Chapter 4

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Mist nodded shyly, "Great." Meowed Ashstar. Violetpaw gave a tiny little bounce of excitment. As they padded back to camp, Violetpaw suddenly felt eyes burning into her pelt. She glance at the others, but they were padding onward back to camp lost in their own thoughts. Violetpaws pelt prickled at the ominos feeling. Shivering, she turned to look behind her. She saw a pair of dark green eyes ablaze with hatred. She almost leaped out of her pelt, but looked forwards again, and padded back to camp with the others.

When they got there, Violetpaw felt safer then she had in the forest with the eyes burning into her pelt. Ashstar leaped up onto the Tribe Branch, "Cats of the Tribe! We have a new member, Mistfang!" he yowled. "Mistfang Mistfang!" Violetpaw called the name. "Mistfang! Mistfang!" The rest of the Tribe joined in. Violetpaw padded beside her mentor to the Training Clearing. Once again she felt eyes burning with hated on her back. She perked her ears towards behind her and was surprised when a masive tom leaped out in front of them. "Who are you?" Blueclaw demanded. "I'm Thistle." He meowed darkly. His mew was so dark it sent shivers down Violetpaws spine. "What do you want with us?" Blueclaw growled. "You and the other cats have been living on my territory for too long, And you've stolen my daughter." He snarled, teeth like needles bared. Violetpaws ears flicked up imedatly. He must mean Mistfang!  "This is the Tribes territory, and we haven't taken you're Daghter." She replied smoothly with a hint of a growl. "We didn't take you're daughter, she came with us of her own will." Violetpaw mewed. Blueclaw flashed her a look of confusion then nodded slightly. Thistle growled. "She wouldn't do that, She never dose anything without asking me. Unless she's forced." He hissed. "Well, She did." Violetpaw mewed with a flick of her tail. "Come and see, if you want." Blueclaw meowed with a flick of her ear and a tiny smirk. When they were back in camp, Thistle padded accros the clearing and halted stiffly in front of Mistfang. "What are you doing here? Did you capture you?" He growled glacing both ways. "No, they didn't capture me! I came of my own accord." she mewed. Told ya so!  Violetpaw thought. "What?" Thistle growled. "Yes." Mistfang puffed out her chest. Thistle stiffend until he looked like a frog about to blow up. "Fine, just know if you ever come crawling back, you're not Welcome." He snarled. Mistfang snapped her head back in surprised horror, then lowered her gaze. "I'm not coming back..." She mewed her voice shaking. "I belong here." Sighing with sadness she turn and padded towards the fresh-kill pile, head hanging. Thistle let out a snort and turned to Blueclaw. "You're still on my territory." he growled. "No, You're on ours." Blueclaw meowed. She nodded to Violetpaw. "Witch," Violetpaw started. "Gives us the right to chase you off!" She finished with a snarl and leaped at Thistle. Thistle had claws like torns and dug them deep into her shoulder. Violetpaw shrieked in pain and terror and whiped around and clawed his eyes. Mistfang stood frozen to the spot in horror. Violetpaw lunged at his hind leg with her jaws, missing him by a wisker and he slid away, alarmed. "Get out of our camp! you dont belong here!" Violet paw yowled with a hiss. Thistle leaped at her face, Violetpaw ducked out of reach of his claws. "That all you got old tom?" Violetpaw taunted. She spring at him and flew over his head landing behind him. She spun around and niped his legs. Thistle start moving towards the bramble thinket out, then he whipped around and hissed in her face and clawed her muzzle. She yelped in surprise, pain seared Violetpaws face and his claws slid through. Blueclaw leaped in front of her and Thistle aimed another blow. "Leave now and no more harm will come to you." Blueclaw snarled. Thistle didn't say a word just swiped his claws at her neck. His claws slid through her throat tearing it to shreds. Blueclaw choked and fell onto her back, sides heaving with the effort of breathing. Violetpaw stared down at her mentor in horror. She whipped her head around, eyes ablaze with fury as she gazed at Thistle, who was staring tripumhantly at Blueclaws body. Violetpaw leaped at his face clawing his eyes with such feriousicty that she felt them touch bone above his eyes. "How dare you hurt Blueclaw?" Violetpaw screeched as she jumped away from him, bristleing. Thistle stared at her his eyes blowing with hatred. "I am not asked too leave i leave on my own!" He snarled. "Not this time!" Violetpaw yowled and leaped at him bowling him over and making him skid backwards. Violetpaw swiped her paws at his face non stop. Thsitle started to back towards the exit. "Get out!" Violetpaw screeched as she battered at his face and chest. Thistle snarled and lashed out, Violetpaw dodged to the side and struck him down with a blow. Thistle rolled over and sprang too his paws snarling and hissing. Violetpaw lunged at his face and shoved him backwards out of camp. "Out!" She yowled as she shoved and battered him back. Thistle, wounded and blind, spun around and fleed into the trees leaving violetpaw alone outside camp, snarling. Violetpaw padded back into the camp, fur on end. She bolted over to Blueclaws side and nudged her wounded mentors side. "Blueclaw?" Violetpaw wispered, lowering her head to Blueclaw's ear. "Blueclaw?" She repeated. Blueclaw didn't move, just lay limply at Violetpaws side. "Blueclaw." Violetpaw wispered and layed her chin on Blueclaw's unmoving flank. Ashstar padded over to Blueclaw's body and hung his head in sadness, then leaped onto the Tribe Branch. "We will sit vigil for Blueclaw tonight, And tomorrow, Appoint Violetpaws new mentor." He yowled from where he stood, then jumped down to share tounges with Blueclaw for the last time. Violetpaw stayed by her mentor all night laying sadly and unable too sleep beside the body. When morning came, Ashstar lept onto the Tribe branch and summond the Tribe. "It is time to apoint Violetpaws new mentor!" He yowled. Violetpaw stayed where she was, eyes dull with grief. "Watertail, you will be Violetpaws new mentor." Ashstar yowled down to the warrior with a flick of his tail. Watertail nodded and dipped his head with a glace at Violetpaw still sitting by Blueclaw.

 It had been three sunrises since Blueclaws death, Violetpaw still hung her head on patrol, and ate barly a bite of fresh-kill.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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