Chapter 3

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Violetpaw padded to her mentor, Blueclaw. "What will we do today, Blueclaw?" Violetpaw asked hopefully. Blueclaw thought for a moment then meowed; "Battle Training." Violetpaw nodded and followed her out of camp. 

When they got to the training area Blueclaw halted in the middle and turned to face Violetpaw. "Now, Show me what you've learned. Attack me, Claws unsheathed." She growled half-heartedly. Violetpaw stared at her for a few moments in astonishment then nodded. carefully considering her attack plan, she crouched low and let out a fierce growl. Blueclaw also crouched and hissed in Violetpaws face. Violetpaw tensed and leapt over her mentor. As Blueclaw started to stand up Violetpaw darted under her belly and claws out only a little pushed up and flung Blueclaw across the clearing. Taking her chance while Blueclaw was stunned and unbalanced, Violetpaw leaped onto Blueclaw and pinned her down strongly. jumping off her mentor, Violetpaw caught her breath then meowed; "How was that?" Blueclaw got to her paws and shock the dust off her pelt. "Vary good, and thank you, for not using your claws when you pushed me up." She replied. Violetpaw felt her pelt tingle with the minor victory, then nodded.

Back at the camp, Violetpaw padded to the fresh-kill pile, Seeing how small it was to how big it was usually, she padded outside the camp to hunt for a short while. After she was a good distance away from the camp, Violetpaw tasted the air. Quickly scenting fresh squirrel. Looking around she spotted it, Crouching low she stalked forward. Then stopped abruptly. Whats that?  Tasting the air, she found a new scent. Cat scent! she thought for a moment. Not recognizing  the scent. Its not a Tribe cat... Not a Clan cat either... staying low and downwind she watched this new cat. Seeiing a flash of Silver fur, Violetpaw had to hold her breath not to yell in surprise, The silver cat made fast work of the squirrel. Violetpaw moved forward slowly. Maybe they want to join the Tribe. Standing up slowly trying not to look threatening, Violetpaw Greeted the new comer. "Hi There!" she meowed with a slight purr. The silver cat looked her up and down for a moment, fur bristling. After a few moments its fur lay flat and it looked more welcoming. "Hi There!" she repeated. "Hello." the other cat spoke like a Lion, taking Violetpaw by surprise. "I'm Violetpaw! Whom might you be?" She meowed politely. "I'm Mist." They replied. Judging by the scent its a she-cat. "Wait here for a moment if you please." Violetpaw asked politely. Mist nodded and sat down grooming her fur. Violetpaw ran back to camp and got the leader, Ashstar. 

When Violetpaw came back, Mist was still waiting. Ashstar looked Mist up and down, then finally meowed; "Is this Mist, Violetpaw?" Violetpaw nodded and said "Shes seen the TClan and asked to join."  Mist shuffled her paws then nodded. Ashstar thought for a moment then said "Mist would you like to join our Clan?"

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