Chapter 1

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Violetkit played happily with her littermates, Duskkit, Stonekit, and Flarekit in the newly fallen snow. "Now you be the mouse Violetkit!" Duskkit squeaked. "Okay!" Violetkit mewed. Violetkit crouched down and squished into a small ball and made mousey squeaking sounds. Stonekit watched in unamused silence "aww your no fun Stonekit!". While Duskkit and Flarekit stalked oddly towards her. Flarekit leaped into the air and landed on his belly in the snow a wisker away from Violetkit. Violetkit sat up and let out a small mrrow of laughter and jumped on top of her brother. they rolled and tusseled towards Stonekit and as they slamed into him he leaped up yowling in supprise. he landed squearly on Violetkit's back and flattened her to the ground. '"hows that for not fun, Violetkit?" he sneered.  "Alright, Alright! your fun!" she hisses as she sprang upwards and flung Stonekit off. "Dont play to roughly, Kits!" Firedawn called. "Ok, Mother!" all four kits called at once.

                                                                             * * * three-&-half  moons later...

            Violetkit padded around the camp, sniffing to find some easy prey. then she spotted the elders, quietly stalking up and around behind them, she jumped on Barkfang's tail. The elders moaned in surprise as she tussled with his tail. "Surrender now, AdderClan!" Violetkit yowled. "Oh, I surrender, Powerful Warrior!" Barkfang meowed with a sarcastic roll. Violetkit stood up with his tail in her mouth triumphantly, And the other elders looked at each other with amused glances. leaving the elders in conversation, Violetkit looked around for her sister, Duskkit. "Hey! Duskkit!" she called. "Yes?" Duskkit called back. She was in the middle of play-fighting with Flarekit. "Want to help me hunt?" Violetkit offerd. "No, Thanks. Flarekit and I are playing Clan and Rouges." She called in what seemed a bit of annoyance. Violetkit nodded in acceptance and padded to the bushes. Opening her jaws wide to taste the air, she soon detected mouse. Crouching down and stalking carefully forward towards the smell, she spotted it a few mouse-lengths away. sliding forward as if she was gliding on the earth, she stopped when she was in striking range of the mouse. she leapt forward and squarely landed on the mouse, and killed it before it even knew what was going on. She picked up her prey in her jaws and padded over to her littlermates "Look what I got!" she mewed around her mouse. Duskkit smiled and purred as a congratulations. Flarekit got to his paws swiftly and jumped at Violetkit, knocking her over, he took the mouse and ran. Violetkit hissed in anger and ran after him and jumped on his back pinning him down. Snatching the mouse, she ran to a quiet place where he couldn't take it from her again. Why must Flarekit torture me like that? She thought in anger and annoyance.

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