Mahiru x Reader - Simple and Complex

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"You really don't have to put yourself through the trouble, Mahiru." You said, looking over to your best friend. He flashed you a smile before turning his attention to the kitchen.

"You're a guest in my house, so I'll make dinner for you." He said, grabbing the ingredients he needed. You stood up from the couch you were sitting on and made your way to the kitchen, grabbing Mahiru's wrist gently before he could get anything else.

"I always come to your house after school, its not fair that you cook every time. I know you want to help others, but you have to let others help you too." You protested, and the brunette stared at you with a surprised look.

"But (Name)-" He began, but you took a step closer to him, his wrist still held by your hand, and looked at him with a stern expression.

"No buts!" You let go of his wrist and got closer to his face. "Let me take care of you for once!" Mahiru then blushed, and you were a bit confused at first, but then what you said finally sunk in and you blushed as well.

"I-I mean a-as your b-best friend." You stuttered, looking at the ground and stepping back from the male. He scratched the back of his head, not knowing what he should say next.

"It's simple, isn't it?" You blurted, looking him straight in the eye. He smiled, bringing you into a hug. 

"You know I love things that are simple, and I hate complicated things." He said, and you were beyond a blushing mess at this point.

"I know that very well." You wrapped your arms around his, feeling comfortable in the warmth that was radiating off of his body. Mahiru then pulled away and pinched your cheek.

"Even though your complicated, I can make an exception just for you." He confessed, and you stared at him with wide eyes. Your best friend of so many years had basically said he liked you. This was your chance to tell him that you felt the same way.

"Mahiru I-" You began, only to get interrupted by a lazy voice.

"Mahiru, when's food going to be ready. I'm starving." You looked over to see his servamp, Kuro in his human form lying lazily on the ground.

"Actually, (Name) is going to make something today." Mahiru told his lazy partner, and you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that your chance was interrupted.

"Oh." Was all that Kuro said before switching the channel and continuing to watch the television screen. You sighed and began preparing something for the three of you to eat. During the entire time you were preparing, you didn't notice that Mahiru didn't take his eyes off of your form for one second.

"It's done." You said after a while, bringing three plates to the table. Kuro was actually willing to sit at the table with you two rather than just go eat on the couch like he normally does. 

"Woah! This is really good (Name)!" Mahiru exclaimed, continuing to eat your cooking with delight. You smiled, happy that you were able to do something for him. 

"It is good, way better than Mahiru's. I can barely face his cooking." Kuro said in his bored tone, causing his Eve and him to argue back and forth for a bit. You laughed out loud, getting the attention from the both of them.

"You two are so silly." You said, calming yourself from laughing so hard. After awhile, both of them smiled at you. Kuro stood up and placed his dishes in the sink before returning to his TV show. You took your own plate and began doing the dishes.

"Thanks for everything (Name)." Mahiru said, helping you out with the dishes. Once you were done, you turned off the water and dried your hands. You spun on your heel to face the boy.

"I never got to finish what I wanted to say." You said. He gulped and stared at you intently. 

"I love that you're simple!" You blurted, your face red again. His eyes were now wide.

"I've liked you for a long time." You said in a quieter voice, looking at the ground once again. You then felt a hand under your chin, making you look up at him. Before you could say anything, his lips were on yours. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck. It was a sweet kiss. Mahiru then pulled away, resting his forehead on yours.

"(Name), I like you too." He said, and you cupped his cheek, a smile etched on your face. You then brought him into another kiss.

You might have been the complicated one, and he may have been the simple one, but the two of you were perfect for one another; and now you both finally knew that.

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