Becoming Stronger (Camila Cabello/Harry Styles Fanfic)

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Camila's POV (the whole story will be from her POV)

"Mom! Did you see that?" my ten-year-old son, Julian, yells from the middle of the field. His soccer team is practicing, and he always wants me to watch.

"Yeah! You're really great at scoring points!" I encourage him, giving him a thumbs up. I can see the smile on his face from way over here.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I take it out and see that my next door neighbor, Jennifer, is calling me.

"Hello?" I answer. I walk away from the bleachers. I don't want the other nosy moms listening to my conversation.

"Camila! Oh my gosh...oh my gosh," Jennifer says. She sounds hysterical. I can feel my heart beat faster. Something's wrong.

"What happened?" I ask.

"An front of your house...I heard a gunshot." Jennifer's words cause me to fall to the ground. Oh no. This can't be happening. What has Marcus done?

"Do you know what hospital it's going to?" I ask, getting a little hysterical myself. But, I'm trying to stay calm long enough to find out what happened.

"North Valley. Camila, the body was covered with a white sheet," Jennifer says, sobbing. I start to sob too.

"Meet me at the hospital. I'm gonna need your support." I run onto the soccer field and tell Julian that we have to leave right now. When he sees my tear-stained face, he knows that it's something serious. We practically run to my minivan. I can feel everyone's eyes on us, but I couldn't care less, especially not right now. I'm completely panicked. I don't feel like I can drive. But, I guess I'll have to. I send up a prayer for strength and quickly make my way to the hospital.

The body was covered with a white sheet. Jennifer's words play over and over again in my head. Who's dead? It's one of these four people: my husband Marcus, or one of my other three kids, Cole, Josie, and Sofia. They were all still at home when Julian and I left, and I don't think any of them were going anywhere. What if Marcus killed all three of them? Oh my gosh, I don't even want to think about that. It's bad enough that Marcus always beats me, but has he really gotten to the point where he hurts our children too?

My mind is still racing when I park in the parking garage at the hospital. I enter the emergency room.

"May I help you, miss?" the lady at the desk asks. She gives me a sympathetic smile; I guess she sees that I'm really freaking out.

"Umm, was anyone with the last name "Miller" taken here in the last hour?" I ask. I'm so scared that she's going to tell me something that I don't want to hear.

"Yes, a man named Marcus Miller was brought here around thirty minutes ago. He had a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Of course he was already dead when he got here, but the paramedics thought it would be worth trying to revive him. They said something about his kids begging them to," she answers. Marcus. My husband of seventeen years is dead. I can't believe this. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

"I'm his wife," I tell her.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! Well since you're family, we need you to identify his body. He's in room number 364, I think. Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss..." the woman keeps talking, but it's like I can't even hear what she's saying. Jennifer enters the emergency room and hugs me, but I just stand there. It's like I'm numb or something. Marcus is dead. That seems so weird, considering the fact that I just saw him a couple hours ago. My mind is a mess and I can hardly think straight, but I do realize one thing.

I'm free.


Hey guys! @DominiqueHeartsU and I are writing this story together. We're just gonna put it on both of our accounts, since you can't really officially collaborate on Wattpad yet.


Camila is not famous in this story. In this story, she is 35 and it's 2014.

The chapters will be much longer than this, I promise. This is just the prologue :)

And if you were wondering about the murder mystery story, I'm putting that on hold until I finish this.

Please vote and comment!!!! And tell your friends!!! And stay tuned to find out more of Camila's life story!


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