt, which was draining to her, but it was better safe than sorry. She had a baby and a dog to protect, after all. Why would she stop? There was no need to stop. Her sudden paranoia was obvious. Amber had a bit of trouble keeping up with her fast owner. Not wanting to leave her dog in the dust, Alexandra slowed down to a speed that her dog can keep up with. The howls of the lycans nearby had sent her into a panicked frenzy. What if they were following her? What if they intended horrid things for her and her precious little ones? No, she couldn't let that happen. Not to the only ones she cared for the most. Abruptly stopping for a moment, she looked behind her.

And wished she hadn't looked....

Looking at the scene, her blue orbs were wide with horror. Fire had already consumed the village and the horrid stench of corpses and blood seeping from the dying [or dead] was strong. Despite being such a far distance, she could still see and smell Skalavik's ruins. Her lips quivered as icy tears slid down her cheeks. All she could hear were the final screams of the innocent people that resided there. The vampire couldn't even hear herself whimpering from the sheer sights. Why was Skalavik, the village of peace among various races, targeted? None of the people done anything wrong, did they? They respected people who didn't live within the village. They respected boundaries. What had happened? Did an altercation occur and nobody knew about it? Every villager in Skalavik would speak of their actions to companions or family-like figures, be it legal or illegal. Honesty is one of the components that had kept the village in deep harmony and peace. Thinking about it, a secret altercation was a possibility, but she couldn't dwell on such things at this moment. Alexandra had  to keep running. She could just hear someone or something approaching her area. Panicked, she picked up Amber, and made her dash once again.

Her tear-coated orbs blurred her vision, but she made absolutely sure she never ran in the wrong direction, which was behind her. Her mind, currently, screamed at her to keep going straight, no matter how far she thought she was. For self defense, the obvious was her power to control ice and snow, and her natural vampiric abilities, but she also packed a few deadly silent weapons. The bow and arrow, silver, and wolfsbane. In Skalavik, self defense and offense was a necessity. Learning how to fight was a requirement. Everybody was trained to fight, including the women and children (ages starting from four years old). It's best to not be seen as weak, and every villager will fight to the death to defend their homes and those they loved. If one was to die, they die with honor and dignity. There was no way in Hell that they would surrender to escape death itself. Every villager in Skalavik was tough, no questions asked. However, sudden raids from a violent lycan pack was unexpected and they were in no way prepared.

Alexandra was lucky to have escaped.

Wanting to take a break, she went up a tree, placing her beloved dog beside her, while still holding Madison. The ability to float up to one of the high branches did have its charms. The pine trees' leaves were thick, so they would keep her scent masked and those following her unable to see her. They can't see her, but she can see them.

She looked down from the high branch after hearing some individuals speaking. "She must be here somewhere... She couldn't of gotten far..." One murmured. Using her keen eyesight to hone in on the voices, she fought back a shriek. It was the alpha and his members of the Blood Moon pack. Everybody knew this pack, far and wide every supernatural individual in Scandinavia feared it. Most supernaturals (women and children mainly) were constantly moving around to various places to hide away from the pack and throw them off the trail. For the most part it would work, but this pack is so determined to hunt the evaders down, that attempting to live in one area was no option at all. The vampire heard of the Blood Moon pack, and getting away from it, in one piece along with her precious little ones, was on her ultimate priority list. The primary problem? These lycans were just as fast as a vampire, especially in their wolf forms, they can gain on her. If she flees, she might need to throw various obstacles in their way to hold them back. With her cryokinesis, it was definitely possible to make them slip. Literally.

"Find that white haired girl and bring her directly to me. Any that touch her in any inappropriate manner will be executed on the spot." The alpha hissed, watching all the members scatter within the woods to find her. Were they that foolish to not scale the trees? Apparently so. They all believed she would be an easy catch. When the alpha shifted to his black wolf form and went to search for her himself as well, the vampire silently floated down, placing her dog on the ground. Now was the time to be swift, silent, and cautious. Luckily, she packed a sling to carry the child in. Putting on the sling, Alexandra gingerly placed Madison in it. With the child secured, she can move her arms freely without the restrictions of holding the child. That done, she quickly pulled out her bow and arrow, cautiously roaming for any lycans out to find her. Biting her lip for a moment, she knew she had to constantly be looking over her shoulder if she heard anything. Amber stood beside her owner, knowing she had to be silent as well.

Being in Scandinavia for so long, Alexandra knew these woods like the back of her hands. She always came into these woods to relax and just stroll, but now wasn't the time to relax, she needed to summon up her survival and self defense skills. Surely, all her years of training will pay off nicely. Slowly walking around, holding her bow and arrow tight, she searched for any lycans.

It wasn't long before she stumbled upon one, apparently searching for her scent

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It wasn't long before she stumbled upon one, apparently searching for her scent. Alexandra looked down at her basket, pulling out a jar filled with a deadly combination of silver and wolfsbane. Opening it, she dipped the sharp tip of the arrow within the lethal liquid, then she put the jar back into the basket. With that finished, she aimed the poisoned arrow right at the cream colored lycan's heart. She did not hesitate to fire.

The arrow silently whipped through the air and was quick to be embedded right into the unfortunate wolf's heart. The poison and the arrow was more than enough to kill it. Alexandra's face held no emotion as she went to the corpse and viciously yanked the arrow right out, causing lots of blood to seep out. Why should she respect the ones that are hunting her down as if she were prey? No, they won't be getting any respect from her. "Have a nice rest, mutt..." She sneered, walking away from the corpse.

After cleaning the arrow tip, she dipped it once again into the silver and wolfsbane mixture. At this moment, she knew the lycans were going to see her as a threat after they find out what she did. Her scent at the scene of the crime would clearly give away the fact that she killed that wolf and she was there. Looking down at her dog, she pat her head gently. "Don't worry, darling... I'll keep all three of us safe, if it's the last thing I do..." She whispered, smiling gently.

Hearing a twig snap, Alexandra was on high alert now. She raised her bow in a threatening manner, looking around, her lips curled into a snarl. The low growling she heard was clearly a lycan's, and this time, it wasn't alone. Coming out of the shadows, there were five wolves. Amber, wanting to tell them to back off, started barking at them. The Siberian husky, however, was an entire size smaller than these hulking beasts. They could easily overpower her. Alexandra pushed the dog behind her, her arrow pointing at one of the lycans. "Get... back..." She hissed out in a dangerously quiet voice. They all had that one look that said, 'you can't tell us what to do, woman.'

Did they really think she was playing a game with them? Well, she wasn't. Since they didn't listen to her, she fired at one of them, the arrow going straight through the skull. Seeing their now dead comrade, they looked at her with surprise clear in their eyes. "You think I was playing you? Well, I'm not. Get your filthy arses away from me, or do I need to kill another one of you to prove a point?" Backing away from them, her arrow still pointed at them, she was soon gripped by her shoulders from behind.

A practically inhuman screech came out of her mouth.

Author's Note: please vote and comment ! I'd like to know what you all think of my stories ! Do note that any bashing or self-promoting comments will be removed, so think twice before you comment. Thanks !

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