Kuro x Drunk!Reader - Affectionate Type

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In the story, the reader (you) is of legal age to drink. If you are not, then just pretend and follow along. Also, you are Servamp and Eve. I hope this one isn't too bad.


You blinked a few times, leaning your head onto the counter with red tinted cheeks. You stared at the empty glass in front of you, as the different colors reflected through it creating a beautiful swirling image. After a few moments of just staring at the object, you forced yourself to sit up and raise your hand for another drink. The bartender nodded in your direction and gave you the same drink that you had previously. You picked it up and had a sip before you saw someone out of the corner of your eye sit on the stool next to you.

"(Name), I thought we were going straight home today." A bored voice talked as he looked at you with those lazy red eyes of his. You sighed, completely forgetting about the vampire. 

"Sorry; today was a bit stressful." You said truthfully as you drank a bit more of the alcohol and swallowed it. You put the empty glass back down and stretched, feeling unusually hotter than normal. You then let out a sigh and looked at your Servamp. 

"I don't like to admit it." You began. "But I am drunk." You said bluntly, letting out a small hiccup. Kuro just rolled his eyes in annoyance and stood up, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Lets go." He said. He had dealt with you being drunk before, and honestly, you weren't that bad. You were able to tolerate alcohol pretty well, and you were able to know when you were feeling tipsy or drunk. Most people would just go plain crazy, and if you had a few more, you would end up like that too. The bartender looked at you wondering if you wanted another, and with a shake of your head you placed the money on the counter and stood up sluggishly. 

"Will you carry me~." You said, giving a grin.

"What a pain." He leaned down and turned his back to you. Understanding, you gripped onto the taller male's shoulders and he stood up hooking his arms underneath your legs. He didn't want to do this, not at all, but he also didn't want you to be trying to navigate the town in the late evening. You had no sense of direction whatsoever during this state. You pressed yourself closer to Kuro, putting your head down on his shoulder.

People all act differently when they were drunk, and you were easily the affectionate type. You always clung onto your Servamp and cuddled him. Kuro didn't mind. He actually appreciated the fact that you weren't one of those crazy drunks, angry drunks, emotional drunks. You were just more affectionate and vulnerable than normal, and as long as you were with him, he wouldn't let anyone take advantage of you.

"Thank you, Kuro." You mumbled as your words slurred together slightly. He had started to walk back, avoiding the sun due to his personal preference.

"Anything for my Eve, even though you're troublesome." He said, his monotone like voice not wavering one bit. You chuckled a bit, which led to an array of hiccups.

"I'd do anything for you too..." You said, and this caused the light blue haired individual's cheeks to be slightly pink. He then cracked out a smile, which you caught. You then poked his cheeked and squished it. 

"Kuro smiled!" You exclaimed but then couldn't help but smile too. He turned his head away from your finger and muttered.

"I did not."

"You did too!" 

"Quit being a pain and go to sleep." He said, ending the conversation. You didn't pester him about it, but instead you hugged him from your position on his back. 

"You're adorable." You let those last two words slip from your mouth before you actually drifted to sleep. 

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