Mikuni x Reader - Thank You

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He stood there, watching your hair sway to the side as the wind went through the area. You were absolutely stunning to him. He could only stare with his mouth agape, clutching onto Abel as if his life depended on it. You took a step closer to the blond, leaving your suitcase in its place. Once you were less than a foot in front of him, you cupped his cheeks and laid your forehead on his.

"We knew this would happen eventually." You said in that sweet voice of yours that Mikuni adored from the moment he met you. Even Jeje warmed up to you as he got used to you hanging around. You two first met in front of Misono's mansion. After talking things out, you figured out that the two were related, and you helped the two of them mend what was broken. You had been there for them ever since, and you had become such a big part of their lives. 

"You can't go." He said, looking at the ground, trying to hold back his tears. It tore you to see him like this, but at the same time, you couldn't make the situation any better. 

You had to go back home. Your parents had got a job here in Japan, so you moved with them. That was when you found out about Servamp's and met the Envy Pair. It was a year since then, and now you had to move back to your home, which was not here. As you let out a sad sigh, you remember scolding yourself in front of your bedroom mirror back home. You told yourself to not make friends and to not get close with anyone, because separating would be unbearable.

And here you are now. 

The love of your life standing right in front of you, in tears because your leaving him. Mikuni chuckled and wiped his eyes.

"Is this how...my brother felt when I left him?" He said, more tears falling. This statement broke your heart, and you quickly embraced the male. This was so hard. You never saw him so defenseless. Jeje then slithered from Mikuni's neck and transformed into his human-like one, and hugged the two of you. 

"I want to stay..." You said, closing your eyes. "I warned you about this when I first met you. The plan was to isolate myself from everyone, but you made my life so much better." Mikuni had stopped crying at this point, and was just sniffing. He looked you in the eye, and you looked back at his. 

"Thank you." You felt tears of your own falling. Mikuni took notice and wiped them with his thumb, and Jeje had gone back to being a snake. 

"You can stay." You heard a voice from behind you. You turned your head and saw your parents. They tossed you a wallet containing the correct currency along with keys. You couldn't believe what was happening, and you just stared at them with wide eyes.

"It's funny how life works." One of your parents (or guardians) chuckled. "When I met this one." They began, nudging the other. "It was actually in a very similar situation as you two." 

"Really?" You said in disbelief. They smiled and waved at you.

"Take care of yourself, and make sure to call often." They said, and with that they were off. You were so thankful, but in the moment is was all still catching up with you, especially the fact that they trust Mikuni to take care of you. 

"That means great news right!" You smiled, and he kissed you on the lips with passion. You instantly melted into it. 

"It's not over yet." He said, when he pulled away. Then he took Abel and poked your nose with the doll gently.

"Plus I have to show you the rest of my antique collection!" He gave you a big smile, and you couldn't help but laugh.

"What are we waiting for?" You turned around and grabbed your suitcase, holding out your free hand towards him. He ran up to you and took it, leading you away to the lights of the evening city. There were two words repeating in your head, and with a content smile, you looked forward to a new, bright life. 

Thank you.

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